JR's Friends
「N¡η☆Çølε」 PhantomLudwig14
Hi guys, I just made my 3rd alternate account so I hope you guys follow me!
Frikkin Frikkinfriks41
Frikkinfriks14#5442 @frikkinfriks speedrun times: Super Monkey Ball 2: Story Mode: 26:24 Monkey Race Clock Tower Hill: 23.56 - MKWii: Unlock Everything: 8:07:59 - Perplexus series: Original No Skips: 44.97 Rookie No Skips: 46.63 Twist No Skips: 2:27 Q-Bot No Skips: 11.18 Warp No Skips: 43.84 Epic No Skips: 2:39.7 a~! Mini No Skips: 13.64 IGT/12.64 RTA
PowerStart josiahandtheamal
PowerStartUp Miiverse account
spook˙˘˙CW olimar64rocks
SAVE MIIVERSE!!!! I'm autistic, so please go easy on me. This luigi64rocks, for those of you who are wondering. Old account was perma'd. Friends: B3thanyD0n3lly_2 I like EarthBound Mother 3 must be localized
Gwenn gwenn-the-demon
Sorry I haven't been active:( I'm just a 16 year old female who draws... Even though I'm not great at it... XP I draw on a WiiU Other account: Femaledarkpit Gwenn-the-angel Account Started: 12/26/15
Devin DevinBrianEstep
Hey! I Love Games Like Postal (The Whole Series + The Postal Dude is one of my MANY #1 Favorite Characters of All Time!) Punch Out!! and lots of other games!.... PEACE!
ËνσξJoseph evolutionarybio5
An account for sharing Super Mario Maker levels.
EnderPro amyRoseFanX122
Follow Me
Chris M Segatendo1984
Profile comment hidden by Donald Trump
Chris M. Segatendo2000
Hello everybody! My name is Christopher, but you can just call me Chris M. You're probably not asking yourself, what is this about? Well, my main account Chris M. (Segatendo1985, creative I know) got permabanned. So I now spend my Wii U Miiverse life on this account. I accept all friend requests, and anyone who wants to play games with me can do so! Well, I guess I'll see you on Miiverse!
inkling#2 vdfgfxg
sup everyone i'm camry my real name is camryn and i love splatoon and mario kart 8 and any other mario game! i'm silly weird fun and crazy i play basketball and my favorite food is pizza my favorite color is blue and my favorite restaurant is zaxby's i don't wii u chat well CYA.... ... a leedle leedle leedle LOL
Яøмэő1900 Romeo1952
●◆■★Welcome to my profile new ones!★■◆● ♪Radioactive Imagine Dragons♪ Names Romeo. I'm 15, nice person, totally Loud House Trash and big fan, alot of drawing, is wierd sometimes, funny, etc. Wii U Chat I do just message me 1st. I only friend people who that are nice, trustworthy, and kind to me.(Don't even fake being nice.)
Blocko SpongeCraftFnaf0
Hello. Favorite show: Spongebob Squarepants Favorite games: Bendy and the ink machine Five Nights at Freddy's Undertale Minecraft Super Smash Bros. Angry birds Mario Little Big Planet Scribble nauts Etc. mains in smash: Pac-man Olimar Mr.Game&Watch Kirby Yoshi Luigi
V2 minecraftroll12
WAZZAP!!! Fis☆Yoshi Fave games Call of Duty Halo Destiny Pokemon Mario Legend of Zelda Minecraft F-Zero Kirby Metroid Mega Man Sonic Five Nights @ Freddys Pac-man Digimon Final Fantasy Earthbound Slender Terraria Roblox Undertale, my most favorite game and Smash Bros!!! My bro is Kirito-God
Hunter TNG_Bruh
Profile comment hidden by admin.
