stampycat's Followers
sarha<3<3 sarha62820
salut je mapelle sarha jai 9ans mes jeux preferes ses minecraft et mario kart mes meilleur amies (Je T'aime Benjamin<3<3)dark luna dylan aymen sarahredon lili lukas cameleon arti ben pacdaf stristan alexisor fort brest sofiane illian mamoune guillaume hugo niny ayana et aller vous abo sur youtube a gangs minecraft sa ses crier comme sa sur se biz
scotty theziemers
hello my name is scott my favorite game to play is minecraft wiiu edition
hk4t spacehead1005
larsdantdm Lars_717
welcome guys im the leader of a club called the lets Play games™ if you wanna be a member just follow+ me and post either funny or random things obviously lets play games team is just playing games and posting funny things check out my posts they are either random or strange but mostly funny sometimes.but mostly in the club its just to have fun, i myself had lots of fun making posts bye!
LandenMc ljkk2010
Hey welcome to my page I like minecraft and splatoon I like building as you can tell the big house yeah well for one if you are on my page make sure give my posts a YEAH! that would be great and can we max out on friends and followers. Make sure to believe in yourself ok! Alright now like it up! Make sure to like the posts that I do because I will be doing stuff on miiverse no weird stuff but post
christina tinamariehohm
alex kleinerpupsik
Ich heiße Alex bin 11Jahre alt Ich spiele gerne: minecraft,Splatoon,Wii partyU Als Freunde mag ich: Super1mario2bros,Hunter U, Chantalenger,annanet,white-Justin,grenni8, Ich esse gerne: Pizza, Spargehati Meine LieblingsYoutuber sind:Hunter U,genniletsplay,Paluten,Glp,Epicstun,Julien Bam,MamaJu,Lucky Tm, Watch Leo Play,Pukki,Arazhul,Chaosflo44,Letsplaymarkus Splatoon: Stufe 14 Rang C+
●julian nitendoju
je suis le frère de dorian . je suis: gentil★★★★★★★★★★ intelligent ★★★★★★★★★☆ méchant★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆(quand je suis en colère) bavard★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ mauvais joueur ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Daniel IFearNoDaniel
Hallo und Willkommen auf meinem Profil Ich liebe es Animis zu gucken: Naruto,One Pice, Yu-Gi-Oh usw. Ich spiele aber auch sehr gerne egal was.Jump and Run,Schooter, Adventure ,Sport, Kampf,Rennspiel und und und .
ĘŁĪĄς¶SQT Birthelmer
Hi lieblings freunde sind:Sven¶SQT Paul¶SQT Lina<3&Patrick&Hanna¶SQT Bff:Sven Patrick u. Hanna & #Ferrari# lieblingsfarbe:blau lieblings tier:Katze. Ich habe einen clan namens:¶SQT Heißt:SplatoonQuastoTeam wer rein will schreibt es Sven oder Mir!(bin auch im <3clan lieblings youtuber:Domtendo Chaosflo44&Arahzul_HD&Paluten&Zombey&Maudado&Concrafter&Samuel Bessega Hab am 18.9 Geburtstag/bin10 #bye
carmen carmen639
This user's profile comment is private.
DELIRIOUS aidanp1029
Sup im Aidan i love to play minecraft. I love shooting games and allot more like five nights at freddys it's a fun game and it can make you mad. oh and i like old gmes from the 1990 their hard and fun.And i have an NES it fun to play with.
Taijah Taijahbaby111704
hello im just here to have fun : ) i like to meet new people and i like to play games follow for follow love u guys
Johnny Harbert
Hello Everyone! I'm making a show called Battle of the Objects where 12 objects compete for $1,000,000! Every episode, 1 object gets eliminated until there is a winner. So I hope you guys enjoy my little series and vote every episode!
james oncey101
hi everyone im james and my favorite anime is noragami yona of the dawn and i love the legend of zelda and i don't do WII U chat but i like too play mariokart 8 even though im not good at it and i love too whatch movies im 18 years old but i still like cartoons and video games and i still like too be like a kid i love botw and my best friends are koala and king spicy and campbell
malick Malick616
Play splatoon with me please I beg of you please
Joejoe minniemouseliyah
Hi I qm Jaliyah and i am hopping to become your friend.
Princess princessniya05
Hi,my name is Aniya.I hope to become friends with all of you.
Pro gamer jack523794
Hey and welcome to my page!I just want to say I love minecraft and I have another account named "olinka" I also have a YT chanel!Just search up Minecraft Pro gamer and I have a logo of MC wii u edition and words saying Minecraft Pro gamer!Thank you If you subed to me!
