★☆RedSplat's Followers
ML123 ML1236
Hey everybody my fav games are Mario,Sonic,Pac-Man,Legend of Zelda, Mega Man, and of course the Awesome Super Smash Bros. Series!!!!! SSB4 is the best one ever!!!!!!!!!
Kwagz zeldacdi
don't mind me just being trashy as usual No Problem Here I like Earthbound Sonic Pokémon SSB Loz Mario Xenoblade Chronicles Fire Emblem I don't like Ike most Fan Fics LucasxNess Haters Weegee Porky Minch Star Fox SmashCast don't mind this blankness Weenie Hut Russia The creator of the You were Expecting meme Forgive me Iwata AGNUS!
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Destiny prettylittleyana
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¤Jessica jessz1239
Hello I am Jessica! I like to draw. Some of my favorite TV shows are Ninjago, Steven Universe, and Miraculous Ladybug. Also I like to watch anime.Yo hablo un poquito de español. Some of my favorite youtubers are Aphmau, Jacksepticeye!, CoryXKenshin and IHasCupquake. My favorite games are mk8, Minecraft Story Mode, Minecraft, Geometry Dash, and Splatoon.I like Hamilton.(σωσ) #Garmau♥#Zane~Chan Bye!
★Jake★ TheGoldenGamer9
Listen, I'm just depressed that Miiverse is ending, ive had the wii u since 2013, Ive had so many good memeories on here, Please don't end it. Hello air breathing mammals 1 Follow = 1 Cookie You also might know me from YT. I can't put my channel name cause its against the CoC (Code of Conduct) You only make dead memes dead.
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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Reginald BoomerangBro78
Profile comment hidden by Villager. oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53 this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess
Bob-omb RNRAngel
Hi im back. Yes i know nobody likes me. Follow these people! ↓ Cool_Koopa_2295 YokeSquad BobDaGhost LemonMaser Cooliooo123 Clans: Neo Fav Sport: Wrestling and Basketball Fav Game: Botw and Animal Crossing City Folk Least Fav Trend: Dabbing and Fidget spinners STOP theres nothing here ummmmm BYE
hi guys my name is jay jay and im 14 i play mk8 im the 2x champion and my favourite character is mario, my favourite angles are kari and steph qt and im one of the AO members KS , BH and AR
★CRYSTALA★ ribbongirl123
hey guys my favorite games are mario kart8,splatoon,super mario 3d world and just dance 4 my BFFs are noe gem★??? jorden F A R T agent 3 and jaily go follow them and i cant wait to get splattoon 2 bye.
nice >:] kek-rip
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Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
Kirito A07krch
Hi I'm Chris. Nice to met you. I'm very popular in school. And I make friends real fast. So i want to make friends in miiveres to. And I'm a real nice person too. And I specialy do not swear. And my age is 17. If you guys wanted to know. And in 11th grade too. And I'm Rich and I go to private school. I go to church every sunday.And i have a girlfriend already so girls out there i'm so sorry.
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
Agent 5 SplatAgent777
I write Splatoon 2 Stories! Read them if you'd like! Things Splatoon 2 NEEDS 1. Playable Octolings 2. A few more hairstyles and legwear (JUST GIVE THE BOYS PANTS) 3. Salmonlings (I guess idk) 4. 24/7 Salmon Run (MOST IMPORTANTLY) 5. New weapon types 6. More single player (Mayble Salmonids with playable Octolings?) 7. Fan suggested Splatfests
doody DootSproot
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Best lol00123
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↓JoJo↓ cleefus
meh name is meep i like deez games) undertale spatloon mindcraft prodigy ♀ gamer (isnt it ovios?) meep meep follower goal: 125 (make sure to follow RubyCraftPop) i change my mii alot. get over it
TigerKing StoryShift329
I want your floppy-disk to be my hard drive. "yee" - Bob-omb 7/29/17 I want Monster Rancher to come back one day. Favorite Pokemon: Umbreon Favorite Digimon: Lunamon Favorite Monster from MR: Tiger Favorite Color: Dark Blue Favorite Anime: Konosuba Chemical Bond of the Year: Helium Nitride + Tantalum Iodide (courtesy of Λяснéя)
yukky♪ Yki-22
yukky♪デス フォローお願いします!フォローしてくれた方100%返します。無言フォローもOK!です。 趣味は、アニメを見る、声優さんが好きです! 声優さん (男性声優) 信長k、梶k、しもんぬ、じゅんじゅん、たっつん、神谷s、良平k、内山s、界人k、柿原s、壮馬k、小野D、梅原s、夏樹k 1番だったら信長k…もういっぱい! 女性声優さんだと 雨宮s、戸松c、黒沢s、花澤s、日高c、黒澤s アニメだと Free!、ディアラバ、男水!、暗殺教室、マギ、境界のRinne、虹色デイズ、カブキブ!、東京グール(キャラクターなら)、クラシカロイド、将国のアルタイル、DIVE、コンビニカレシ タメ、全然OKですっ! 私は、中学2年生です。 アニメと声優好きなので色々なところで関わりがあるかもしれないので…その時はよろしくお願いします!