phil FelipeHunt11
dylan heishlord
im a beast
frijole zerolover1234
don't bother searching for somebody like me I am too weird for someone to be exactly like me
Random RaNdOm_PeRsOn942
~Noodle~ Ndigi01Gaming
Keep your friends close, and your enemies on the guest list. "NONE OF YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT A RAICHU IS BUT KNOW WHAT A PIKACHU IS? THAT'S DISGUSTING" - Me ranting about Pokémon Go. ˙˘˙ "DID YOU DRINK MY MOUNTAIN DEW?! Lemme smell your breath. LEMME SMELL YOUR BREATH!?' As for now, I will be making some drawing's on my new account "~Noodle~" *Profile under construction*
Aqua REC ♂ supertato66
Hoi! I'm REC! I love playing video games! Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Game: Super Mario Maker Stats: Average HP:★★★★☆ Hp: 15/15 Attack:★★☆☆☆ Defence:★☆☆☆☆ Speed:★★★★★ Intelligence:★★★☆☆ Friends: ------------------------ Jon TCQ Gary Grounder Liam Joey Billy
Matt amazingmario1999
adammouss aymanem
i like roblox and minecraft swiming in the ocean causing d emotion cause they want some to
Fΐς←BAND↑t MoneyBandit
Oш γθυ Pσκξď Mγ Dεяþγ ƒăčε! Mεαnie .-.! Aн шёll ï ƒσrģìvε γou Mαh παмe ΐs ^§BAND↑t§^ Aήd ωέļċoмe Тo my Dёrp Ïςlάnd ƒeel ƒree to αct łike άn ΐdiot :3! Smash мàïñς:Ike,Captain Falcon,and Cloud senpai. Fav ģαмзs:Pixel Paint,Smack Brothers,and Nintendo island. Fav Kawaii ƒαces:ˇ³ˇ,˜¸˜,¯¬¯,$³$ Ï łoνξ Pokémon! C:W.O.G,Fΐς Rank:EXC¤ Age:15 Яekt M8 нoρε Ψα Łike!
Jaeden Jaeden07lol
hi everyone im jaeden the pikachu ima the biggest sonic fan in existence i also like mario sreaven universe and more im here to end all trolls i love splatoon
Jesse.k Thearcticwolf121
Hello. I like alot of video games. like pokemon, fnaf, and undertale. I like drawing. T.Freddy is my favorite bear, he's unbearably bearable. You are filled with — – — Determination • ● v ● •
ΛΛΛAlexë AlexMilbauer
The games I am going to play, i own, or games ive played are in my favorite communities. I also play wii games with wiimfii. If you guys ever want 2 play wii/wii u/3ds games send me a message.If you'd like to know what games I have send me a message. Thanks 4 473 followers! Goal:500 I accept all friend requests. I also take requests 4 pixel paint! Message me for my other social media stuff.
Nicklaus bulbiebulbasaur
Jeff here. I'm really aggressive.
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
Mekhi smashchamp_64
§☆★MăG£★☆§ Mage-Bandit
Thanks for 10000 Followers ★ω★! To Everyone, Miiverse is closing on the Nov 7th... I knew this would happen at one point... stay strong my friends. Goodbye, I will miss you all. ;)
TCQ flipnoteHD
Hi!My name is TCQ(TCQ the dog) Yust a guy who likes countries and flags. My Favorite colors are Blue, White, Green, and Yellow. I draw countryball Toast Stuff Speed:★★★☆☆ Defence:★★★☆☆ Power:★★☆☆☆ Intellingence:★★★☆☆ HP:MEMES Im stooped Still here?! _________ / | | \ |o - ---- o | \__|_|_____ /
hello there i like MEMESS yeh uwu *help* i like gAmessssssssss i like Chiaki Nanami * by like i mean love ;-; :/* i like Undertale i like Sanic first day on miiverse ( 7/24/2014) i wont be on here as often i used too :/ yeh yeh Currently have 3,000 subscribers boi
Connor irishp0tat0
Hi. I am a person that is currently alive. This may be a shock, as most people are dead, but I am currently an exception to this rule. All hail the flying spaghetti monster, may his noodly appendage bless us all.
