Users Pheonix Is Following
Hero 2.0 Juggler32
I'm gonna be mainly using this N3DS system for MH4U, Zelda MM, and internet. Apart from that...Who knows? And if you're curious, the nintendo ID for my other miiverse account is- Yeehaw123
Korg Vaprack1
Ally DarkAlchemyLab
Since miiverse is ending soon(November 7/2017) After some serious thinking, its time for me to move on as well, I hate making this choice but I hate good byes more. Thank you all for your friendship and for the good times we had. Ally has retired from miiverse and online gaming. farewell everyone.....I wish you all the best.♥♥♥♥♥
Oddgar Oddgarguy
Aya kasu-chan
I'm just someone who loves video games, good stories and my little pony friendship is magic^_^
OMORI cleionos
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♡ gustas de buenos dibujos destallados y un buen amigo, este es tu lugar podrás ver desde; -guias -concurso -dibujos sobre(anime,memes,serie,etc) -los mangas en el cual trabajo (/> w<)/ [la caza del buho malfestio] [viaje pokemon (tyrogue)] [Además puedes pedirme algún dibujo, el cual se colocará en la máquina de peluches. Donde se publican los sábados por la noche (°∀°)/☆
Zero ZeroArceus35
Hi, I am Zero, I'm 20 years old, also a reploid and Adept. I love to play video games and watch anime. Pokémon fan, Monster Hunter fan, Inti Creates fan, Square Enix fan, Gears of War fan...I'm just a big fan of a lot of games. XD So yeah, nice to me you all, also I have a Frohawk. :P
Matara.lue Matara.uzumakii
YEYE GUYS its ya boi mata and for da record.. OHH MY DAYYS
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
caleb calebbrooks
miiverse its me calebeprans coolkid 101 i learned my lesson ill never do friendcode ever agian and im also using my 3ds plz dont bann me im sorry about friend code
Grandpa oldschooler32
FireDragon Dragons6043
I Love All Types of Games!!
Ashton freddy123487
Hello! I'm a gamer (obviously) and love pokémon, I have too many favorites to count... I'm part of a few fandoms including Pokémon and the Furry fandom :3 My fursona's name is Ashton Sparx & he's a wolf :] Any hate against me will be reported immediately.
jason gamming101
hey im gammer101 i like all games. im ’’Determind’’that we will be friends
Zizou pokederps101
helo name's zizou ←irl name← im a tsundere type on person but i do get along great with people hope we can be friends (•∞•)
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Korg Vaprack
''I am the Hammer.I am the Sword in His hand.I am the Gauntlet about His fist.I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous.I am the End'' Sic Semper Tyrannis
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
tepig Tepig339
SnJoshua minecraft-170403
Hi i am josh and I am a boy and I like mk8, splatoon, amiibo,super smash bros, mario maker, yoshi's wolly world, pokken tournament and Minecraft: Story Mode and I have 79 amiibros and I am 14 not that it maters and my girlfriend is millie1312 and by the way everyone im very nice and i never i NEVER NEVER grief so please don't kick me please i have done nothing wrong so yeh peace until next post
RAMTUBE159 ReeceCarlGem
HI! I'm Reece but I'm also known as RAMMASTER159.I am best at smashbros,nintendo land,Minecraft wiiU,pokken tournament,Mario+Sonic Rio2016,Mario tennis UltraSmash,Skylanders Imaginators and a MASTER AT MK8! I also have 24amiibo's+6 creation crystals.I am 14 not that it matters and I'm aiming to reach 20 Subscribers by Xmas. @RAMMASTER159.
Nova LittleNova13
Welcome to my profile everyone! My name is Nova or you can call me Krystal you what to.(Im with special needs) Im age: 20 Im fan of: Mario Sonic Just Dance and More! My Profile rules: No wii u chat! And I hope you well enjoy my profile everyone! :-D
JordieBay ShadowHunter109
Goodbye Miiverse. You started to succ earlier this year. To the point that logging back in became something I didn't really want to do. Just shows how much you don't care about your fans or consumers. To my friends that I made here? I'll miss you badly... Twttr: Jordie_Bay94 Insta: jordiebay YT: Jordie Bay DA: Jordie Bay Twitch: JordieBay
ετнαπ EthanLe10
My birthday is 5/23 not 1/1 and my name is Ethan! I like playing games like Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Paper Mario.I have many friends on the Wii U like Mia, Pete, Kalani, and Pain. I so lucky to have my friends and this Wii U console! I am also apart of the SM clan and the SP! My favorite game is Splatoon. I hope to play with in the future!
