S-Bone's Yeahs

Comment on S-Bone's Post


3 hours ago

R.I.P. Miiverse

Comment on S-Bone's Post


14 hours ago

Take care S-Bone! Your comics and draws here were epic! Thanks for all the hard work you put into them and for all the fun you brought to this place! I'm glad you have a presence elsewhere, stoked ...

Comment on S-Bone's Post


15 hours ago

Your great comic works, was fun! Thanks S-Bone!

Comment on S-Bone's Post


16 hours ago

Farewell S-Bone! Wish you all the best for many years to come...

Comment on Iceman92's Post


3 hours ago

Should be easy, my profile pic is that drawing Lazer did of me fighting m.b. Star Wars style.

Comment on Iceman92's Post


3 hours ago

Its real sad J-Bone, but do you have Bluebird tweet tweet. A lot of us are on there, I'm same name as here.

Comment on Iceman92's Post


15 hours ago

Thanks S-Bone, I joined the Jukebox crew over on DA so I'll see you there. :)

Comment on Iceman92's Post


3 hours ago

Dang man :'-( I won't see you guys anymore!

Comment on S-Bone's Post


17 hours ago

I have a Switch

Play Journal Entries Art Academy


17 hours ago

This is my final post. Shoutout to @Oyvind to have gave me the idea about Volvagia :). I'm here since 2015 and I had a great time with everybody :). Thanks Nintendo to have created this place and t...

Comment on S-Bone's Post


19 hours ago

Comment on Mizu-Maru's Post


21 hours ago

I will, and you two. We didn't talk much, but I have the utmost respect for you. How you were able to keep "Legend of Miiverse going was incredible! Props, man!

Comment on S-Bone's Post


3 days ago

I'm going to miss you once miiverse is over! It has been 3 years and it felt like a lifetime! I hope Nintendo will have something planned! Keep helping people! May God Bless You!

Comment on myosan8bit's Post


22 hours ago

S-Bone same here man stay cool and all the very best Sean

In-Game Art Academy Community


11/01/2017 5:47 PM

Goodbye Miiverse! I bid you all a fond farewell. Thank you all so much. Use this last post as a Q&A.

New Super Luigi U Community


11/02/2017 1:26 AM

A Miiverse artist accepted a request of mine. It is of a Yautja(Predator) as a soda jurk, by the artist Francis, nnid:Smokingspoon. They were people who who sold soda, other drinks, foods and deser...

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21 hours ago

Thanks man I appreciate that.

Play Journal Entries Pokémon Art Academy


11/03/2017 6:20 PM

♪ whis ♪

Drawings YouTube Community


3 days ago

In-Game Art Academy Community


3 days ago

Jukebox draw. Eternal Space~Hazy

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Drawings Art Academy Community

Duke Bocks

2 days ago

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14 hours ago

Welp thx everyone! Farewell miiverse