Sam's Friends
ÐS|(♪Ķøłå Kayla_Rockz
Hey Guys!! It's Kayla (From my main acc with the nnid fantasticme123) Anyways... About me.. ¤I'm the leader of ÐS|( ¤I love soccer ¤I lovee Twenty øne Piløts I'm a BIG gamer... some games I play are ¤Splatoon ¤Minecraft ¤Smm Anyways I'll accept Friend requests Looking forward to chattin' ›ω‹ _____________________________________________________________________________ ♡iIysm Coco x3
PinkCandy zainizee
Cupid Cupid101
Hello Im Cupid (Aka the new user) (Old user FriskTheHuman3)
Lupe_YT Guadalupe1029
name: Guadalupe age: 10 fav games: Splatoon personality: lonely,depressed
Ava Ra150873
Karou AyzzaChan
Welcome my homies... My name is Ayzza aka Lily :p My goal is to get 100 Followers! «Splatoon will be missed» #SaveMiiverse U can wii u chat meh Bye My Homies!
discodaddy RedRaiderFans
if you have splatoon ad me !
Buttersaur Buttersaurus_rex
Hi! I'm Buttersaur! And This is my account! I mostly will spend my time playing Splatoon and recording videos. Im'm also part of ÐSl( My YT is Buttersaurus Rex. Enjoy! But enough about me, Let's talk about Splatoon! ah im joking. enjoy your stay with a homemade buttercookie! ♡I'm taken by the most beautiful♡
Isa Bella CrystalCookie652
Hi! I love Breath of the Wild, Splatoon, & Mario Kart! Do u play any of these? Friend me w/a nice note plz. Thanx 4 reading! Be nice & don't cuss! :D Sooo, i kept part of my originally thing up there But i just want to say:WHY NINTENDO?! Why are you getting rid of Miiverse?! It's a way to make friends, have fun, and experience games with companions! Well, time for the Switch days, bye Miiverse. <3
Maddy madmax2565
am nice fav games splatoon mario kart 8 i got over 100$ my name Max im 8 years old i love pets i have 2 dogs and 1 cat it lives outside fav food fruit gushers out of candy i go crazy for am i got a switch lol! love the wiiu o i forgot my grandma and grandfather they have five dogs no cats! i mostly love eating!my fav game splatoon mostly fav sport hockey @ol lol$ i pl@y minecraft so ko join my pro
Octoling 7789pat
splatoon is easily my favorite game #team Marie yeah im awesome favorite color: orange! friend if ur cool. No fakers
Joey yoyorules
♪Tristan♪ TheAmazingFox234
Josè josealdO1
SAVAGE=OTO audenrocks
My name is Ethan just a crazy 11 year old person Best Game Splatoon Also Splatoon is Wii U's life I do not have an relationship Thats all so go have fun p.s. all my friends are reallynice go check them out peace ;3
Azadeh zadaandsim
Things i luv: 1.Being GEEKY 2.drawing 3.BABIES!!!!!!!!! 4.My friends (on miiverse and in life) 5.making LISTS 6.talking to ppl 7.watching weird shows (like haters bk off) 8.counting(i KNOW im creepy so GET OVER IT) 9.reading books (i know im a NERD) idk wut else so buuuuubay Intereesting facts: i like cats i have a sister named simone i am 11 im vegetarian i luuuuuuuv halloween =ó-ó= mehh
Joy_Man :v El_Chilangito666
Pacman Mejicano :{v
Tyree tyreecooldude56
Hey Everybody currently im a 10 year old boy who still plays the Wii U im sadly going to be switching to the Nintendo Switch next summer so im going to enjoy the time i have with my friends so BYE!!!
yulissa Coalimaivo_06
hi my name is belem I like playing splatoon,and nintendo land I am 10 years old I love playing video games i have roblox i hope you have a nice day hola me llamo belem me gusta jugar splatoon y nintendo land yo tengo 10 años me gusta jugar video juegos ya tengo roblox espero que tengas un buen día
PyroGuy 9 splatoonkid0588
hello miiverse! let me introduce you all to my SECOND profile. ( nick name for first profile is gen. woomy) i love to play splatoon so look for my open discussions. ill be friends with almost everyone who sends request. hope y'all have a ton of fun with me. (^-^)
CAT ShadowOfCat
I'm CAT. I'm 48 and love minecraft and harvestmoon. I have a large collection of games. Love anime, manga,♥Shadow the hedgehog♥, and my close friends Lordi, Lord $carfy and David. I'll miss all my friends and followers when miiverse ends. You've all been wonderful. Sniff, I'm gonna cry. Miiverse was home for me, I'll miss it and everyone on it. You are all special. I love you guys.