NiceMii PeaceLoveForgive
If you came to my profile account to block me that means I won.
TPΔ ΔΙεχ kirbyfan007
Î'м мΔжîп' Δ €ιΔп Δпdz îł ωîĺĺ ßε ƒųп. Sorry, that's all you need to know about me, my clan will- Something I can't share on here yet Joined 6/26/2017.
SplatBlade ETIKA1234
♪★maurice↑ maurice-cup
don't do wiiu chat I relax try not to get banned from miverste really im a fan of dragen ball z nothing else but miverste I whatch yutuebe neflix chuchyroll and aldut swim
jaden m jadenjm2
Reese's Puffs, Reese's Puffs, Eat em up, Eat em up, Eat em up, Eat em up! Hello and Welcome to my Page. Enjoy my Truckloads of Outdated Memes and Gaming Funnies. Favorite Smash Fighter: Kirby & Toon Link I Have Many Games, But I Mostly Play Minecraft, Breath of The Wild, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros And Lego Dimensions. Stay Fresh! I Also Gave My Mii A Redesign. That Is All.
Kobe Kobe51
Hi I'm Kobe (14) and I live in NJ. I have a Switch so i never use my Wii U anymore. Favorite Stuff: Game: Metroid Prime Genre: Shooting/Co-op Drink: Pepsi Cherry Youtuber: Switchforce
şēŕēηαΤĎΙΜ zaza285
★Rayan★ rayan0412
Bonjour je suis Rayan je suis gentil★★★★★★★★★★★★ méchant quand on m'énerve★★★★★★★★★★★★ mignon★★★★★★★★ j'aime yo kai watch franky et voilà et comme jeux miitopia team kirby clash deluxe la nouvelle maison du style 2 youtube new super mario bros 2 J'organise des concours c'est dans mon journal de jeu a plus lol abonner vous svp!J'aime deux personnes qui commence par v,s!je suis beau!
Elementor linkjmc
Hi my name is Jayce I love Nintendo games including The Legend of Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Pokémon,and Smash bros. I have about 50 some games.
★Yuvis★ yslee0815
Hello, I'm Yuvis the hedgedog~♪^•^* I like to draw splatoon, pixel paint, art academy, and super smash bros for Wii U. My favorite character is Sonic because he's cool and awesome. And another is Roslina and Luma. Those girls are pretty and powerful. So thanks for reading guys, and see you soon~♪
LucasLVL99 sacboy
Salut ! Je suis Arca aussi appelé Arca.(I can speak English too) I accept all friends requests/J'accepte toute les demandes d'amis. I'm in Miiverse since 2012 I'm a Earthbound/Mother fan,etc...
AIDEN LuigiDidIt
ΣΨBrayan barbedwire21
Hey it's me Brayan! I am a Pokemon Master and love Pokemon. I am in the ΣΨ clan! -I borrow my bros mk7 to play it so i don't take requests. -I enjoy Metriod Prime Blast Ball DEMO and Monster Hunter Generations DEMO. -I have a lot of Pokemon games -I love Super Mario Bros Deluxe My brother is Corrin£¹ Gotta Catch Em All Fav mystical is Manaphy/Phione Fav poke is Quagsire/Drapion
connor man connorman7314
sup, games are awesome!
Taco2 PacothePikachu2
This is Pacotaco's 2nd account! Go read my main account's SSB Series: S1-15 ep S2-4 ep so far! I also made another series: Paco's Adventure! Check out all 5 episodes! Be sure to Yeah them if you enjoyed! It helps me a lot! Go follow my main: PacothePikachu! Oh! Taken by: RoseRoco (kitkat7201) Main: PacoRoco (PacothePikachu) If you have read this far, then take care! See you on my main!
nana nana_awesome1234
follow me friend request me i dont care i accept most im a nice person kinda shy at first im a really goofy person chill and awesome to talk to to play volleyball i roller skate i love to cook i also dance i like to joke around so if i say mean im not being mean i just joking i also would say jp i go from zero to 1hunnid real quick so dont try the system
UNDERWATER thesonicfan817
Hi world! Im javier but call me jav.I have Super Smash Bros and a lot more games! When im way older like 14 I wanna be a YOUTUBER. please subscribe JELLY (he is a youtuber) join my clan on clash of clans
AliceAngel beagonzlez
This user's profile comment is private.
Why hello
I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, ...
Why hello
I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, I'm going to miss this place. Stay awesome guys!
"Before I say goodbye to you, one more last fist bump!"