crystal<>*'s Friends
kiki kendall200
Zoey Zoey_undertale12
heya. wazzup?? friend me, or whatever...
Angie Gammergirl_108
Hi! The name is Angie! I hope yall are having a good day! Hope you like my posts as much as I like yours!
sparkies sparkies233
hi im reapergirl yonger sister my mom is reaper in minecraft and im shy to talk to others!
HappyGame HakimGame511
Aie . Sa fait mal de me cliquer dessus . Pour la peine tu à le drois de t'abonner ou de m'ajouter en amis , des infos sur moi ? ... Je suis un grand fan de Five Nigths At Freddy ....Tellement fan que mes amis disent que je ne parle que de FNAF et malheuresement ils n'ont pas fini avec moi . Bref je suis sympa , j'aime Minecraft . Voilà . Passe bonne journée ou soirée ciao ;) ...
ジャック mmjjyy3821
元ジャック(ニンテンドーネットワークiD mmjjyy)でした そのアカウントのパスワード忘れた\(^o^)/
jonice jonicerrorcode23
dont make fun of me or else...
ashley reapergirl52
jk marz is not gone shes alive i like to do rps of mario or adventure time or walking dead friend me if u like to rp!
ニャー 385024
superj superjohnathen
SpopyFrisk BendyAndInk36
*soo..... *suddenly, pineapples* fell sanspai *still* out of posts: nu romance: single i need a soul: ♡
bob luiskim112
MemeLover Lonni0505
Dear Followers and Friends, I will miss all of you. It was nice having people who understood me. It makes me sad that Nintendo is closing...maybe we'll meet again...someday... With great Anger-Pain-Sadness, MemeLover♥♥♥♥♥♥
Fan Lyrae* chipieenzobabouc
Cc tous le monde chui jentille:***** méchante:*(quand on m insulte) mes couleur préféré sont:or,rose,argent,rouge,bleu ciel et rose pale mon obectif:avoir 1000 abonne vous !merki! 2 ieme odjectif:avoir 100amies de préférence français(e) alors dépêchez vous il reste plus que 40 places et en plus miiverse va fermer :,{ et surtout il faut soutenir emilie tous pour emilie!!!
asialinn asialinnsimmons
Will squilliam2508
hello i am nice i love fnaf i love minecraft i love splatoon plz be my friend i will be happy if you i promise
DJA mn3889
★Im DJA ★ I know how to do tutorials and stuff. Fav, Pokken,MC,Pokemon,And Mario Kart 7 Favorite Song is ENNARD,and other FNAF songs. '~' if you can you can fight me if you have pokken tornament Topics i like: Anime, Comedy, Drama, Funny, (and of course sad stories.) Phrase: Game On! Rules on my posts: 1. yeah only if you like it 2. dont do bad grammer 3.Friend me on pur..
Jojo MollySparklePop1
☆Яeпéе★ KathrineGentes
Welcome to my profile! My name is really Renée so don't call me Kathrine. I'm obsessed with dubstep and bands. Shout out to PixelGeek432 he's my awesome boyfriend♥♥♥ I always have game chat on but I never talk because i'm not allowed to do online games and if I talked my parents would know, so please don't ask me to talk...
weegee kaviuslu12
Greystorm Greystorm3141
I'm a fan of a lot of YouTubers, this includes JeromeASF, PewDiePie, DanTDM, Jacksepticeye, BajanCanadian, Frizzlenpop, Tewtiy, Tannerfishies I love reading Warriors by Erin Hunter Cartoons/tv shows that I have watched or am watching, and still love, are Doctor Who, MLP, Pokemon, Samurai Jack, Lego Ninjago, Lego Nexo Knight, Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Max Steel, TMNT, Slugterra and Danny Phantom
wiggles HopeMarie09
kierra pinkmema
Sofie family20044
hey! my name is Sofia.I joined here about 2 months ago. im a huge fan of all animals!i have a dog ( inka) and getting a blue tongue skink! please feel welcome to friend or follow me. you can learn more about me in a chat room! p.s. Jhonny Depp is the only one who can pull off Jack Sparrow in POTC!
YadereChan Kelsey919
Oww MY FACE THAT HURT Anyway Hi i am Kitty Thats not my real name So... am a girl i am into leader of pg clan you can join i like Minecraft/ Spatoon/ art . ps i do take friend not emtpy ones I♥RPS
MePhone frankie0924
Pästël Ink Ominous_wind2002
hi im rose i love to play games like mariokrt splatoon minecraft and many more games!
jj wolfy109
reeser 10Milkshakes
i enjoy playing games
Alyssa ^.^ rossyalvarez
Hello nice to meet you ( NO WiiU CHATS!! ) Here some things about me Fav color:black,purple,white Fav activity:WiiU and Phones Fav games :splatoon,splatoon 2 and minecraft Also Fav youtubers: @Aphmau,@WhiteHawke,@Guava juice and glitchers Lastly,here are the clans i am in:SA★,ςκ★,ςκƒ★,GS/,[gε],SCF★,GSG♂,мς,SKS}★,«SS»☆●˛●Shark♪and yes im the leader of the ςκƒ★ clan and GSG♀ Bye People!♥
mario™ yagisaka
Hey guys the name is mario™, AKA, DATe.d. The things I like to do are drawing, any art in general, dancing, acting, doing impressions, etc. I have many talents and like fashion as well. like, comment, follow me and friend me!
