Users Renan Is Following
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
Jun Jun_pedro
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Yuuzinha Yuuzinha
Hi! I'm Janaína from Brazil~★ Nice to meet you~♪
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Jhonny pjhonny
Jun perequetrefis
Robert Robie-chan
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =) I'm 27 I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all. Thanks for visiting
õдо CapnRinku
ANJOS_90 Thiago_Anjos
Hi guys!
My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros.
My top 3 Games:
The Legend Of Z...
Hi guys!
My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros.
My top 3 Games:
The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Super Smash Bros (all)
Tales of Symphonia
My Favorite Character: Princess Zelda
I also drawing a lot and always share something here, so I'm glad if you follow me and give YEAH on my drawings. Thank you so much and...
Let's be friends!
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