Coolcat coolcat683
Make way for Sniper The Fox. Best sniper with my personal special weapon of brand, E-Liter 3k Scope! Long ranged sight of splats by me! ;-) Trust me with me on your team i'll do my best with my friends, Effort, Skill and Sacrifice. If i can, i will protect my buddies and have fun making most of the best splats! Good Luck To All!
sniper kamdyn2016
DJ octovo he's ready to be brain washed to work for us. go in to the squad as team mate 2 of the squad.....
E.K Joyousleap
Hi! I'm a big gamer, and I hope you enjoy the gaming experience! Usually I'm playing BotW, Minecraft, Splatoon, or SSB. When I'm inactive, I'm usually on my 3DS. If you want to join or friend me, just message! I follow back and accept friend requests. ♥I'm a LoZ enthusiast♥ ♥Pokémon fan♥ ♥Splatoon Player♥ ■Minecraft builder■ ♪SSB fighter♪ #Clones4Life!♥ ◆RP lover◆
alex arroyofe
hello Im alex and Im glad your reading this if your not my friend what are you wating send me a friend request and ill acept. Ooo okay see ya BYE :3
Cuddles♪†√ gcpurvis
IM 10 NOW!! Almost 10 im 9 ( dis from yesterday) New Stuff 71 F0LL0WS 0NLY 30 M0RE T0 G0!!! (My Goals 100) BTW
rocket Philtastic2008
so... this is where i post info huh. im just average i think im funny when in reality im not i like to believe im good at videogames... i like to cook i rage at games thats about it
birtie hd josephmanuel
hew wants to play mincraft
A1 Gamegurl_727
hello i am Aveyon
KFH★lemmy kitfisto31
hi my top 3 foods are watermelon steak and carots and i love mario kart 8 and minecraft LEMMY!
cameron stacyrn321
Miranda snowie101
Mario Kart8 is cool l also like Nintendo Land I cant wait to get Super Smash Bros for Wii U
KC KaylaC418
Hi, I'm KC I like playing splatoon I like to draw I'm a noob/pro, i think... I dont have a swich....yet.... I accept all freind request, I'm NOT on 247....well maybe... I'm werd, but awesome & give free hugs! *HUGS* or maybe a splat you never know... Besties; manny dajia MRchuaYT chestphin & more friends... oh your still here? ò♡ó ¯ˇ¯ R.I.P. MIIVERS!! go chech my other user ★opop9913★ bye!
octoling keniaperez0421
# cool socalbabe529
dude splatoon is soo cool abd i am good at it not great but good
Mya myaspirit
Hi peeps im 9 years old And I love to play splatoon im very good on your team (^o^)
rose coolchileno
Hi,I am new here. My name is Alex
coolest123 millermountain77
I like super mario maker:)
Deven mariosteve2551
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Lianna RainbowDash762
Hi! I'm Lianna. I really like My Little Pony, Pac-Man and HTF.
Haidar haidarhaidar304
Loliannys∞ liliannys12
♪"Ahora me llama diciendo que le hago falta en su cama sabiendo que conmigo no va ya no va ahora solo quiero salir con mi propia squat porq la noche es mia la voy a disfrutar sin tu compañia ahora yo quiero vivir mi vida mia al fin y al cabo es mia sali con el corazon partido y no quiero nada ahora solo quiero los mejores tragos y la ropa traida de Dubai♪
СFΛ°ΚΛΙΞΨ paloma5678
PaleBlue diegobermudez
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Rod RodrigoMagana
I love videogames and support the wiiu even if something new comes out. I mostly play Splatoon and earthbound (beginnings). I post alot with those games especially!
»–Thea–> theajanel
Hey! I have no idea of what to say here! I play splatoon and always ready for a squidparty :D I usually come on here to chat so feel free to talk with me :P \(^~^)/
Navybean COOL1nate
Hello Miiverse, COOL1nate here. Welcome to my Miiverse page. I am most popular on Wattpad for my Super Smash Bros fanfiction. I also have a YouTube and Deviant Art account. On here, you can mostly find me playing Super Smash Bros, MK8, Minecraft, or Xenoblade Chronicles X. If you have a Nintendo fanfiction on Wattpad, let me know. I'd love to read it.
RK☆Electro Damien6354
Hey! Wazzup? My name's Damien! You're not gonna see me a lot, (not like I'm famous or anything, y'know?) but you should say that I'm quite the gamer. I learn from my foes quickly, and thus I can be very formidable. Well, sort of... I make a ton of stupid mistakes at times, but everybody does, y'know? well, yeah. that's me. now go back to the adventure, k? Or are you just poking around Miiverse?
