Users Cfx Is Following
Ging maryannekathleen
Hello!, Salut!, ¡Hola!, & Kon'nichiwa!, my name is Maryanne and I'm a Chicago native artist. I love all things Nintendo, from Pokémon to Animal Crossing, or Fire Emblem to Monster Hunter. I often take drawing requests, so keep an eye out for those posts! Have a great day, and thank you for taking the time to read this! ★♪Much love♪★
Hailey 178cheeselover
Hi! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me: I'm a Christian, I don't Wii U chat, I love Star Wars, I sometimes do drawing requests, but one per person. I also do art trades!;) BFFs: Gracie, Anime, and Skylar (You should check them out they're super cool, they're: GodsGirl225, ShadowMist_Dark, and freedyvr). Thanks for coming! Come back soon! »-♥->
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
руяσмαлiαç SquidNinjutsu
♡Project Ink Pyro, Mystic, Sonic, Kingninja♪ and DJ Status: (S Rank/Level 48) ¤I Love~ -Splattin -Smashin' -Drawin' and -Anime My Favorite OCs Pyro, Azabaché, Chili, Minty, and Velvet check out this cool/best peeps -Mystic -Eøs~Alex -SunnyD -Tron -Mama Tesu -Kyle Stay Off The Hook 2/8/2017
No_artist No_artist
I am a graphic designer who likes to game, draw and post every so often (when I have time). I am also a musician and snowboarder. AKA drax242 on DA ;) Hoping Switch supports art PS:hopeless romantic...
Tомοκа ShinoTomoChen
#################################### _(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_bye || バイ #################################### ともかチェン//Tomoka-chen
MAMA(^_^) rauru-rauru
MAMA(^_^)です。 ゼルダの伝説の世界観、ストーリー、キャラクターに魅せられひたすらゼルダシリーズだけしてます。 謎解き、楽しい♪♪ だけどボス戦は苦手……。 のんびり、ゆっくり派です。 ゼルダの伝説キャラクターの絵、時々描いてます。 絵を描くと、自分の心の状態がよくわかりますね。 心が穏やかな時は、いい絵が描けます 。(^^)
Ruby sokin2002
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ジョニー junjun625
ゲーム、アニメ大好きです 主にイラストを描いています デフォルメ、オリジナルなど スプラトゥーン出没時間 PM22:30~PA0:30 好きな作品 マリオシリーズ/超次元ゲイムネプテューヌ イナズマイレブン/レイトン教授/ダンボール戦機 ポケモン/ラブライブ/スマブラ/スプラトゥーン FAIRY TAIL/物語シリーズ/Tokyo 7th Sisters アイドルマスター/俺ガイル/ファイアーエムブレム 艦これ/
Lella~ SmashSplatDuluxe
/> > | _ _ | ••♥• /` Ξ__х ) / | / \ ) __| | | | / __| | | | | ( \___ \_)__) \ Ξ •I ρıαу da fιυτε •ωну am I here •I'm mostley αгτ •But enjoy your stay~ •I love nöтifiсατiönς so gimme some •I'm feisty òωó so don't go messing with my friends ——————————————————––——————— •Help me make it to 700•♥•
ふみの2 nemuki
●「ふてぃ」と申します。 ●「ふみ」の別アカです。 (ふみのアカウントは最近見てません) ●ふみちゃんという小3の女の子の親が管理してます。 ●大体、平日にスケッチでイラスト描いてます。 ●リクエストは基本受け付けません。 技量が無いので上手に描けません。 ●連続共感はむしろとても嬉しいです。 遠慮せず50でも100でも共感してください。 ●コメントもお待ちしています。 ●遠慮なくフォローしてください。 ●絵描きさんに関してかなりフォローする傾向があります。 それではよろしくお願いします。
♪°Penny°♪ kerkyra
A few hours...Goodbye Miiverse,thank you for being here for me everyone. In case you want to find me elsewhere here are the places: ~Dιςc0rδ: Pen_Pen#2974 ~Dενιαητ Αŕτ:WoomyPen1 ~1ηςτα:woomy_pen (I have no personal info/photos of me there, just art.) ...Well,it was a nice journey!I met lots of great friends here ^^ I'm not gonna forget you everyone ♥...Neither the time... >vO/ See you again…♥~!
SR|Eмilia ShadowLiink
Hi. My name is Emilia, I'm just another person who enjoys wasting time playing video games for children. I especially like the series of TLoZ, Mario & Sonic, but generally play anything Nintendo related. I currently reside in Denmark where I study mathematics and software engineering. Other interests include music, cartoons, movies, sports & sleeping. Eng/Esp MK8: dBP: 5th EU BC: 8th EU 74K VR
ナガネギ K Kaito-Sakurane
遅かったじゃなイカ。 言葉は不要か… 好きなように描き、好きなように投稿する。それが私だ。技術の有無ではない。 (いつもゲームパッドで描いてるため、モニターで見ると色がおかしいことがあります。そこのところ宜しくお願い致します。)
サルモネラ mds0715mds
最近アナログに続き、ペンタブも降臨なされたので投稿頻度落ちます(どうでもいい) タメ口だなんだは気にしません 外国の方からのコメントは情熱で返しております故、暖かい眼差しで見守って下さい。 好きなアニメは四畳半神話大系です(小声) 連続共感お手のもの。無言フォローする人なので、嫌だったら言って下さい。 誤共感、誤フォロー本当ごめんなさい!
