The main character from VVVVVV... But I've actually never played that game lol
Jason's Yeahs

Thank you for all your help. The patch has been completed and sent to Nintendo for approval. Let's hope it goes fast. There is also something nice coming our way. More on that soon :)

Yeah, and they could have at least desinged X with that in mind. Many enemies are out of reach, but because of this, sub weapons are more important. The axe is almost required if you want to make ...

It's been over a year since I played SC4, but I just played through it again, and it's better than I remember, the music fits the game perfectly. it does look and sound good, so I my earlier post w...

I agree all the way! Why did they remove the convenient controls of 4? Shoulder button for a sub-weapon, whipping in 8 directions and free air movement were great inclusions that made 4 more fun ...

I think I need to go back and play 4 again, I get what you're saying though, the dark eerie look of the game and the music fits the atmosphere same with bloodlines. I won't say much about Sotn and ...

Castlevania 4 has waaaaaaay more multiple scrolling and little details in the background than Dracula X. That is a provable fact. It's not even close. The artwork is much more detailed too. Dra...

Dracula X looks and plays no where near as good as Castlevania 4. Heck, the SNES Dracula X doesn't even look and play as well as Dracula X on PC Engine and that is inferior to C 4 too. Castlevani...

Where's the attention to detail that 4 had and where's the mode 7 scrolling that 4 had? Entire Rooms rotated in Super. What do we have here that really makes it stand out? In m opinion, Super Castl...
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Community

when are they going to put castlevania bloodlies on the wii u vc?
Hi my name's Jason, i'm 21, and I love 80s Heavy Metal music and clothing style and everything ab...
Hi my name's Jason, i'm 21, and I love 80s Heavy Metal music and clothing style and everything about it. I love The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil, Castlevania, Pikmin, Mario, Pokemon, Golden Sun, Kirby and many more video game series. I also love horror movies especially ones from the 80s
Nintendo Network games I own
need for speed, Injustice, Ninja G, Smash, Mh 3, mk8, and Cod Bops 2.