Camille PeacefulGirl29
About yourself here I'll describe myself here. I am a girl, but I had my username for a few years, I can't change it. I love playing Splatoon, and I only Wii U chat to people I know irl. If you're my friend that I randomly added, I'll look at your description and, not Wii U chat, tell you more about myself. Have a regular, normal, day
Dusty ahoycapin
DaMomma DaMomma726
antonio ams0623
hi miiverse my name is antonio and i like miiverse! and i love splatoon and super smash and minecraft! :-) i have a wii u and a 3ds xl so i could play with people on my wii u and 3ds! and i could be friend with whoever wants to! friend me if you play minecraft and friend me if you play splatoon. pease out miiverse! i have the nintendo switch!!!(and i have a ps4) [i don't do wii u chat though]
jan By_Jay
hey guys iam jay here is it brieffffff *follow 4 follow *i live in a literal island called puerto rico *i love almost EVERY GAME in existince *OH and go to my sisters profile she has a 3DS tho her username is janerys follow her! you still here? jk bye
BlazeQueen trism21
Ronald RonP504
hi i'm ronald i love playing game's i play all day and i'm a singer,a dancer and i'm a big fan of sonic the heghog and my uncle has a nintedo switch and splatoon 2 and i like being friend's with everyone and one i say i love your mii then that mean's i love you like this ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ and i'm nice aaaaaaaaaaand i love YOU QUANWN i have a girl friend ok we play to gether
ajw ajw523
Hi my name is aarron im 17 years old and some of my favorite games are smash bros, Splattoon , The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem. PS My favorite game is Xenoblade Chronicles. pps if u want to play me in smash send a friend request.Ppps I also like talking about anime
Hi guys my name is Jr and i hope you all have a great time on the wii u If you want to friend me send me a friend request im ok with it. See you guys later bye.
PSI⇔skier aiden9223
hi i love video games if u have splatoon u r in 4 lots of private battles!! so bye and i acseept friend requests also i love playing minecraft wiiU edition also i love to squid party and i am 8 ur still here? ._. <---- lvl 44
Decidueye acdhb62
hola mi nombre es DJ DG , si me sigues yo te sigo y para nada del mundo quiero que me llamen por wii U chat nunca solo mi amigo xsebas 59 y toad s.c y soy un gran admirador de Alex Herrera de red shok inc y de DSimpony
principe emilitolescalle
i want to play splatoon with my friends but none of my friends have splatoon so plz friend me so we can play splatoon
Bia Beatrix15
Hello everyone, I am very fan of nintendo and I really like the games: SSB (main), Splatoon, Zelda and mario series, fire emblem, pokemon... _________________________________ I'm 19 years old I love ~drawing and animes >.< I play the guitar n.n i'm also christian _________________________________ and I don't understand english very well - sorry if I wrote something wrong ( ._.) Bye! (^o^)
Cστe_сhāη vonquintiero
Hola, bienvenido a mi perfil *^* Me encanta el animu y jugar videojuegos, ya sean de pelea, rpg, aventura, terror, etc. Mi género de música favorito es el heavy metal <3 weno, bai~
Ryan DistantPlanet
★Welcome to my profile.★ I'm a pretty nice guy who thinks Nintendo is genius. I have been gaming since the late 90's. My most favorite series is Zelda! My other favorites include: Kingdom Hearts, Metroid, Super Mario, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Darksiders, Bayonetta, Pokémon, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Smash Bros. Add me if you like to chat and play games!
EvesterNGF kris1995
yello! im Evan call me Evester! i love socialization with others. i love playin minecraft,super smash bros 4,legend of zelda,pokemon,and many more games! feel free to friend me for a fun and cool person to play with!!! ps. friend me 4 if u want 2 play mc
David fernandawanzelle
Midnight★★ cederic9013
Hi, im a 14 year old girl. Birthday Sept 1st. I own a Wii, Wiiu, Xbox one, 3ds XL and an old DS. I do not have the Switch yet, dont know if I will buy it. Heres a List of games I like, Animal Crossing new leaf, Splatoon, Tomodachi life, Smash bros., Just dance 2017 and my favorite game of all time Guitar Hero!! I will miss miiverse very much! Go follow Shenanigan and Andrew! Bye Guys!!!!
☆Cherry☆ ® BigBrown45
Oh Um Hello People Ahh School A Place You Can Always Call Home (Jk) I'm a 15 Year Old Geek That Is Obsessed With Splatoon. My Name Is Jasmine But Call Me Jazz Do You Like Jazz ♥ Yikes we got of topic I wuv all my friends even if they make mistakes. I squid party 24/7 So Um Thats All And Um Seeya Squidies ♥ Eh One More Thing CheChe is Waifou. Since Miiverse is leaving. I'ma see ya'll later.
Kat_N_Bre kat_n_bre5308
Myra Vii3ecrusnoop
Aeon Super-Umberto
I'm no artist, and I'm definitely not anyone special. If you have a question, then I'll try to answer. If you have something to say, then I'm willing to listen. If you want a friend, then I'll try my best. Whatever the case, I'm here...and I'm here to stay.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
I'm Anime Freak whose part of the Crunchyroll community. I also love playing Splatoon with friends.