Ξς/Jessie's Friends
TinyProd Boo-Yah_Gamer
Hey whats going on guys im Boo-Yah_Gamer/TinyProdigy and this is my page. I know what your thinking why dose he have to gamer tags its because a Zelda game wouldent let my name be BYG so i went with TinyProdigy. anyways some of you guys know i love Zulda games (skyward sword) but the game i like the most are the ones i can play with you guys. so thats it #YOLO. dont forget to follow if want 2 play
şг★kody kody147
yeah my favourite post. my clan: homer (co leader) sliver ethan more soon rampage states MK8 VR 7k BR 1k splatoon level 5 rank c- my age is 10 clans şr мςν?
Rebecca beckychilli21
Alo! Anyone can be my friend! I love Undertale and a bit of Mario Kart from time to time. :3
emma scilence
i am very good at games and love puzzle games too. But i love the last of us
ferb c604765
Gingin AussieBeef54099
Greetings inhabitants of the Earth, I'm AussieBeef54099 and I am the incarnation of all that is Aussie and Beefy (though genetics tell me otherwise) and a humble servant to our great potato overlords!