Sky's Friends
CatTheAlex CatTheAlex11
Hello this is my 2nd account ''CatTheAlex'' go check out my main account ''Alex.Jimenez10'' it has alot more things on Miiverse since ya know i've been on that account more often. I won't be having that much friends on this account, only friends that I personally like are going to be on this account. Smell ya later! (if you don't know why I said ''smell ya later'' then... f*ck you) [not really]
Mr.Xeno Xenocraft58
AиdeяsoπXÐ ItsAnderson
Favorite Anime: •Boku No Hero Academia •Sword Art Online •Shingeki No Kyojin ----- I am a nerd who still plays on this console. Check out: •skyman00 •Pierokovic •JoshRocks005 •xXDanRolando15Xx ----- R.I.P. Miiverse
Noah Uzumaki.Noah
Hi my name is Noah Uzumaki i'm a ninja and can do cool jutsu my favorite one is the Rasengan and my favorite food is Ramen noodles.
Otus Otus-Owlboy
Shark SharksRock1234
Madilynn xPro_Asphalt
Alex Alex.Jimenez10
Hello There! im Alex. Im now 11 but that doesn't mean I will be a NOOB at games, I might not be on Miiverse to often, I spend most of my time on Minecraft Wii U Edition. Feel free to friend request me whenever you like and have a nice day.
Logan Pikachu1683
I'm Logan. Now get outa here!- *Ahem* I'm sorry. I have random outbursts sometimes. Anyway WAFFLES!- Uh....sorry. I'll go now, see ya. *Walks into a pole* Ow! Shoot, this time i'm going. *Walks into the same pole* Jesus Christ! Enough already. *Walks into the same pole, again* Alright i'm going the other way. *Walks into you* Alright i'll walk in the street. *Gets hit by a car*
AndersonXD SonicMario0730
Hai, I'm Ice Bear, I might not post as much because I'll most likely get banned, so yeah. I occasionally play the game called *enunciates* "Minecraft" Follow These Awesome PPL! skyman00 (Sky)
Niamh ni-ni5683
Hi my name is Niamh you probably can't say it so just call me Ni-Ni. I'm 16 years old and I LOVE K-pop. BTS is bæ so is Got7, Exo, ShiNNee, TVXQ and all other boy K-pop bands. If you like K-pop I will love you forever. Send me a friend request if you want to be friends.
Kitten Aliyahloves_265
hey i'm Aliyahloves-265.... You also know me as from my other nintendo I.D.'s AliyahHallman,and or Steve-oyo some more about me ↓ i love pink i love animals love my friends love my family yeah yeah lots of love xoxo lol so yeah tht was just a little bit i have way more to me than tht .... thx for looking at my profile love, Aliyah
Felix felixmtx123
Noah C. Noah.Heselwood12
My favorite anime is Hunter x hunter ,my favorite game's are ssb4 and Mario & Luigi paper jam, my favorite sport is soccer,i like the cold,my favorite drink is root beer,my birthday is dec-19,love playing minecraft
Kenzie Kenzie_Zapper_35
My Name is Mackenzie Nicknames: Kenzie, Kenz,Ken, Mack I rp... alot Im 13 My birthday is August 21st
Josh†Rocks JoshRocks005
Hi! I'm JoshRocks005- the numbers are pronounced double o five, that way it sounds cooler. I'm a Jesus-loving teenager who likes to play videogames!
MegaMan556 realspab
Hello fellow gamer!:) My name is MegaMan556.But you can just call me Miguel!My main hobbies are drawing,(Not on Miiverse:( ) Writing,Cartoons,(One of my Favs is Steven Universe),Books,and of course,Videogames!I love Sonic,Zelda,Mario,Pokemon,Yo-kai Watch,Professor Layton,Street Fighter,and many more!My favorite video game is Ocarina of Time.I'm also the second elite four member of Team Mew.Bye!
1★シェン Spazer40
電源オン!さぁ始めよう〜音速ソニック越えていけ〜〜♪ Hello I'm Spazer40, I'm 17...That's about it. Goodbye everyone thank you for supporting me these past 2 years. May our paths cross again on the Nintendo switch! Goodbye my friends-Spazer40
Macon causey5
i play minecraft alot and my favorite youtubers are PrestonPlayz UnspeakableGaming and ItsMooseCraft
Pokemonfan pkmnfan612
Meow. I'm a kitty cat. OK, all joking aside, hello! My name is (Why would I tell you?) but you can just call me Poke. I am a nerdy brony that loves to play video games. My favorite pony is Fluttershy. My SSB4 mains are Luigi, Kirby, Mr. G&W, Ganon, and Falco. So, yeah, that all you need to know about me. Have a good day/night... Miiverse stay home
koda yellowsoda1234
Hey I'm Yellowsoda1234 but feel free to call me Yellow. I'm primarily a Minecraft mini-game builder. I love to also help out people with Minecraft related things and also look at other people's creations within the community. Thank you for reading my bio. Hopefully consider friending and following. Yeah Counter: 471
??? Canadacrasher
I'm So Fabulous
Riley Ft.Boy
Hello, I typically play Super Smash Brothers on the Nintendo Wii U/3DS. But I also play Minecraft. On Minecraft, I sometimes release events in which other people can play with me. Miiverse will eventually end soon unfortunately. Thanks to everybody who joined my servers, I've had a blast. It might be sad, but its best to look at the positives. The Switch is out already proving to be AWESOME!
SX☆Hunter Hunterman01
You know,the best game i ever played in my life was the legend of zelda,not a separate game but most of them,and just hearing of the legend of zelda breath of the wild seems beautiful,and though i can't play it,i'll still hope someday i actually do get to play it,it would really be great and I would keep me focused for a VERY long time,if only i could play the demo...
JONothan 3Mario465
Hello Miiverse! I am (can't say)! I'm always up for minecraft or smash, minecraft for battle though (usually). I will Wii U Chat if you'd like, and I'm on a lot.
Stephanie dy6c48-eh
Hi and welcome. My name is Stephanie and I'm 21. Studying at university. I love drawing, playing video games and watching films. Games series I like include Pokémon, Splatoon and The Legend of Zelda. I love animals, in particular the big cat family. I draw on Miiverse and in Pokémon Art Academy. Not accepting drawing requests. Thanks for visiting and it's a pleasure to meet you! :)
glitch zeroglitch
getting the xbox one
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to m...
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to me as Sky. I love to play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and other nintendo related games. I also like to build things on Minecraft. I hope you find something that you like on my profile.