S-Bone's Friends
Dr.XGP TheDigiArtist2
Jadog AnimeGod64
I wii u chat but I dont show my face sorry. Hey hows it going. You can play me in Ssb4,Mario kart8, and Splatoon. Well see ya'll later. Music,fighting, and anime are my life.Also I'm trying to learn japanese and if you now more please help me. ,Thanks and we can be good friends.
bob65 teentighens09
Gogeta SS4 supperefra
cachis vgig1002
i need friends:[
Whimsical MaddiGardner
Wow, I havent been on in 2 years, and nothings changed...~ So hi I guess? Im Whimsical. HAMLITON IS MY BBY~♥ Love my friends, fam... "Always remember, your not special, your limited edition~ Whimsical ♡
Nate NatanaelR
HI Im N4T3 but you can call me Nate for short I think. I love playing video games and want to be a video game developer.
Armando ArmandoOrtix
maya denveratl
hi! im maya! i love to play all sorts of nintendo games! i am always open to play battles with you so don't be shy! i love accepting new friends and followers as long if it is appropiate. i love playing smash and splatoon so if you are open let me know! so far i have 8 friends but if you join it would mean soooooo much! i also love to draw and listen to 70s,80s, and 90s music. #nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!
ty tyladyoung
hi my name is Ty I like mario
brooke(: j.dog.homie
★★david★★ josedavid-2003
me gusta el juego de lego marvel super heures,sniper elite v2,sniper elite v3,call duty ,call duty 1 el 2 ,mario kart 8,super luilli,rapido y furioso 5,y muchos más y más
AzurMalone azure-malone
I'm Azure Malone and I'm all about Splatoon. Please friend me so we can play!
sweets sweetieswan
Victoria H Torigames
mshults iluvchiefs
#ballet #tim burton alice in wonderland #coffee #mindy project #doctor who #walking dead no wii u chat
Donna mycatfancy
H-h-how's it going bros. My name is MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWTWO! I'm so sorry. But seriously, I'm Mewtwo. I created the series "Dating a Team Aqua Grunt". And yeah. So... Brofist. (I am really, truly sorry for what i just did.)
unclejames jamesjohnson2013
hi my name is tocute james niece.
Manda! AmandaPower
out of my mind This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but it says nothing. zenzen
Duke Bocks JukeboxDraw
Jukebox Draw Official Account Here lie the remains of Duke Bocks, once host of Jukebox Draw. He was killed by Nintendo for no good reason whatsoever. Final Round Details Judge : Good Vibes Artist : Hazy Song : Eternal Space Winner : Hawk Find the Deviant Artist Dj-Pickle for future rounds. for previous galleries see YouTube Sproductiongames Google Wiiuartz
sevas brandys26
redop steeze4real
Marc Bowserplays
Hey there! I'm Marc. I'm 12 years old, I work with Bowser and he is awesome, hopefully Sonic sees this! You know what I'm saying? I do roleplay if I want. I'll do what I can to win. Miiverse is ending forever ;( Follow those awesome users: ☆☆SONIC☆☆ Cesar channy SpeedyHero chamberbro I make board puns! Anyone who blocks me is blocked forever and ever >:) (my alt: Annoing-Orange)
BC01 JA1998
i'm Beatclaw01/code name: BC01 i have autisme. i like to meet other bronies & pegasisters. i have deviant art. i'm the leader of the Para-Pals group of creative bronies & pegasisters. my titels are OC drawer and searcher. sometimes i make spelling mistakes. and sometimes i have the abillity to see or hear others emotions. i like do RP's and to have a happy life. :)
Yin Tsang YinShen
Hello. After many years, miiverse brought back the motivation to draw. I'm an amateur who seeks to share my passion about games while learning from the great artists found in this community. ~ Friends list is nearly full, so i will only be adding or accepting friend requests from people i've known for a while. Thank you. ~
★Max★ MaxDanner
Hi, my name is Max & im 14. • I love The Legend of Zelda! The Wii U games I have now are: • The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD • Super Smash Bros. Wii U • MarioKart 8 • new Super Mario Bros. U • Pikmin 3 • Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 The 3DS games I have now are: • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time™ 3D • Animal Crossing: New Leaf • Super Mario 3D World • Pokémon Shuffle ★ƒσιισщ ƒσг ƒσιισщ★
Chaarusu Chaarusu0
This user's profile comment is private.
blake tsterling
miglv12 miglv16
Nicolas SuperNicolas1234
Hello, everyone. I'm just your average guy with a not so great childhood. Don't forget to follow me if you like my art. P.S. Most of the characters, locations, items, etc. belong to their respective owners.
