Cfx's Followers
09sharks ftttu3
yo yo yo wazap bro yolo. sorry got carried away. if you don't already know my name is 09sharks but call me whatever you want to :) :) favorite game = loz lbw favorite console= nintendo switch favorite youtube channel= studioc. i love RPG GAMES
Hello. My name is Jonah. I'm going to work with Nintendo and nobody's going to stop me. Games I enjoy: BOTW Pokemon Mario Tomodaci Life Kirby Kid Icarus Splatoon Minecraft Beginner at coding. What's that you say? You want a follower? Then follow me. Member of Μмк, Eclipse, and the Star-Heart Evee Trainers. Check out @lukenerve my Μмк pals and my friends. I think I'm done. Peace Out.
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
MissGaming MlleMelissa4
βαηсночг ›‹ ďмапdе моi еп амiе ˘^˘ λsепа мv ♥ Г.i.p мiiνегs ._. Моп мsр : XxMiissGamingxX ηiν 20 .ω. вгеƒ сiоо •˛•
Blackjam Blackjam1
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ninja rasta61
devenplayz annaandsteven
i want to learn how to do more stuff in minecraft
またたび。【ア▲シ】 moumoux2
やあやぁ(´¶`)ノシ いつでもどこでも絹ごし豆腐のまたたび。だよぉ(( ▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽ 現実も捨てたもんじゃないね(((( ▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼ ミバ友さんは,あっくん,いかのん,シグちゃん,りゅったん,なっぱ©,キルぴかつぁん,NGM©,ひな©の8人!(´¶`@) 皆,ありがとう*だいしゅきぃ* ▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼▽▼ 弟子は,レイちゃがし*/ sれす(очо) (((…………私より上手いぞ そして二人増えて,*おすしおおすしお*さん&◆ミィ◆さんも弟子に!!!!!(·ω·´ »»すいっち欲しい«« 主(またたび。)の小鳥達↓ (◎◇◎ゞ(●◇●ゞ(´◇`*ゞ ラジャ
katelyn katelyn1119
hi im katelyn. i love cats and pugs. splatoon is my favorite game but i also play other games to. i also like pokemon i like snivy and charizard best. science is my favorite subject. i like all my friends and everbody else to. so thats it thanks for seeing my profile bye! also recruiting members to my SS☆clan where we defeat woomy! our motto: if woomys try they DIE.. bye miiverse!!
Jhon Cena bib128
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Rico(*´ω`) mikiyan0205
Rico(^∀^*)(りこ)です!よろしくね♪(=∀=*) 性別女の子 年れい10才 小学5年生 フォローしてくれたらかえしたいけどフォローできなくて、ごめんなさい(\>_</) フレリクはおくれないけど、フレンドになってほしいときはいつでもいってね!フレンド増やしたいし 好きなユ一チューバーは、フィッシャーズ、つちのこ、パンミミ、ヒカキン、セイキン、はじめ、ゆ一たけ(\^∀^/)まふくんも大好き♡ (=∀=*) 好きなことは絵を書くことです!(\・.・/) よくスプラをするからよろしくね~♪(\>∀</) あと、きがるに話しかけてもいいよ~♪
4/13 Kuria11
Ηεγ!! уоυ, τнε rεαdιηg τнιs.. уεs, Уоυ!! Ηεllυ~☆ σωσ)/ Ι нαvε αηοτнεr αссоυητ ωнιсн ιs Tsuioi, Мαrυ-снαη υωυ plεαsε fοlloω мε οη му οτнεr αссоυητ ;;υ;; βуε-βуε~☆
Kaffworld MinecraftFred
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~★Mαяια★~ mariaetarmelle23
Hi there! i'm Maria just a lil' neko who LOVES Bendy! OVERWATCH IS LIFE! OKAY? cutests boys ever : Lucio,Popee and of course Bendy If you like ships and Overwatch and HATE Despacito this is you're place... :D hablo Español tambien y me gustán los Oreos(?) Je parle Français aussi,TOUT LES FANS DE SQUEEZIE VENEZ ICI TOUT DE SUITE!!!!! :^) FREE GRINGE HERE
ςώάğ lostrever
Hey j'espère que vous allez bien bienvenue sur mon profil Demander moi en ami !! et si tu veu t abonner fait le ! #do it bon jeux a tous
Oliver OllieOK2008
Da Chibi Creedom
é ~ è Creedom = Creative Freedom Eyyyyoooo its Creedom here c': Meh pronouns are ew, it, and that xD Btw im 16 Ima weeaboob d: Buh baii
AиdeяsoπXÐ ItsAnderson
Favorite Anime: •Boku No Hero Academia •Sword Art Online •Shingeki No Kyojin ----- I am a nerd who still plays on this console. Check out: •skyman00 •Pierokovic •JoshRocks005 •xXDanRolando15Xx ----- R.I.P. Miiverse
Leo 2 254560
hi my name is Leo i like playing: super smash bros splatoon. im 10 years old. and i like having friends! and also i have another account and the name is Switch Leo! and if calling me in wiiu chat, tell me if you are not a adolt or teen.