Jυιıε★ςςκ Julianne42
.·˙★ ςςκ, yƒc ★˙·. Discord Julie#3985 TrAsH c;
thez thezzie
daisydukes dukes2007
my crush is liam (aka ljb2007) ps.this was a dare i dont like liam im with my frinds and they dared me to do this I like some one els in my class
Sαгαη☆♪♀ X-Crystal-Blue-X
Hello my friends, I'm Princess Anastasia, from the Diamond Kingdom, and I'm Davy's wife from Chameleon Twist, and I'm crazy about him, he's so cute, I have two kids, that's: Sandy and Cornelia, they are too cute too. My best friends: Alma (Knucklesmega) Jordan (SSBUL1) Shiolily (shotingstarshio) Red (Nicky19) Darcy ( Owen (sonicspindash93) T.O (tox360) Jeffrey (Agent.B102) Mark
Thiago Thiago898
Hola a todos soy Thiago Y me gusta los juegos *Jugos Favoritos:Mario Kart 8 y Minecraft *Comida Favorita:Guiso de Pollo *Deporte Favorito:Futbol *País:Perú,Pucallpa
IRYL Rylogamer204
Hello fellow miiverse users! I play Smash and Mario Kart! Feel free to follow me if your interested. ps: i follow people who follow me so its follow for follow. (thats a lot of follows!) And i'm currently 14 years old!
David XxSan_ManxX
HiEvery1DavidHere Can I Reach 900+ Followers Follow4Follow MyBirthday:8/20 Friends: Suicune Smilerise Bendy jr LaineyTSS Void Sam Im Chilled most of the time Kinda Good At Drawing Clans: TSS(ButIllJoinAtleast1-3Clans) Byeeeeeeee
Crystal Si3rraFam
Hello my name is Crystal and im protector of the lumas and aunt to them also may the stars shine down to you Have a good time of whats left of miiverse JOIN the Cute Star Squad Bye I know that you didn't read it now go back and do it Bye
toonlinkko toonlinkissocool
Tiagovski Tiagovski777
Olá eu sou o vski tenho um canal no Youtube
katy pery♪ pieter1978
hallo iedereen' GRESS78 is leuk maar soms niet ik ken in het echt andreas & pro☆gamer & #LOL hij had Frankrijk in ge type dat was perongeluk hij woont in België en ik ben 9
Luna rhimaya10
pls call me bule girl!
Matthias maclowe
Hey, I'm 14 years old, love sports and music, and I will follow anyone who follows me. Be sure to follow BaCow_91, Uriah (ID: steakon), Dr. Choi, Chris 4 Life, and Daniel. I'm a Catholic and my favourite sports teams are: Manchester United (Soccer), Toronto FC (Also soccer), Toronto Blue Jays (MLB), Toronto Raptors (NBA), Seattle Seahawks (NFL), Toronto Argonauts (CFL), and my status is single.
MOOSE MAN ianqwing
hi im moose man i like splatoon minecraft MK8 news im being bay max for halloween FOLLOWER GOAL BEFORE END OF MIIVERSE 420 BUT IM GLAD I HAVE SOME THANKS FOR READING THIS HOPE YOUR ALL HAVEING A FUNTASTIC DAY SEE YA main mii moose man leader name DANTDM stay fresh lol
Sarah sarahredon
Bonjour je m'appelle Sarahredon j'ai 8 je suis trop fan de minecraft si tu ve t'abonner a mes chaîne merci de me présenter bye♥
Daniele murphydaniele
hi guys, I'm german and polak and half italiano! sorry i don't can good english but i can good german i love my family and pets. i'm 12years old and love youtube my lovejob is busdriver.
R2D2 rainbeck
hello! i like minecraft on anything i like playing lego star warzz and color splshez and more.favorite is minehcraft and if u followzz me i will followzz uzz
DzųςсħĶϊ HannTe
¤PROFIL¤ Hey wer bist du egal hier ein Willkommenskeks /¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨·¨¨\ / . . \ \ . · / \______.___/ Hat er geschmeckt? Ok ich bin Hannes bin 11 Jahre alt und mag Keckse! <3 LIEBLINGSGAMES TOP 3: 1. MINECRAFT 100% 2. Wii Party U 75% 3. Wii Sports Club 50% LIEBLINGSESSEN: 1. Kekse 2. Kekse 3. Keeeeeeeeekse So mehr verrate ich nich viel Spaß auf dem Profil!
★Ava⇒Pγгφ★ Glitchyglitch101
Hi im Ava im 10 years old i really like glitches friend me if u wanna do glitches with me i do follow for follow my favourite games are Splatoon MK8 mincraft and pokemon Hallo ich bin Ava ich bin 10 jahre alt Ich mag Glitches freund mich, wenn Sie wollen, um Glitches mit mir zu tun Ich folge für folgen meine Lieblingsspiele sind Splatoon MK8 Minecraft und Pokemon
ιαiςα Splatgamer456
Hi.. I like science, computing and art. NO WII U CHAT. I don't accept friend requests that are blank! I like following people randomly. I like reading Manga such as Tokyo Ghoul (Still reading it) and Bakuman (I completed it) I also watch Anime. I have the Nintendo Switch which is why I'm inactive. I love playing MK8 and Splatoon. I don't know what else to say so bye, have a nice day ^^