I just read a huge arguement on Jacksepticeye's(Jack) Twitter against CrankGameplays(Ethan). They were fighting about which typed of milk is best. Ethan was saying chocolate milk is best, but Jack ...

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That's right, my dudes! I've changed my profile picture to my real self, just for these last two days. Miiverse means a lot to me, and I want to show that!

Sorry i've not been on here much!! I've been busy with friends. I'll have four drawings to post tomarrow, but for now i've gotta get to bed! ^^

"But THANK you dads, so much for watching this video, if you LIKED IT, PUNCH that dad IN the dad, LIKE A DAD!! AND, high dads all around... but THANK YOU DADS, and I will see all you dads, IN THE N...

K, so I may or may not have commented that i'm currently hiding underneath Jacksepticeye's bed on a friends post. Pretend (←igonore that) That was a joke. *wink wink*

Finally back to ņöřмął, eh? Hope you guys had a wonderful Halloween!! Mine was... odd... but, hey, it was fun! ^^ ¸˛ˇ

My cat Timothy is the sweetest little baby!! I was sitting down in our gaming chair while petting him from the side, and he laid down and started purring. I turned and looked at him and said 'so cu...

I had this plastic clear rapper from a fruit thing, and I put it over my mouth and looked at my friend and I licked it and it looked horrifying. Later, I let go of it well inhaling accidentally, an...

I'm drawing Nitt, stretch, Ubey, and Plotter in a more cartoony style, and it's super difficult, but most of my friends think that Nitt is the cutest.

Although it sucks that you can't pictures of real life on here, it's also great. If I posted any picture of my face on media, I wouldn't be able to handle what people said about my face. I've seen ...

I was drawing in my art book, and I decided to draw a pic of five different evil characters (ruby'sgone, Antisepticeye, Darkiplier, Sectonia, and DaRk LiNk) and writing if they were freinds or not,...

I haven't turned in any projects this year in art class so I HAVE to finish the project i'm working on! We were drawing pumpkins and water color painting them, and me and two others are the only on...

Ok, here's something i've been wanting to tell you guys. At my birthday party, me and my friends saw my crush walking past my house. Now, I just had drank two cans of soda, and so had some of my fr...

In case there is anyone left wondering why i've been gone so long, I was banned, for things I said on my post about my freind Brad. Two week ban, I think, but i'm back!! And ready! Btw, my birthda...
I just met you, but I already love you.I've run out of posts, so I shall say everything I want he...
I just met you, but I already love you.I've run out of posts, so I shall say everything I want here. I love all of you. Thank you guys so much! I never thought we'd get this far. I'll miss you guys. I hope you'll all find me on MVhaven. Special thanks to all my friends, never expected such kindness. I had so much fun being stupid here while making art. Also, #ProtectLinkSquad, it shall live OONNN!