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
Reine LoL Reine_L0L
Bon bah au revoir j'ai rien d'autre a dire ... dsl mais c'est pas moi qui choisi que Miiverse ferme '~' Je vais essayais d'être heureuse •♡•
Cece noturbabe
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Rw_NinjaRδ raphaelmarcuzzi
Yo tout le monde c'est NinjaR et aujourd'hui et bha rien du tout... Si enfaite voici mes copains OUI mais COPAIN Ilyas Oxinox Tri Coco Cindy tu t'est pas co depuis un mois T_T Vous etes mes Bff ♥•♥ J'ai Sky** Pro snipe surtout extraceur zoom S+ ^^ Team Rw_ δ DF Sniper MKS Je suis gentil tant que me l'on bate pas ! je blague ...c'est pas drole JE FAIT DE MON MIEUS bref ABONNE TOI!!!!
Caramel lynx1020
I draw alot and I hope you like my art (^///^) I love SU and Pokémon ♡ Thank you for 940+ followers! You people are very kind X3 I only accept friend requests from people I know! Joined 2/12/2016 RIP Miiverse, I guess I'll never reach my goal of 1000 followers (>///<)
★Jαмες★ BlackSpot4
kamila mathieu1919
como estas
Kiwi-Chan CinnamonPaw
• Weeb • She/her • Early teens • Digital artist • Lazy • Grumpy • no...this is the end of the internet....GO...leave no?
hi ich bin max ich spiele hauptsächlich Xenoblade chronicles X . mariokart 8 , splatoon ,super smash bros , und sehr viel zelda ( twilight princes, hyrule warriors ,link to the past ) ihr könnt mich gerne anschreiben oder eine anfrage schicken bis dahin \(`-`) hust hust folgt mir hust hust ...
Kate kmoore13
Ging maryannekathleen
Hello!, Salut!, ¡Hola!, & Kon'nichiwa!, my name is Maryanne and I'm a Chicago native artist. I love all things Nintendo, from Pokémon to Animal Crossing, or Fire Emblem to Monster Hunter. I often take drawing requests, so keep an eye out for those posts! Have a great day, and thank you for taking the time to read this! ★♪Much love♪★
Fede FedePucci
Hi! (@.@) I love nutella youtube: Federica Somá New Zelda Nintendo switch art academy Go to watch my video!
Hailey 178cheeselover
Hi! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me: I'm a Christian, I don't Wii U chat, I love Star Wars, I sometimes do drawing requests, but one per person. I also do art trades!;) BFFs: Gracie, Anime, and Skylar (You should check them out they're super cool, they're: GodsGirl225, ShadowMist_Dark, and freedyvr). Thanks for coming! Come back soon! »-♥->
Dark poby cocomip
★Hoi im poby ☆I'm a yandere. (BENDY SEMPI WILL NOTICE MEEEH...) ★I love minecraft! If u see "cocomip", dats meh! (same with roblox) ☆As you can tell, I LUV BATIM HOLY SOAP. ★I luv Fnaf, UT and lil' nightmares. :) ☆Thanks for all the memories u guys... ;ω; RIP MIIVERSE ★Im a meme btw ☆Welp, das it I guess... I LOVE YOU
ナッキー >_| dolphin.zeruden
しょっちゅう消える為、コメ返が遅くなったりします。 御注意下さい。 いつも共感、コメントThank youです!! 凄く嬉しいです。フォローなんか毎度気絶してます♥ 本当にありがとうございます><* こんな私ですが、これからも宜しくお願いします。 .°*大切な記念日*°. 8.23 ミヤとの結婚記念日♥ 更新 8.9
Jimin★Oppa mimimine01
Welcome stalker, My name is destiny... And as you can see, My name is JIMIN :3 oppa Buttttttt, Let me tell that story later, I am a HUGE kpop fan (yes even my room is kpop) AND I LOVE BTS of corse... JIMIN IS MEH BIAS (actually every member) SOME Kpop bands I LOVE: BTS EXO BIGBANG BLACKPINK i said some, NOT ALL i love drawing (im a bad drawer) Thats all... Leave already LEAVE
Bethany J★ bethhere
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Maintain focus. Endure. Persevere.