ςργ JustdaGaming
( Welcome to S p y ' s ) ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ❶ F o l l o w to become a member of Games >ω‹ ❷ I don't wii u chat ❸ If You Follow I Follow You ❹ I Will Answer Friend Requests ❺ Im Pretty Much Sick and have just will be drawing ;-; Xbox360 ( … ) On Super Smash Bros. ( × ) On Splatoon ( × ) Online ( √ ) Bored ( ‰ ) On Miiverse ( √ ) On Pixel Paint ( × )
Shaun shaunbeggspeed
Mithin Segatendo1991
Sega and Nintendo are my specialty, but I still love Sony and Microsoft. To prevent restriction like what happened to my Segatendo1985 account, this account is devoted to game advice, tips, tricks and walkthroughs. Still that doesn't mean I will not post my opinions on communities. I cover both Wii U and 3DS titles online, but if you need help with older games for older systems, I'll be here! Ciao
Danny DMcNeil2
Branden cosmicsoul546
hello im Branden! im a major pikmin fan and i also like metroid! i also like Splatoon! And im also a furry!
junior746 juniorsilva746
Zack Wolf BoshiMan
Yo, how are you guys doing today? You know that I'm a wolf, so… Don't mine it. Thank you, now follow me. I don't use Wii U Chat. Sorry guys… Your still here? Go home! BYE THEN!
Sebastian gmover590
i am a smash player who is really good with lucas and who ever wants to be freinds they can freind me
•☆IgЕĦ√ DeissiVazquez20
hiiiii they/them pls i don't mind she or he rip this account i role play as that adorable bucket boi ( designer head phones kun ówò ) ♡CYAN TEAM♡
Cameron Walt2015
the guy who was once popular but not anymore tbh certified squid boi, official Nintendo seal of approval. PJ Berri is my spirit animal
Lindsey★☆★ Brickedin
This user's profile comment is private.
Mario209 rich209
I left miiverse. #Shrek "Good, Bad, and the Memely..." ~ Nahtatroll/Mario209 2017 Been here since January 2014 Age: 17 Records on this profile: Followers: 1761 91 friends 5344 posts 117103 posts yeahed Press F to pay respects
Jordan nathankelley6
Hello. I'm Jordan A. Hanson, and welcome to my profile ^ω^! I like games, anime, transformation and other stuff. :D My birthday is 7/23. Enjoy my terrible profile :3 Age: 14
other ryan theBOSS438
Hey! Nice to know you! My favorite games to play are Mario and Pokémon games, but more series i like in general are also Legend of Zelda and Sonic. I've been playing Splatoon, Super Smash Bros, and MK8 recently, so send me a request if you want to join my occasional friend openings!
spencer predaking2013
Just some Miraculous Trash on Miiverse.
ΛΛΛ†.$el.† 765443
♪♥Hellο gυγs and welcome on the prоfile of the self-prосΙαimеd "Qυeen of Ρiχеl-Ρоkemоn" ♥♪ ♥ ♪ I'm Selina but just call me Sel ★♪ ♪ I'm 18 years old and live in Germanγ♪ ♪ (¾German ¼French) ♥ ♪ ☆ I plaγ saxophon ☆ ♥ ♪ ★♥Great thanks to my followers you are the best :'3♥ ♪ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♪I ♥ yeah bombs :3 ♪ ♥ ♪ I don't accept blank friendrequests ♥ ♥ ♪that's it so far :) ♪ Teh Squad ~(˙˘˙)~ ♥
「N¡η☆Çøļε」 GoldRainbowMario
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City Festival ♪ ◆★ Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★◆ ☆ Please Yeah on my final Profile-Pic! ☆ Beginning Date on Miiverse: 12/25/11 Last Post on Miiverse: 11/6/17 [Name]: Cole West [Age]: 16 [Favorite Hobby]: Playing Video Games [Friends]: Monty, Gary, Romeo, Ethan, Ciara, Gustavo, Joe, Ivan, Bailey, etc. I'm staying here, normal when Miiverse ends their service.
