So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.. Thank you everyone who followed me, yeahed my posts, played my Mario Maker levels, joined my MK tournaments. It's been amazing to meet so many fellow N...
Craig's Post

So Miiverse is ending, this is so sad, These past four years are the best I've ever had, Ashleigh, DigDoug, Sean W, Lordi, Richard and Harri too, So many good people, I can't name them all, Miivers...
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community

Finished this tonight! (On Switch)
..and wow, what do I do with my life now!! 130 hours it took me and I enjoyed every minute. It's not often I find a game world that I just want to be in 24/7. When...
Hi, I'm 'KokiriCraig', a Nintendo loving Scot!