Octo Mia octomia1289
hello welcome to my world start a new game? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––—— →yes →no →too busy being a cat ————————————————— here is some stuff about me SSS★Hydro is my bestie thank you for being suuuu nice♪ im very nice and shy im really good at splatoon so watch out bro im scared sometimes but if i trust you HUGZ bye if your friends arent there for u dont bite off more than u can chew
Harleyquin ReaperSymphony
hi my name is harley quinn im a girl and i love to sing , dance and draw , wright songs
«ταησσκι» Pepper313
Hoi everyone! It's me Chara! X3 Plz comment on my posts i like to talk with you guys! ♪Things About Me♪ ~I have spatoon, minecraft, smash, and mario kart 8! ~My splatoon clan is Team Nexus (ηχ) ~I ♥ Undertale! ~I ♥ RWBY ~I ♥ all cute animals That's about it! Can u help me get to 700 followers? Stay fresh all my fellow squids! ;3
~Jëÿdα† Jeydacakes
Hi , I'm Jeyda! Clan: Fïς Games: Splatoon, MK8, Super Mario Maker, and more! Add Me! Get Off my Page. You're creeping me out Go AWAY You creep R.I.P. Mr.Iwata You will be missed
watermelon Maggieismylife
Name Isaiah im single :'( i like baseball basketball and american football age 14 i wii u chat just friend me i will accept
Hamza★ hammzy123
My name is Hamza!I hope u guys will follow me ! My best games 1.Pokemon 3.minecraft 4.FNAF 5.fifa I Hope My Counting Is Okay! Lol! don't forget 2 join my clan.kings of thunder dragons! Follow Me And Get A Yeah Bomb. Plus I Do Weekly Giveaways!(SomeTimes More!) Mission Is To Get 400 Followers! Stop Stalking Me! Just go... Bye...
GemWolf6 Wolfgirl808
Hi i'm EnderWolf but you can call me wolfgirl808 so you can be my friend and if your a fan of ender only then your a enderwolf so you can wii u chat me but i'm a early bird so only when i message you guys saying let's talk so if you want here's my favourite's: Anime,fnaf,enderman's,wolves,love,being a emo nerd,and love everyone.Dislike's creepers,divorces,getting in trouble, and HATERS. so yeah;)
Bailey PenguinHat
I am literally a squid. I like squid parties. Flop flop flop. I post undertale and splatoon, but am very slow with posting! Please be patient with me. (she/her please.)
Ben BenBailey4682
◆Thank you for clicking my head ◆My name is Ben ◆I love loads of games such as Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Smash Bros etc. ◆I'm a kind person ◆Have both a 3ds and a Wii-U ◆Thanks and have a nice day :P
PĀ◆Angel Drianna
OUCH my face ;-; you didnt have to poke my face ;-; hi im angel here are some things about me finishing up my last year in high school im afro latina i love video games and anime ò^ó i draw alot so if i like your oc id love to draw it i also do creative writing and yes i am a math nerd xD
Cole ColeTHart
I'm Cole. Love Supernatural If you have a problem with the paranormal contact me and ill see what I can do. Blast the Flareon the leader of Mega Eeveeloutions. I also listen to Country music. I'm 16 and now a Sophomore.
Mario SonicHedgehog777
Minato SP 2OUI2OUI2
im friendly and will gladly talk to u plus im a brony and I am who I am. Like me, love me. Know that I am a true friend to the end and ask for nothing in return except two things, don't hurt or use me sister(s): Asuna
Doven dannnyr10162
I'm super nice!
Love Games.
( Temporarily, I will be sharing my daughter's Mii until I can ...
I'm super nice!
Love Games.
( Temporarily, I will be sharing my daughter's Mii until I can replace my 3DS. My own Mii is Phoenixflair. I'll try to tag my posts with Px so you know it's mine. Check followers for my own Mii, Phoenix!)