Jason's Friends
amanda knoxxy96
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Dead Lulu SylviaKi11dMe666
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Cody MonsterSlayer2
u keepa makin video big boi
Ryan ROCKNROLLramones
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IGotchya IGotchya
Names IGotchya. Best at being the man. Love MARIO KART 8, 007 LEGENDS, And Sometimes I may even get on some Sing Party . I love it all as long as it's Nintendo. But I really love the online stuff. Friend me and we can team up or vs. each other in what ever online games I have in my Wii U collection. See you online or drop me a message. Give me friend resgests!
khomboo MeowBoo
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Wolfy wolflinkray
My name is Ramon but u can call Me ray. My hobbies are drawing playing with animals,archery and swordplay. I dream to one day be an actor or an explorer.
ra ramiranda
MR.Magic poppybill
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Thomas xPalmtopTiger
kid by day, squid by night
Maddux maddux04
SAW:LEGACY Huitzilopochtli3
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isak aracel
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Sam MittaBones
trollin for days
Ryano Ryano3
Hyrule Warriors is amazing! Buy this game! Play this game! Huge Nintendo fan! Been playing their games for over 20 years & I feel that the Legend of Zelda is the best video game series ever! My wife just gave birth to our first baby, a beautiful little girl, on June 4, 2014. Her name is Faye Harper and she is perfect! Check out ZeldaUniverse.net
Doug douggraves
Esteban 151922
mi jimmypatino
John Captain_J-Mon
Hi guys! As my gamer tag shows I love the title Captain. The games I own are NintendoLand, Disney Infinity, Super Mario 3D Land, Madden13, Black Ops 2, and Super Mario Bros U. I would like to get: Mario Kart 8, The new Donkey Kong, Minecraft Wii U edition (when it comes out), Super Smash 4, and Disney Infinity 2.0.
Jeremiah tekwon2001
Ethan ethan_mendoza-2
Romanovich Romanovichcool
Jim SilverMagma
Hey there everyone. I have been a gamer ever since my family got the 8 bit NES for Xmas in 1989. I am an older gamer but a kid at heart and a nice guy. I am a huge Nintendo fan and have owned just about every Nintendo console made. I enjoy helping others and making new friends. I enjoy posting screenshots.''Yeahs'', comments, and followers are noticed and appreciated. I gladly accept new friends.
dergot diegonemc
S.B.Link smashbrolink
Goodbye Miiverse... It's been a blast. I wish a new replacement for you was coming to Switch...T_T
seidel yoitseric9
i love trees
Jay Jay PK navidad12
Luke LukeyP95
Mike Avatarmike
hello, im mike from the netherlands.
Superman > Goku #kryptoswag
Nicholas AlucardsQuest
Come on Nintendo, let's see how much we can close the gap of Virtual Console releases that the original Wii had, but thus far haven't made it to the WiiU! If you bring them all to the Switch... I might even consider buying one! -AlucardsQuest
gamezilla zeldamaster
I have been bleeding Nintendo from day 1 of the NES. My favorites are Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, and any RPG for the most part. I do not Wii U Chat!!!!! Game on Miiverse
Mojoe play_ANGRY
Blake Kamek-Koopa
Game Enthusiast / Video Game Collector / Iron Maiden Superfan / Car aficionado / Filmmaker
Hi my name's Jason, i'm 21, and I love 80s Heavy Metal music and clothing style and everything ab...
Hi my name's Jason, i'm 21, and I love 80s Heavy Metal music and clothing style and everything about it. I love The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil, Castlevania, Pikmin, Mario, Pokemon, Golden Sun, Kirby and many more video game series. I also love horror movies especially ones from the 80s
Nintendo Network games I own
need for speed, Injustice, Ninja G, Smash, Mh 3, mk8, and Cod Bops 2.