StarSphere starsphere08
Hey guys! StarSphere08 Here! I'm a squid kid who's ready to rock! Note: If you're friends/wanna be friends with me on wii u, you might wanna follow me to make room for others to be on the friends list I have Mario maker, Super Smash Bros, Splatoon, Minecraft and others *Check my latest discussion for updates* *No Wii U Chat*
Sixé eriklasvegas
Someone's checking out my profile!? Whaaa?? xD • I am a weird person... but fail to be online (oº^°)o • I'm currently not active on Miiverse anymore :( • I'm 16 for all you curious people ;D • Favorite food: Casino tacos..... Sike!! xD • Despite my mii looks... I'm actually nice ^^ • Stay away from blood butterflies!! D: • How do you do this descriptions not boring? xD Well! Running out of lette-
Sonicfan sonicfan1998
I like to play Sonic, Mario, Kirby, Super Smash Bros. games I can draw a lot of Sonic, Mario, Kirby Characters I'm 18 yrs. old and my Birthday is on 7/8 Favorite Sonic Characters:Sonic, Shadow, Blaze Favorite Mario Characters:Yoshi, Iggy, Ludwig, Larry, Luigi Favorite Kirby Characters:Kirby, Meta-Knight Favorite FNAF Characters:Foxy and Bonnie Favorite Youtubers:Markiplier and Jacksepticeye
ψ☆îг[Jøħπ] Dropsi
Hallo Leute.Willkommen zu meiner Nutzerseite. »Ich poste oft nur komische Zeichnungen und bin ein fan von dem Anime "Naruto Shippuden"« Wer möchte kann mir gerne eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken oder mir Folgen ~Bitte nicht wundern wenn ich oft nichts poste~
Kirbybro12 Theryanspecial
Hi! i'm Kirbybro12! I love to play games like mario! Sometimes I wished I'd craved for new ones. but suddenly, I get the luck! I also like tv shows like Adventure time or Regular show
Papa Koopa mariobat
Follow for follow and no wii u chat and im an old koopling im bowser's father!Children:•Giga Bowser •Bowser Grandchildern:•Larry •Roy •Lemmy •Wendy •Tech •Brandon •Juinor •Morton •Iggy •Ludwig Your Still here. Stalker Someone call 911 there's an stalker!!!
john johnny11rz
Hi Dere,its John. game with you soon! Favorite games Animal crossing Tomodachi life Mario kart series Scribblenauts Peace Dogs!!!
Johnny jat2003
Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Johnny, and I've been a Nintendo fan since 2008. Since you're already here, you can probably guess what I'm doing. Posting stuff, of course! I play games, and it's as simple as that. Hope you enjoy my posts, and I'll see you around. NOTE: I do not use Wii U chat.
Çħąõş~Jõjõ jojo23
Hi, I'm Joseph. My favorite Nintendo character is Mario, & my favorite video game series are: Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, etc. One of my favorite hobbys to do, is draw. So enjoy my artwork, wish to follow, comment, & ask for drawings. And don't forget to check out my best friends, like Max, Benny t, Nat, ©onno®, Gamerboy64, Kerem, Kyle, J~Pιαy & many more! :D
cool guy czap59
Evan NickDude225
northking northking
ZapKanon Zapkanon
Hello Miiverse, welcome to my profile. I am a really cool guy. You'll like my profile. Also make ...
Hello Miiverse, welcome to my profile. I am a really cool guy. You'll like my profile. Also make sure you yeah all of my posts and follow me!
I only accept friend requests from people I know well.
Note: Bad comments are deleted and mean users are blocked.