Users Aubrey! Is Following
iplaybongo HaweyLikesBacon
That moment when you realize you ate all your dino nuggets the day before but then you realize you only ate fifty-two out of the sixty-four nuggets which means someone must have broken into your house and eaten them when you weren't looking so you run to Costco only to realize that they closed six hours earlier so you go home and watch spongebob and cry. Yeah. That's my typical day in the life.
René Mizuchiro
I like any game with a good story. My favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Feene Glass, Agnés Oblige, Morrigan Aensland, Dante, Lilith(SMT4), and Gunvolt. As hobbies, I play piano, write poems, draw swords, and practice traditional swordfighting. I am a disciple of the blade at heart. Single. (Again.)
ASF Nikki Lalaloopsy987654
K+T☆★☆★☆ Klutchkins
hello im kendal i love cake and food :3 and my favorite colors are blood red and pitch black and i love scary movies im 13 i wii u chat and i dont care how old you are be careful i can be sassy sometimes lol and Tyler is the best guy in the world he is my king i need him I love him so back off boys!
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
CookieChan RhiPies
Hi i'm Cookie–Chan but just call me Cookie so some things about me •I like playing outside •I am normally on miiverse •I have one sister and two brothers • I'm the youngest • I will miss miiverse and everone on it • People you should follow Spiders, Dogie, Zach and CookieChan
mario ziggy310
is a me mario
Cat_chan Lourys
Yo ! I'm Catchan, I'm 13. I'm french but I can speak english and spanish. I love to draw, playing games, cats, mangas, music, and Harry Potter ! My favourite miiversers are Puppy ♭ ¹, MemeSenpai, pöisõnïvÿ, #SMV†Fell†, Me!, ☆★ Lou ★☆, Cathy#Y, ★Dragon64★, Ambrie.w., łεσNσrd, #TεαmŁουρ, juliette☆, twixette★, HarleyQuin, Hαρργ, ~ChuMarin~... So much time with U my friends ! I will NEVER forget U.
DaddyChris Crist_Heiser
Ouch my face! Hi there! I'm Crist im 21 yrs old and I live in El Salvador. I've been videogame fan since I was very little, the very first videogame I played was Metal Slug on the arcades and my very first console was the Super Nintendo. I freaking love Nintendo and it's IPs specially Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. I also like anime, Vivan las lolis.
Fluttershy fluttershy_pony2
Hi, I'm Fluttershy. I'm Back. I want to continue where I left off before Rosie took over my account. I want to get into Breath of the Wild for all of you to see. Don't worry about, Rosie. She won't be coming back. I'm sorry to all that got into her crossfire.
Nathaniel MasterofDiamonds
Hi, Miiverse Users! My name is....well you probably already know it. I am the leader of Team GØD (Gamers ØF Destruction) Members: Party Dan McKenzie Merf Want in? Just Ask! Live life as a gamer! Let's try and get 200 followers. Follow: McKenzie (moneydoor) Party Dan (poplot9) YeahShane (fnafisdabest8536) Thanks for reading!
Dejanae shemom443
2180+ Followers... Thank you! I'm going to miss all of you that supported me. Specially here on Miiverse :,o. Spending time in here with everyone is really fun! Info in my favorite post. Memories won't be forgotten. See you next time!
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
Evie CoolCat113
Hi! I'm known as Sasha. I am fandom trash and I ship Cat x Google. (Only one other person would know what that is.)