Robert Robie-chan
Hi people, My name is Robert or Robie for short =) I'm 27 I love Drawing and Video Games and thanks to the Wii U I can combine 2 hobbies in one. I love Anime and reading Manga and of course I love Nintendo, From Mario to the Legend of Zelda I love them all. Thanks for visiting
☆★Elli★☆ Farb-Klekx
Hello dear people reading this to find out something about me (aka stalkers :P)! I'm Elli/ Klekx or whatever you'd like to call me :3 I came back a while ago... uhm... • Loves drawing • no drawing requests • yes, I do answer if you talk to me • warriors/ warrior cats fan • Ace Attorney nerd (PW:AA FTW) •Uhm... I love Pokemon too, xD Stones are friends, not food.
blu42 blue42
I live in imagination and stay on creativity blvd. creativity is a flower not grown in every garden. i'm happy to have at least a seed or two in mine.
Le0mahl0rd RiceRiceBaby0
Oranges kinda freak me out
【7/17更新】 現実のキャンパスライフを充実している美大生です。たまにミバスの様子を見に来ます。 名前:スズラン ※仮名です 年齢:大人 性別:♀ 誕生日:6/18 住んでるところ:関東地方 性格:超マイペース、気まぐれ 「ONEPIECE」「進撃の巨人」「東京喰種」「NARUTO」大好き!!!!! 他にも好きな漫画がまだまだいっぱいあります。好きなゲームはほとんど任天堂でどう森、スプラトゥーン、カービィ、ポケモンなどなど…カプコンでは逆転裁判です。 ストレスがなく気持ちよくコミュニティをご利用したいために、不快になるコメント・中傷行為等を行うユーザーを削除もしくは通報、ブロックで対処させていただきます。ご了承下さい。
Joel outerbluefrojoe
Games and drawings since NES love Nintendo, Platinum, Atlus and Miiverse for sharing experiences and giving and getting advice ^^
☆★WELCOME!★BIENVENUE★☆ � ;) ☆☆☆ Fan: MK 7 and MK 8 ★ Mario and Co. ★ Zelda ★ Art Academy:SketchPad, Drawing,Metroid: Samus Aran *.* My favorite: Samus Aran with Tattoo (see above picture »artwork«) , Rallye Sportwagen Audi A4☆☆☆ mon.ange.Seb.(Team Rallyesport :'( ) →→* not Wii U chat ,thanks!*←← ♪♪RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS♪♪ ★Nice to meet you :-)★
Zheoferyth Billy1472
Miiverse ends soon. To everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting here, may we meet again someday, somewhere. Bio: College student in engineering. Will start to specialise in Software Engineering starting next year. If everything goes as planned, I'm going into Interactive Systems. I love video games and am more familiar with Nintendo games in general, but I do like others as well!
Andrew drew0331
hi please help me reach 100 followers by following me real quick, i post pretty regularly. i have a dog her name is nugget because she is really small (and she is super cute), my favorite colors are green and blue i LOVE minecraft star wars super mario and pokemon also i made a youtube channel
Mari SeaSunSmasher97
Hello, everyone! I'm Mari. I hope you enjoy my work. Over the years, I've improved a ton thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of the love and support. Even if I don't reply, be sure that I've read every comment. My only competition is with the woman I was yesterday. I love guinea pigs~♥
Darra SereneSeas01
Hello! This is my second account. I post sketches occasionally on my main account. You can have a look at NNID SereneSeas. I'm more active there. “If you aren’t worthy, you’ll keep at it until you are. And if we both fall down, well, that’s what friends are for, isn’t it?” ♡
Seige SeigeWishMaker
Hello everyone! This page will mostly post bad art samples of: -The Legend of Zelda -Pokémon (with a preference over pokémon mystery dungeon & pokémon ranger.) I'M NOT ACCEPTING FRIEND REQUESTS UNLESS I KNOW YOU WELL ENOUGH, I hope you understand. Hope you enjoy your stay! ‹3
Hope Organic_Overalls
"Hope is the heartbeat of the soul." ~author Michelle Horst Hoy, small fry! If you enjoy doodles and cute tanooki tails you've just drifted into the right place! Some say an artist lives on these shores ... And with that, I'm off!
こちどー kochidoh
絵心教室、下手だけど楽しんでます!(^o^) いつも無口ですいません^_^; ちょっとコメント恐怖症な所があるので…許してやって下さい^_^; 任天堂で一番好きなゲームはMOTHERシリーズです(^^)☆ 社会人ですが休日が不定期な為、平日の昼間にも出没します(^^) ゲーム以外の主な趣味はバイクで、休日に天気が良ければ必ず走ってます(^^)
あかね tajwiiu
ミーバース終了とのことですので、投稿作品は本日をもって全て削除致しました。 仲良くしてくださった皆さん、今まで本当にありがとうございました。 いつかどこかで。 またお目にかかれるといいですね。 2017.9.6.
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
Sky skyman00
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to me as Sky. I love to play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and other nintendo related games. I also like to build things on Minecraft. I hope you find something that you like on my profile.
GhostSquid NatalieInkling
♥Hey there!Call me Ghost! ♥I draw, animate and play games. ♥My trash⇒Kirby,Splatoon,Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros.,Pokemon and much more. My Oc's:Nowi(GhostSquid),Connor,Roy, Octavia,Nicky,Jayson,Scarlet and Juno.(And many more to come.) ♥My little sister: ♥Sunflower2846♥ Find me places♥:Ghostie-Squid♥ghostsquidnm♡ Miiverse Fam: Lance Okaavri ACPThunder Konononor Laseraxis7 76m Ari
Maintain focus. Endure. Persevere.