stampycat's Friends
scotty theziemers
hello my name is scott my favorite game to play is minecraft wiiu edition
Shy Guy CookieMan2256
well i like link alot my favourite games are mk8, Breath of the wild, the wind waker,minecraft and terraria i like to play soccer im 12
BBgamer26 BBgamer26
Smileguy DarkyJay2478
Hi everybody! I'm here just to say that Miiverse has made me so happy. I've made new and great new people and I wouldn't know what to do without it. Unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye to Miiverse on November 7th or 11th IDK. But I just want to say Thank You to Miiverse for making my Wii U the best experience I've ever had. Thanks Miiverse, Thank You.
aston bighulk26
thhe mrtheojacobs
Finn End amorphew
HELLO!!! my name is Finley or you can call me Finn. I am from BRITAIN! and my favourite games so far ar Splatoon,MineCraft and Skylander's Imaginators. Some games that look fun are Super Mario Maker and Super Mario World, also I have already followed some of you guys BYYYYYYYEEE.;)
Sol BlueBoy111
GamerKid GamerKid7285
Hi I'm GamerKid. I play alot of games such as Minecraft Super Mario 3D World etc. My goal is to hit 500 Followers!! So just friend me and follow me;) Things about me: Favorite Game: Minecraft Favorite Food: Porkchops Favorite Sport: Hockey Favorite Movie: Minions Favorite TV Show: Henry Danger Favorite Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Can't wiiu chat And those are things about me!!!
weerock08 annapaul1
ALFIE squidalf
Nin☆Jay JayDog2478
hi my name is JayDog also known as Jake.I play lots of games like minecraft,terraria and much more!Please follow me i would appericiate it.I am also a bit of an artist! Thank you for reading my page of miiverse shout out to these people richardpatnem mario-pikmin7 YoshiGirlXx imsocool WhiteInkling27 and so much more!
XHaunter3X Gamefreck
joseph Joebuzzinger
i love minecraft and nfs and transformers
υι★Anime FoxBoy753
Foxy PuNk_RoCkMoMmA32
Romy Spruit06
Hoi allemaal! Ik ben Romy, en ben 10 jaar. Het liefste speel ik Minecraft creative. Maar ik ben ook wel in voor Mario-party. Wannabe friends?
Morgen Morgen8
bilder mooreig224
hi my name is builder i love playing minecraft with my friends but more followers the better i have or ready got 22 but need more:) AND THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT GUYS
francis' barbusg60
hi guys!! i love minecraft battles!! plz friend request me!!
Michael minecroft14
Hi im Micheal im twelve years old i love minecraft and ROBLOX roblox is my favourite and also im youtuber please subscribe me in my channel like the video and also click the notification thats maybe it Bye
red rhino NaterTator07
i have only played minecraft since i got it
Mr.vilager hello16826
Blah Go Away...
Ben ben111142
cydnee Astridbaroness
あっすー sakura390ran
10分遅刻当たり前、どーもあっすーです! 無言フォローokです!フォロー返すよー(笑) 中3の14歳 my birthday is 1月23日 趣味:YouTube&ミバ&チャット 学校めんどくさい(笑) LOVEYouTuber→レイターズ(カメムシ)禁断ボーイズ(いっくん&田中) ミクチャを頑張って練習中です! アニメ好き♪結構知っとるよ(笑)東方とかも♪ リアル彼氏います(///ω\\\#)(笑) ミバ親友(リアル親友)→ちー&あんちゃん いじめたら…(笑)そんくらい分かるよね?(笑) フレリク宜しくです! 5月4日更新
kingreuben Reuben_boi
washy1983 washy1983
d iilolatrm
hi im ii i like minecraft mario zelda and kirby !. if you want to friend me i will most likely accept
silas silas316
I love minecraft i want kelly to join me my name is silas 316
ajani tbloc1
Bruno rcdfghi
Hola, soy Daniel. Suelo jugar a Minecraft y youtube. ☆☆Busco amigos☆☆. Espero que les guste. Un saludo!
