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Hi guys! My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. My top 3 Games: The Legend Of Z...
Hi guys! My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. My top 3 Games: The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time Super Smash Bros (all) Tales of Symphonia My Favorite Character: Princess Zelda I also drawing a lot and always share something here, so I'm glad if you follow me and give YEAH on my drawings. Thank you so much and... Let's be friends! ▲ ▲ ▲
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Drawings YouTube Community
05/19/2017 9:52 PM
Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
04/29/2017 8:48 PM
Urbosa <3
04/10/2017 11:29 PM
Que homem esse Sidon !!! haha sorriso brilhante *
04/08/2017 5:08 AM
In love with this pic, in love with this game!!!
04/05/2017 1:23 AM
In-Game Art Academy Community
03/28/2017 12:33 AM
Thumper, this game is so beautiful :)
03/25/2017 5:26 AM
Ash :)
03/12/2017 10:50 AM
Does anyone here know Dad_as_heck ?? :)
10/19/2016 9:40 AM
And the journey begins with a goodbye...
10/19/2016 7:42 AM
This time, we fight together!
10/19/2016 5:22 AM
Early one morning, Link was having a nightmare, it was the same nightmare he had every night.
Play Journal Entries Art Academy
10/19/2016 3:15 AM
Ocarina of Time section :)
10/19/2016 3:05 AM
Each Kokiri had his or her own guardian fairy, except one. His name was Link.
10/17/2016 2:36 AM
Deku tree: Hurry little Navi, find the boy!
10/17/2016 1:43 AM
Power, Courage, Wisdom.
10/17/2016 12:07 AM
Nayru, Din, Farore... The Creation
10/05/2016 4:06 PM
Ocarina of Time
10/05/2016 3:06 PM
Deku ♡
05/28/2016 2:45 AM
05/28/2016 2:15 AM
Play Journal Entries Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U
05/25/2016 2:45 AM
This is my hair, I don't wear wigs ♪
Drawings Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community
05/25/2016 2:31 AM
In-Game Replay Viewing Community
05/18/2016 9:07 PM
I Decide to main Bay and Gannon, so let's have some training :)
Play Journal Entries Pokkén Tournament
04/10/2016 8:58 PM
I'm sorry, time to sleep! have good dreams..
Support Zelda!
12/31/2015 2:07 PM
Hi guys!
My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros.
My top 3 Games:
The Legend Of Z...
Hi guys!
My favorites games: Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros.
My top 3 Games:
The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Super Smash Bros (all)
Tales of Symphonia
My Favorite Character: Princess Zelda
I also drawing a lot and always share something here, so I'm glad if you follow me and give YEAH on my drawings. Thank you so much and...
Let's be friends!
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