DanTDMfan5 Augustdaddy
lexi loula_85
Blaze lulu20350
Guys miiverse is ending :-O :-(
なぜ おれ RUICYON2003
フレンド ナッテ オネガイ フォロー オネガイ
kaz karenvasquez2607
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Madison cierra1986
Hi, Welcome to my profile My name is Madison Games i play Minecraft Minecraft Story Mode Roblox Im here to have fun!!! Bye!
Scarlet★ scarlethagger
Hi my name is Scarlet and I am a very kind and caring girl and I play: Minecraft, Splatoon, AUMR, Super smash bros, Legend of zelda wind waker and LOADS of other games!!!!^o^ P.S. be minionmimi's friend...and mine!♥★♥★
izik silverr2015
do never give up all ways love and be strong love all no matter wut
Hailey sarahcee1989
if you want to play with me just send me a friend request ok=)
Carlye LumanFamily
This user's profile comment is private.
Dad's Girl Purple126
This user's profile comment is private.
Tigerplayz ELIASisawesomeok
Rossy uscanga2708
CringeyTem jase05125
Hi im Jason i like to play minecraft ssb4 splatoon mario kart 8 and Breath of the wild. Fav book series:Warriors Fav Movie:dont have one Fav Show:Rick and Morty Fav Anime:Dragon Ball Super And Im 12 year old boy. Fav Animal:Cat Sooo thanks for reading my profile! Congratulations You Have Reached The Bottom
Zeeshan!♂★ mona055
it so sad I come back to Miiverse everyone you Miss me right.everyone give me yeah and comment you amazing.
Julia Juliasnetworkid1
my name is Julia, I am a girl, my favorite color is purple, my favorite animal is a lion but I like all the other kinds of cats too I love pokémon, my favorite pokémon is sylveon, I love playing minecraft, and if you treat me nicely then I will treat you nicely too, that's all for now, so, I hope you be my friend ;)
Austin conn85
Profile comment hidden by admin.
B.Fraser B.Fraser
so hi welcome to my profile i play minecraft MARIO MAKER MARIO KART 8 AND A 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GT BUDDY Buddydel
Rose wolfjammer
へたっぴ Masaki2331
stenio Mimizia
Nhi ntruong80
Hello! Plz friend me anytime and I may accept it. You could play Minecraft with me if it is an online game. Remember to always love the rainbows!
☆★Faith★☆ TECHTV11 faith i like... fnaf ( five nights at freddys) slatoon nintendo land undertale( any one) all of my pets . if you fallow me i will fallow you. let get 100 friends and 1000 fallowers Dont be afrad to give me a friend reqest or fallow me give me challenges we can have lots of fun. it me
beanbaby 123ally
i like beans ._. My names lily and Im 16 Im pretty shy :(
idk peggy850
i like to party and dance and i love everyone the same way love y'all lovelys♥♥♥♥love
wölfy mr.merius
hey every one im Wolfy and im a fifteen year old rapper,gamer & programmer. Im also looking for forward to playing with u guys .So guys if u want me to i rap some songs for u guys i will. anyway..i LOVE ANIME, BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE, ROBLOX, MINECRAFT, AVAKIN LIFE, & SPLATOON!!! if u have and of thoose games pls comment down below.shout out to myboys:yoshigodZILLA,Herobrinesreals,& Lovely0515
cyd cydniwidni
hey guys i love mario and minecraft!! friend request me if ur interested in playing i love parkour maps ,hide and seek, survival, creative, i love it all!!
★Unique★ UniqueStar3375
Hello! Hola! Konichiwa! My name is Unique, and I'm 14! Now as you guys know miiverse is ending right?? Im so thankful for all of my followers,and my friends being with me since the beginning! ♥Juicyj1976♥, this is a huge thank you as your loving bae, but we will still be together in minecraft, and especially our hearts! You are my world and you mean this much to me... ♥Love u and everyone else♥
makaylee Kayleebug09
kitty qeen jerseyflower30
Hey guys my name is Lyric and I love minecraft and Mariokart 8 And games like that I am Eight and I have a cousin on here his name on wiiu is Ladilebron so yea just friend me and we can have fun together #FlowerForLife
Sophia Sophia006
hello im sophia,If any of you have a switch...YOUR SOOOO LUCKY! NOT KIDDING! cause you can get my dream game;super mario odyssey! I WANT IT SOOOO BADLY! well I could get it for my birthday or xmas,well I have one last thing to say...I WILL MISS YOU MIIVERS *CRIES* BYE:(
jet_vek yayaguga
abraham abrahamerrera541
Elijah hotpocket466
Welcome to my profile here are some games i like to play. Nintendo dogs+cats,pokemon omega ruby,Animal Crossing new leaf,Super Mario Bros.3, Super Mario World, Mario kart 8 and 7, Pokemon Sun and Moon, and Mario Party 10.
jj s0ccerdude1
★JADEN★ jaden1434
I want to save the world and no human will stop me !.... so are u with me I also lov anime and i like all types of anime but my fav so far is probably attack on titan Im also kind of a fan of attack on titan junior high #Save miiverse
Kslicky Kslicky
ivan234 ivan234
hi im ivan im good at building and im a god at pvp i like building cities and i have a very cool survival world last thing im a savage
Mkmonsters vannfam1
hi I love minecraft and mario cart 8 and iam nice so consider freinding me!!!!
Noshikoe BRENTJESS970
Jesse vezoktor
Molly zobos_mama
I luv minecraft, pikmin two and three, and sushi! i'm not much of a talker tho...
hi my name crystal!i love drawing!my gramma died and to cats i only live with dad and my athour s...
hi my name crystal!i love drawing!my gramma died and to cats i only live with dad and my athour siblings!!i got a new cat!!!!thats my story!!!