GOKU cukita1
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theodd1sou devongamer
★☆Danny☆★ COYS07
please be my friend so i can play a squad battle on splatoon
decmaq alexander3201
FlameNinja zombiedog999
ƒαζε famtime951
im fabulas and bootyful hi
Cookie Cat coltybear20
mr cat:) ☆ mariocraft2007
hi im a boy that wants friends on minecraft [that dont kick me] my name is charlie i have 2 pet dogs ones a pug named doug and the other one is a chiwaua named frank my youtube [my brothers ] acount is called quantillity British i love my friends any way thats a long one to read so i gonna have to say bye :)
けいた keita.endo0627
gamer lp LiamandAbby
ma ma minecraft
Nom★Keny KenyNae
☆the games i have☆ Spatoon Animal Crossing amiibo Festival Nintendo Land Yohi's Woolly World Super Smash Bros Minecaft
miespy76 miespy76
hi dont know want your doing here but hey i am an 11 year old loving my life if you follow me i will follow you ps my little brother is in the background if you ever play wimme and i have a challenge world eanyways goodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and
cool dude cale1257
rastafari fanofoddfuture
Ummmm hi i'm cody my profile is 15+ i love odd future a aspireing rapper i am very freindly will never report you at all ever need a freind follow me like to laugh look at my posts going throug some stuff mesage me or comment on any of my posts Fave: tyler the creator enjoy yourself one of the most chill profiles on miiverse
jerry cool123654
teddie jose22027
hi my name is jose im a fan of pokemon,i like to play with other people so friend me so that we can play together
tyler tyler8you
Hi my name is Tyler and i love to play minecraft,terraria,splatoon,and other games i like youtube i love minecraft songs i also like music and i love star wars rogue one the hobit the lord of the rings and all the percy jackson books if you follow me i will follow you back also freind me if you want i wanna have some new exited freinds that are always ready to play so bye guys and peace out
Céline celfaes59
sulu miiver c pour dir que se quil me veule en ami peuve me demender en ami il ne pas de proplaime
God maker! Flav2468
michelle manondevos
Hy, i am michelle. i am from Belgium. i speak English, Français and dutch ~i'm13 years old ~i love art and music! ~m'n favorite gamers/friends: >minecraft = woepdidoe, noodprofielmatch, tjorven, lexi >mario kart8 = ??? >splatoon : mtjakkes >justdance 2017 = ??? >disney infinity 3.0. = henders
Ruvik RuvikDragonoid
Hello and welcome to my profile :D I love drawing (even though i'm not that good at it :T). Nonetheless i always enjoy a challenging game and engaging in puzzling activities. I spend most of my time daydreaming or buried in deep thought, there's always something interesting to be analyzed c: Feel free to send a friend request :3 Tambien Hablo Español X3
doge lover mikiis7
markus J.Wildi
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deadking:) donovanaidyn
charlietdm richardpatnem
Crasy C. qwerty785
KiarnJD SUPA-4
いわ†=одо ☆★ SmearyHobo
Hey! My name is Eleanor,i'm a 9 year girl that some people say im cute and hot,but i say i'm neither.I'm a red-head. I have long hair and a fringe on the right.Some people already know this,I LOVE GAMING!So i hope everyone on the wii u has a great life.Bye and peace!
denis bros Stefyj
mya emmajaneoneil
sonic ironcaelen07
hi my name is caelen i am 9 and i like cats :) by the way what to play minecraft ?
katy pery♪ pieter1978
hallo iedereen' GRESS78 is leuk maar soms niet ik ken in het echt andreas & pro☆gamer & #LOL hij had Frankrijk in ge type dat was perongeluk hij woont in België en ik ben 9
Amylee33 Courtney326
If you play minecraft add me and STAMPYLONGHEAD IS A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!
mario goodfella303
Darkapex darkapex
Lucy fester5251
Hi i am fester i love playing mindcraft my best friends are imsocool,martmason and 20-nana-04.New best friends Vicky Nightdude and Joah bear Ive got a boyfriend to his name is asomepuinguin but i call him dethturdle i love him from the middle of my heart he is really nice.Love the youtubers DanTDM and jacksepticeye favourite song in the name of love.
Dad moxley7
Danny big_poppa524
I love mario games,super smash bros,minecraft,and much more.My friend are cool you should check them sorry if i miss spell stuff sumtime.I like making friends.
smg4 Thom.Thom.2003
hallo ik ben thomking90!!!! gamen is mijn leven maar niet te veel weer ik zal aan de gedragregel luister van nu aan (dus hij ook) en ja ik speel minecraft vaak en aan het werken aan eftelingcraft en kingtopia dag :)
finn FinnBennet
Anny braxin
Harry jenny2777
Toon Link pilkintonsean
When I move out, I wanna be an Adventurer! Exploring Forests, Caves, Old Abandoned Mines, and Finding Treasure!
Yoshifan02 piplupsmom
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Jay trizzle110806
しょうま sakechazke
Sammy Girl chris92653
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tomlin Tomlin5
ffresh delg0421
hello my real name is omar i am pro if u friend me u will de more pro like me i nealy have 70 friends plz help me to get 80 friends im aming for 50 follower bey 2018 my favrat games are minecraft splatoon and if u show me how to make a redston clock u are a master pro like me biy peace out (^-^)
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.