He posted it on ¢l0$edver$e, which is essentially a replacement for Miiverse he made with another h@¢ker
★☆RedSplat's Yeahs
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

NSLUC is gone guys. IT'S GONE
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

151 Pokémon in 1st Generation, 151 Discussions by Magenta
Goodbye everyone! Miiverse will be missed. Go to Cl0s3dv3rse!
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

By Miiverse I'll miss you
Ive had a lot of memory with this cringy,funny,app as a whole its been corny and fun at the same time. Ill misx you miiverse.(ps if you dint know miiverse ends today)
Why hello
I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, ...
Why hello
I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, I'm going to miss this place. Stay awesome guys!
"Before I say goodbye to you, one more last fist bump!"