Pheonix's Yeahs

Comment on Pheonix's Post


08/17/2017 5:45 PM

You can only get them if you are using a silver pick, or your mining is level 3+ i think

Drawings Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community


08/13/2017 6:37 PM

Drawings Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Community

Hawk eye

08/15/2017 8:25 PM

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/16/2017 2:40 PM

Yo i tried to join u yesterday but it said u was in local mode so i got off and watched Bad Santa 2 with this Woman that came over. I'll keep an eye out but ima be extremely busy in the coming weeks

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/15/2017 5:08 PM

phoenix yeah'd my post on 7/7/2014 at 9:53 AM

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/15/2017 8:30 PM

oh sry i got your message late hopefully we can play today^^

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/14/2017 8:31 PM

heya if your ever up for hunting i'm good for it^_^

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/14/2017 5:31 PM

Did you say that you had to give up your 3DS games Phoenix? I respect your strength to give all those good games away! And I'll check Swapdoodle when I get home...

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/14/2017 5:57 PM

im enjoying the casual use of the phrase "Swapdoodle"

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/13/2017 6:19 PM

Hmmm looks around..notices several familiar faces...perhaps i should check in more often eh...sry i missed this,and more sry i missed an opportunity to see many friends,even if i haven't seen ya al...

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/13/2017 5:39 PM

Hi Phoenix. Actually, that time (7pm central) is just about perfect for me for a few weeks to do some hunting. I'm not on Miiverse as much as I used to be. I've gone elsewhere, but we can talk abo...

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/12/2017 10:56 PM

Wish I could have joined but right as you started I had to leave to get school supplies. Hopefully I can join next time.

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/12/2017 6:01 PM


Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/12/2017 4:28 PM

*Reads comments* Oh schnapperdoodlenoodle! I will try to get on once I'm off work.

Comment on Phoenix's Post

Hawk eye

08/12/2017 5:09 PM

Nursing my rump after a 116 mile motorcycle ride here, but I should be around for the rest of the day.

Comment on Phoenix's Post

Hawk eye

08/12/2017 10:47 AM

What Hero said ↑ xP

Comment on Phoenix's Post


08/12/2017 9:08 AM

Hope ya had fun friends. I'm a little busy at the moment otherwise I would've joined ya. Happy hunting!

Comment on Pheonix's Post


08/08/2017 2:24 AM

Now, I'm sorry that I've made too many empty promisses to play. TOMORROW! AROUND 12:30 AM! I WILL BE PLAYING! EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT ON! ( ^-^) b!

Comment on Pheonix's Post


08/05/2017 1:44 AM

Ok! Good! Tomorrow may better for me. Only because I see now that it's almost 2:00 A.M.!