Sixé eriklasvegas
Someone's checking out my profile!? Whaaa?? xD • I am a weird person... but fail to be online (oº^°)o • I'm currently not active on Miiverse anymore :( • I'm 16 for all you curious people ;D • Favorite food: Casino tacos..... Sike!! xD • Despite my mii looks... I'm actually nice ^^ • Stay away from blood butterflies!! D: • How do you do this descriptions not boring? xD Well! Running out of lette-
kanza kanza1
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
kimloy kimloy123
DeDe DeDe18
Hello. I'm Deanna Newton, but you can call me DeDe. I've been playing video games since I was 8 years old and I'm a Nintendo expert. Mostly on Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, and Smash Bros games. Member of Earth since August 28, 1992 Joined Miiverse on March 31, 2013 Reached level 50 in Splatoon 12/10/16 Retired playing Splatoon 1/15/17 Wii U chats are officially closed. No blind friend requests
jose josefran92
Hola Saludos a todos los jugadores de wii u, |es hora de jugar!!! (^o^) Hi Greetings to all players wii u ¡¡It's time to play!! | ( •_>•)|
Lemon TheAmazingBaboo
This user's profile comment is private.
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
Mitch Hedgie10
Move along, nothing to see here...DO A BARREL ROLL! I love Zelda games, most classic N64 franchises, am an avid gamer, and love meeting all the amazing people out there in the world of gaming. I am very down to earth and would love to hear what's going on with everyone else! ¡Me encantan los videojuegos! May the Triforce guide you to greatness ▲ ▲ ▲ Oh, and one more thing... NO WIIU CHAT! NONE!
Nil deltru
eilidh ewan11
Guess what! I really dont know! But what I do know is that I am legend! Heh heh, anyway I..... em kinda dont know so I guess i'll leave it there.
MarioDaMan Murdymoo
Murdymoo™ I'm just journeying through this world we know as Miiverse. Thank all of you Miiversians who like my posts. I will try to post one drawing and a few play journals every week for you guys. __________________________ Games I've been roasting ————————————— ☆Smash Bros. Wii U ☆Smash Bros. 3DS ☆Splatoon Wii U ☆Nintendo Land Wii U
Sara orelie-siraine
Coucou τουτ Ιε mσηdε !!! Βιεηνεηυε sυr mα pαgε jε mε presεητε: Mση jευχ prεfεrεr ?:ΑcηΙ Mα cουΙευr prεfεrεr ? : Rοsε ετ Mαυνε Mεs αηιmεαυχ préférés ? : Chιεη ετ Pαηdα Mση ησm ?:Sαrα :) (^-^)(^o^) αβσηηεr νσυs ;) βιsσυs χσχσ
MoonMoney MoonMoney
Or Moon for short ^_^ Thank you Miiverse for all the support over the years. There are so many great artists here that love to share their imagination. Miiverse is a wonderful place to view artworks. Thanks for the inspiration, and if I have inspired you in any way.. my heart is happy ^o^ Joined Miiverse Christmas 2012
Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
John XxJohnxX
21 year old amateur artist. Favorite Bands: Linkin park, Breaking Benjamin, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed. Favorite books: Ultimate Spider-man, Superior Spider-man, Deadpool, Walking dead, Outcast, Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on titan. Favorite Games: Legend of Zelda, Elder scrolls, Monster hunter, Halo, Bioshock, Mario, Darksiders, Witcher, Fallout.
blu42 blue42
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd. creativity is a flower not grown in every garden. i'm happy to have at least a seed or two in mine.
J-Bone kiduzi1
What's up! Im J-Bone, I'm a Nintendo and Pc gamer Consoles I'm currently playing: Wii U- SmashBrosWiiU,Splatoon, "New" 3DS- AnimalCrossingNL, XenobladeChronicles3D, Gaming PC- Doom,Mafia 3,Blackdesert
vin LivingDeath