Dracula wants some COCKeral 😂😂😂 Miiverse, it's been emotional. Now your gone to silicon heaven with ask jeeves and AOL and all the other gone websites. Caches to cashes, we condemn you to the great...
Craig's Yeahs

🖕👉👈👌✌️🌵🍄🍆🍌🥕🥖🌭🍗🏐🏐🏀🏀⚽️⚽️⚾️⚾️🎾🎾🎱🎱🎤🌡💉🎈🎈There you go, plenty of suggestive imagery. Here’s one for good measure. - - - €====8

Hahaha, this thread is brilliant! What did i start? 😂 The last day of miiverse was brought to you today by the word fannies!

Well, this is it. Follow me on the little blue bird @bagelswap. Adios, Miiverse. Thanks for everything. I can't believe it's really overe....

This is for you admins.
F*ck you f*ckers! Ban this you piece of sh*t! Screw you guys I'm going home! F*ck you admins!
Hi, I'm 'KokiriCraig', a Nintendo loving Scot!