Sky's Followers
the man brady2532
hi my name is Brady.I love playing sports like baseball basketball and football. my fav games are minecraft splatoon and super mario maker.If you like minecraft friend req me.
NinjaKitty FireNinja23
Hello, I am the leader of the ƒreakacrew, go and check it out!!! Stuff to know about me: PS3 game: minecraft 2DS game: Smash bros WII U game: Super Mario Maker Food: Tuna sandwich Show: Zig and Sharko Gender: boi Personality: shy Color: Blue Comic: PvZ Pets: Two guinea pigs Marshmallow and cocoa Book: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid SuperHero: Flash MEH BFF FO LIFE: NinjaKitty Bye bye friend!
Bean dope.exe
superminer superminer3.0
hello guys i am a pro at minecraft and i have cool worlds but im not good at mario kart
1★シェン Spazer40
電源オン!さぁ始めよう〜音速ソニック越えていけ〜〜♪ Hello I'm Spazer40, I'm 17...That's about it. Goodbye everyone thank you for supporting me these past 2 years. May our paths cross again on the Nintendo switch! Goodbye my friends-Spazer40
Ethan EthanPWAZ
Angelito yulli.anaa
hey guys
Hamburger Jake122507
Hey guys im a hard working burger im a fresh burger Everybody loves Burgers You can eat me im so fresh eat me with french fries i am a double working burger Miiverse is awesome
fuzzybrows alinejulien
My account is all about fun and if you dont like that then you might want to see Dr.Phil...
Ewan nawej09
fin youyou128
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evan evanpopninja
emilio emiliogabyalex
§nfirekid9 orphanevenus6
Mr.Xeno Xenocraft58
outlaw m.kadera25
Artemis ArtemisPhilippou
Josh†Rocks JoshRocks005
Hi! I'm JoshRocks005- the numbers are pronounced double o five, that way it sounds cooler. I'm a Jesus-loving teenager who likes to play videogames!
kakashi jouse2008
sup im DaRk_GaMeR the games i like t o play r smash bros , minecraft , mk8 my fav tv show is naruto if u follow me i will follow u. well see ya
YMK★とも&こう homuni0622
一様自己紹介 ~名前~ とも・こうなんだぜ兄弟プレイさっ ~好きなアニメ~ リゼロ ぼく街 ワンパン 学園都市 他にもたくさんあるんだぜ ~好きな曲~ ボカロ!!!何でも!! ~好きなゲーム~ ドラクエX スプラトゥーン (フレンドになってくれたら嬉しいなぁ~ なんつってでもフォローだけでも嬉しいわ~ てへっ(^_-)w)
«сυρсαке☆★ tw_cakes
Wow.. it's the day... only a few hours left guys... I love you guys so much (^-^) remember Stay Fresh!!!~ Ok.. goodbye now... ~«Cupcake☆★ ♡♥♡♥ Bye bye~ :(
Mikey 4.2 dad32172
yall are probably thinking everyday about something. To say, I'm a veteran at the Wii U since my Wii U is already 3 YEARS OLD! I like Luigi favorite games:jurassic world,super smash bros. for wiiU, and more. i like legos, i'm nice in miiverse,i like minecraft
Puti wavelab
使えるキャラ ・C.ファルコン ・マリオ ・リトル.マック ・ガノン ・ゲッコウガ ・ネス ・リュウ ・クラウド ・サムス ・ピカチュウ ・ドンキーコング ・ピーチ 練習キャラ ・フィットレ ・ルイージ ・ワリオ ・マルス ・ゼロサム ・リンク ・トューンリンク フレンドに時々、なるべくTASっぽくCPUと戦ってるリプ送ります 自作ステージ配布してほしいひとはメッセージで
Kyle º~º zwicharowski
º•º Welp You Just Poked Me In The Face, But While I Get Over It Heres Some Info About Me... Favorite Food: Mac & Chesse Favorite Sports: Tennis & Soccer Favorite Animal: Guinea Pigs Favorite Thing To Do: Cleaning Favorite Job: Architect My Belif: Christian (^o^) My Clan: Infinty Squad *New Redstone Tutorial Everyday 'o' Welp See You Later Peoples º_º Im Also HermitCraft WiiU Host_ (^-^)
coltster Colby1025
hi im colt i play splatoon mine craft and im the leader of RB it stands for ranked battles in splatoon ask me if you want to join im trying to reach 1000+ followers im at 700+ right now and my favorite rapper is lil wayne and 21 savage my best friends lar and jack repsect csa im lvl 25 in splatoon and beat the campain my favorite games mine craft splatoon lego batman3 mario kart peace
AиdeяsoπXÐ ItsAnderson
Favorite Anime: •Boku No Hero Academia •Sword Art Online •Shingeki No Kyojin ----- I am a nerd who still plays on this console. Check out: •skyman00 •Pierokovic •JoshRocks005 •xXDanRolando15Xx ----- R.I.P. Miiverse
Felix felixmtx123
dr.flappy mysterious.t
dr flappy laboratory is welcomes eny also your all awesome and #$ #food. I like zelda minecraft, terraria.
TWC#Xendra W-Mann
Heyho meine Minecraft Freunde ^^ Ich erzähle ein bissel über mich :P Mein Alter: 13 Lieblings Spiele: CR, Minecraft und Super Smash Bros. Lieblings YT: Chaosflo44, Arazhul_HD und GLP:D Lieblings Essen: Pizza, Bananen und Melonen^o^ Ok ich habe jetzt ein bissel über mich erzählt! Und ich such ne FreundinXD
coldfate angelaswii
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Alyssa alyssaissac
this is my new mii!!!
shy guy Lando0099
hello i'm shy guy
dancemasta BraydonBaydon
Hello, im the master of gaming and i LOVE YOUTUBE!!! so if u wanna watch them then here they are! popularmmos DanTDM FGTeev venturiantale ldshadowlady seapeekay smallishbeans theorionsound and yammy xox! oh i forgot one more person which is...Chaiplays!!!!!!
xio chan xiomary
Hello im Xio-Çhan and i love drawing i really lov gaming and soon becoming a youtuber GGK means GalaxyGamingKat Im happy most of the time and friendly So don't be scared of talking Yell it out cause im always listing XD lol.
koda yellowsoda1234
Hey I'm Yellowsoda1234 but feel free to call me Yellow. I'm primarily a Minecraft mini-game builder. I love to also help out people with Minecraft related things and also look at other people's creations within the community. Thank you for reading my bio. Hopefully consider friending and following. Yeah Counter: 471
JokeJuice BlackSonic2005
Hello! my name is blacksonic but you can call me by my nickname NUBBIE LOL i play minecraft an mariokart 8 and soon on july 24th ill be on super mario maker i also have my friends Overloader, Owen Baker, and my best friend Ethan go check them out!
きょうりゅうゆうすけ gyjiljiojyiu
littleyack littleyack_2005
hello im littleyack and this is my profile page and i love undertale, sonic, and mario but sonic even more i'm hoping i get along with everybody i meet in the world so far my best friends are bustrrr,and Artist1961
ネッシー ogura4121
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sans twinskk07
matthew minematt360
mic mic558
Hi i'm mic, i'm just another mii in the sea of gaming. I like certain games like minecraft, super mario maker, poken tournament, and i also like fnaf. Those are just a few off the top of my head. And i'm just looking forward to a nice fun gaming experience. :-D
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to m...
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to me as Sky. I love to play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and other nintendo related games. I also like to build things on Minecraft. I hope you find something that you like on my profile.