Jeremiah's Followers
Nin★WesIAm wesleyjd
What up peeps!? Im WesIAm and i love my followers and my friends if you ever want to play some games feel more than free to add me! I accept any and every request!! Have a great day!!
XD☆Savage! KearstinIsSavage
Hai Im Kearstin, ima Female, Bi & 14,im leader of the Savage Crew ,Ima YTr Fav colors; Red,Black,Blue+ ♥Taken♥ Savage crew; MaliahTheWolf♥ Nuntendo♥ Heavencita PerezMusicLover Chuchu99 Miners123456 Little Elfs Little Elfs 2 Purple126 Dabudz02 Sandhurst1 April (sis♡) Galaxy 14/14 MAX B-Day Nov26 MaliahTheWolf: My waifu♥♡ Things i ♥; Art,MC,Sploon Bffl: Deja Tom Boi Okie bai >w<
Mystery S CoolMartin14
hi i am new i like to talk to people i play alot of mario kart 8 want to battle me im fine with anyone who are strong or good im 15 i like to battle and meet people because it will be fun to vs me #Rip miiverse 2012-2017 curse u nintendo
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
D3v1n mew1987
☆★KYLE★☆ milaelsuperstar
Hello my name in Kyle please follow me and I will follow you back. Here is some information about me. I am a fan of the mario series the LOZ and the kirby and earthbound/mother fan and love animal crossing My favorite characters in the mario series is Rosalina and luma, Yoshi, and toad.Please follow lorsieab2 and also follow ☆FARIS☆and Noelle Thank you all for your suport !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MASKGAMER 555sonic555
I love disney infinity 3.0, watch dogs,splatoon,Minecraft wii u, and wii u chat.So plz send me a friend request I get lonely. =)
I like playing minecraft and super mario maker and super mario cart 8