whitney StarburstSun
•Hello! ωειсοмε το му ргоƒίlé!• Sorry I havent been recently posting. I will mostly post on the weekends. BTW just in case you didnt know i love Animal Crossing, Pokemon,Anime,Undertale, Steven Universe, and more! Oh and a very deep deep love for spaghetti with parmesan cheese! Thanks for reading ♪•♪
Freddy FreddyFazBear250
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??? ZeroKnightGA
おおおおおおおおでん miwamika
~遺書~ フォロー返せなくてごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさいご(( はずめますて! 小学六年生女子のks餓鬼です。 オタクです。(唐突) 血液型はA型です キャラは変態です 趣味はオタ○ートの商品を買わずに眺める事! それとミーバースやってるリア友のアカウント特定して荒らすこt((いや、勝手に共感する事です 皆様フォロー誠にありがとうございます(涙) 特にコメントが優し過ぎて… 皆様、誠に申し訳ございませんが、これからはフォローして下さった方、共感、コメントを頂いた方々にフォローをすることが出来ません。(泣)(´;ω;`)ゴメンヨ 上限を越えてしまったので… ただ、その代わりその人の投稿に共感をさせて頂きます! いくつ共感するとかはまだ決まっていませんが… ミーバースが終わるまで、その辺に力を入れていきますので、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
Zorua emanuel1987
HELLO LOVELY Friends PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW OR SEND Friends Request I LIKE ever oasis DRAGONS KIRBY FOXES pokemon UNDERTALE GURREN LAGANN dorumon chibisuke FLAMMIE (secret of mana) O.CS/pokesonas/fursonas COLE THE DRAGON♂ climax THE Dutch Angel Dragon♂ (wip) nexus the Zorua/dorumon/dragon♂ lighting horns♀ (MLP) FRIENDS/need to follow NOAH THE ANTHRO ZINORGE Dark★Umbry Quirk Wolfstar
Karou AyzzaChan
Welcome my homies... My name is Ayzza aka Lily :p My goal is to get 100 Followers! «Splatoon will be missed» #SaveMiiverse U can wii u chat meh Bye My Homies!
Rebecakin★ rogerkaplan
♥~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~♥ MV peeps have gone insane. Welp at least my time is over. Have fun with your little party!! (;v;)/ ♥~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~♥
man'man niquesisom123456
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
Yukyko Yu-gi76
I am Brandon I am 16 im one of those sport players who's been to the championships, and I do weight lifting(I hope we can be friends) Soon....miiniverse is going to be over so here's my friend code: 0963-5026-0558 Let me know if u want to add me so I can get ur friend code
c!gwen-s-h rapidfire011398
Thats my тцмыг btw, childgwen-search-history for CampCamp. Because I'm trash, lol. Go make an ask! Or here too on my fave post! Anyways, obvious fandom trash. I also enjoy your CampCamp theories and headcanons >w> CC Community: Preston Sterling Currently: [* ● ONLINE.] [*OFFLINE.] [*OUT OF POSTS.]
k bug korbassfox17
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JB★JugaBee coolyoshi123
I'm Jugabee! The ★JB stands for the JUGA CLAN. It's a splatoon clan. If u wanna join put ★JB in ur name. OR you can just ask to join and not put it in ur name. MEMBERS:5 Private battle time! Anyway I make pixel art. I like to RP so don't be afraid to ask. I'll be friends with anyone! So, friend me if u need it. Oh yeah, I'm a furry. I'm 14 years old. So yeah! See you! See you Miiverse...
Bri-Z womble901
Tis better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all. Games: Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid, Professor Layton, AC, AA. I've made some amazing, life-long friends here. You know who you are :) I love anime, science, art, music, animals, chatting with friends, youtube and gaming. 21, Christian, joined December 2013. Studying Medical Science. I don't Wii U chat.
tommyly tommol1234
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
lucas lucasmasterplay
Olá=^^=sou brasileiro e tenho 14 anos de idade bom eu moro em SP...... add eu se quiser #RUMOAOS100AMIGOS VALEU PELOS 100 SEGUIDORES
Audrey Tetra9
Hi hi don't blame ya if ya think I'm weird 'cause I truly am bye turtles :} :} :} :} :}
I just met you, but I already love you.I've run out of posts, so I shall say everything I want he...
I just met you, but I already love you.I've run out of posts, so I shall say everything I want here. I love all of you. Thank you guys so much! I never thought we'd get this far. I'll miss you guys. I hope you'll all find me on MVhaven. Special thanks to all my friends, never expected such kindness. I had so much fun being stupid here while making art. Also, #ProtectLinkSquad, it shall live OONNN!