crystal<>*'s Followers
********** TylerZBan
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ちーにゃん ABC5059AIUEO
トプ画に共感お願いします-_-” ミバ終わるのですごい投稿します>< フォロワー500人ありがとです! 小4の猫好きですー・ω・ 【お知らせ】 私のお絵描き投稿のコメ来てください! と書いてある投稿でミバお疲れ会を やってます。ただし、今まで私に 嫌がらせしてきた人は、参加禁止とさせていただきます。 初対面様の参加OKです! ミバ終わるので、いっぱいフォローさせて頂きます。返してくれたら嬉しいです! ゆいたんだ~いすき!って子が もうフォロー外していいよと言っていました。 その子をフォローしてる方は外してください。 ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ いつもどうり、パクリ、悪コメなどは禁止です~><。 ぜひミバお疲れ会に参加してください!
#Newまーくん maaas2308
日々テスト勉強とゲームの誘惑に 追われている中2男子です。 好きな物:ONE OK ROCK チラチーノ 車 部活:ソフトテニス (部長 テニスでは調子いいけど、 恋愛面ではうまくいっていないです… 無言でフォローする時があります。 目指せフォロワー500人! 共感フォローよろしくお願いします! 11/7更新
Nana marie852
ケンさん MI6-007WWWW
あれ、あ!こんにちは マイクラ歴2年位 建築大好き、pvp苦手 好きな、YouTube ルナ、カレエライス ゆっくりK 伝説の、ブロさん、JAPAPA. 好きな、アニメいろいろ です。
Pam★☆ pamalishous
I love you all so much thank you for supporting me on ..... Everything actually you are all so near and dear to my heart i actually want to cry cause it's the last day of miiverse I found everything i needed on miiverse to say hello and hi you guys did that for me and i feel so grateful R.I.P. Miiverse November 12,2012 to November 7, 2017 now i lastly want to say what i always say i luv u miss u♡♥
мкм*Diego laurisg1975
Hey everyone! Mario Kart 8 rules! мкм
KINGJULIAN kingjulian2
I love playing DisneyInfinity now who want to play with me and I love watching netflix and will u chating and taking to my friends
peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
saoirse rainbowsa
if you guys can see this:( im sorry that i cant post i WAS not avalailible to miiverse ask sierra what happend to me she knows and i am at washingtion gorgia by the time you can see this i love ya'll and hope you can have a nice day and i still play BOTW W/DLC by the time i am back from washington gorgia miiverse will be closed have a good time in miiverse bye
kitylover2 reaper2222
i hate being banned let me tell u my favorite game. i like mariokart8,super mario maker,minecraft the legend of zelda breath of the wild,and i hate pacman ghoutly adventurea!!!!
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
Ayush ayush007
Hi guys I love Roblox so check it out but there is Robux in the game which cost money but it's worth it but I never got any Robox but soon. Anyway Hope your a Roblox fan Byeeeee!!!! P.S. Give me RUBUXX!!!!!!
Toniet ToniYMarc
Hola soy Toni soy un niño muy divertido de 10 años si me seguis os seguire a vosotros #savemiiverse gracias por los 300 seguidores a ver si llegamos a los 500 seguidores creo que el boton de seguir esta roto dale a ver si funciona
logan lizzomynizzo
にゃあ。 ANNI1515
どーも にゃあでございます(' ω ') ミーバース終わってしまいますね…。 とても悲しいですがまたどこかでお会いできたら嬉しいですネ ! これから多分オンライン系のニックネームは *とーふ *にゃあ なので見かけたらよろしくですぅぅ 本当にありがとうございましたっ…。 5258 0597 6671 »»'11/7'コーシン««
F²pwawaĢς deessesiva
Salut tous le monde je joue souvent à splatoon et minecraft. J'adore le football et je serais ravis de faire votre connaissance.Je suis dans la team des F²p et Ģς. Je suis rang S+ sur splatoon. Si vous voulez de l'aide pour monter dans splatoon demander moi en amis. Je suis né en 2007 le 20 janvier alors j'ai dix ans. Abonnez vous et je m'abonnerai à vous.
McCallum snapbackmichael
Hi im McCallum i like nintendo games, i like Minecraft and other fun games on the 3DS, WII U, and on the nintendo switch.
Kittycat kittycat61209
Hello i play minecraft for the most and im a fnaf fan if you like minecraft friend me ^-^ And have a Purr-fect day!
スヌーピー daisuke0911
4649 フォローしてくれたら必ず返します 200人とっぱ
Jay Branjay1
business best rights united top images
Aurra AurraMinx
My name is Aurra. I love Nintendo!
WWE2K17 jimmythewildcard
i have no friends
justin™$$$ reaper6795
hi my gool is to get 100 friends and 1,000,000
buster kay229
Caden PandaClan-123
hey guys im a fan of dbz so dont be suprised if thats mostly what I upload
Danielito jose_draco2
よんよん yonyon440721
よんよんです よろしく
Papa ohodoyan
Ostrich cupcakecatz00
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jonathon coolvibe103
poppy poppydahchat
HOI! my name is poppy
wölfy mr.merius
hey every one im Wolfy and im a fifteen year old rapper,gamer & programmer. Im also looking for forward to playing with u guys .So guys if u want me to i rap some songs for u guys i will. anyway..i LOVE ANIME, BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE, ROBLOX, MINECRAFT, AVAKIN LIFE, & SPLATOON!!! if u have and of thoose games pls comment down below.shout out to myboys:yoshigodZILLA,Herobrinesreals,& Lovely0515
lexi loula_85
Noshikoe BRENTJESS970
Mike michaelaaron31
I love Minecraft ,it is extremely cool!
Mysisfan29 Leemar2009
Hi my name leelee minecraft and mario cart 8 are my favorite games if you have these games to feel free to join me all you have to do is freind me all so follow my freinds babygirl2007 she the best also someone please save miiverse we will all miss him *sigh* :'(
Connor Neary11
Hi everyone im connor neary and please send me a friend request :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Will squilliam2508
hello i am nice i love fnaf i love minecraft i love splatoon plz be my friend i will be happy if you i promise
jonathon jk1065
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puglover loganhollamon
daddy dollar11
hi my name crystal!i love drawing!my gramma died and to cats i only live with dad and my athour s...
hi my name crystal!i love drawing!my gramma died and to cats i only live with dad and my athour siblings!!i got a new cat!!!!thats my story!!!