Users Jeremiah Is Following
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
XD☆Savage! KearstinIsSavage
Hai Im Kearstin, ima Female, Bi & 14,im leader of the Savage Crew ,Ima YTr Fav colors; Red,Black,Blue+ ♥Taken♥ Savage crew; MaliahTheWolf♥ Nuntendo♥ Heavencita PerezMusicLover Chuchu99 Miners123456 Little Elfs Little Elfs 2 Purple126 Dabudz02 Sandhurst1 April (sis♡) Galaxy 14/14 MAX B-Day Nov26 MaliahTheWolf: My waifu♥♡ Things i ♥; Art,MC,Sploon Bffl: Deja Tom Boi Okie bai >w<
Mystery S CoolMartin14
hi i am new i like to talk to people i play alot of mario kart 8 want to battle me im fine with anyone who are strong or good im 15 i like to battle and meet people because it will be fun to vs me #Rip miiverse 2012-2017 curse u nintendo
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
☆★KYLE★☆ milaelsuperstar
Hello my name in Kyle please follow me and I will follow you back. Here is some information about me. I am a fan of the mario series the LOZ and the kirby and earthbound/mother fan and love animal crossing My favorite characters in the mario series is Rosalina and luma, Yoshi, and toad.Please follow lorsieab2 and also follow ☆FARIS☆and Noelle Thank you all for your suport !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
William UnlawfulSpoon123
MASKGAMER 555sonic555
I love disney infinity 3.0, watch dogs,splatoon,Minecraft wii u, and wii u chat.So plz send me a friend request I get lonely. =)
if u want to play friend request me
Christophe mrtroublegreen
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
D3v1n mew1987
TC Yoneg_Tsalagi
Hello, everybody!
ПσřDεčλιĹέ Mordecaille300
Salut si t'aime Minecraft je te follow si non ben peut être que je te follow bon aller Salut !
Bobby MyPseudonym
I like playing minecraft and super mario maker and super mario cart 8