Milo's Followers
Ava Ra150873
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
MLG Yoshi JohanES10
Welcome to my profile! Things I like are: Super Smash Bros., Minecraft, Terraria, Need For Speed: Most Wanted U, and Mario Kart 8. Things I don't like are: Salty People, Griefers, Hackers, and Noobs. News: I finally got a Nintendo Switch With Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. i might get minecraft and terraria for switch.
FLNgaming yventura34
SW-2740-1852-5420 Discord: FLNgaming#2563 DA: FLNgaming YT: FLNgaming Tweet: @SMproductions64 Amino: FLN If you like what you see, you can feel free to comment on my art. NOW BREAKING 1,600 FOLLOWERS! FOLLOW THESE USERS rosieandnatasha1(I love you^^) kitzscher147 Luigiguy77 B3thanyD0nn3ly_2 KirbyHilll101 PrincessIris1234 LoveYou12672 olafski123 WhatSerName45 manga123uk bubblebude2 NoviSad021
Sarah Asriel_Dreemurr5
Thanks for stumbling upon my profile! My name is Sarah and here are a few things to know:I LOVE Anime Favorite Games: Undertale, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Mystic Messenger Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Subject: Math Favorite Colors: Blue, Silver Favorite Animals: Dogs, Wolves, Horses I speak English, German I feel like that's enough info for now. ALSO, go follow my friend njj2014 for Zelda stuff
Chobo jakecashell
Greetings from Ireland , My name is Jake and I like to play games and have fun. ''Games are as fun as the person playing it''.
Kat blueseaz
Cya peeps. Peeps = My Wonderful Followers (And possibly a few others) Thanks for everything.
********** ahmad_of_light
♡【ⓗⓘ ⓘⓜ ⓐⓗⓜⓐⓓⓓ】♡ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ □『ⓘⓜ ⓝⓘⓒⓔ』□ 「ⓔⓓⓓⓓ ⓘⓢ ⓜⓨ ⓑⓕⓕ」
leono tazo09
shy shyienne
hi guys my name is shy sometime loe i love all my games but splatoon i like most i beat the boss on it yea want know more about me comment on one of my posts ask me questions if u like. :) am 11 my crush : stephen :/ yea game over well good job tho i guess :/ am get boring so bye i guess :/
*º«Lϊ௧* Lolita-Kaiju
♡ Goodbye All Of You And Goodbye Miiverse. I've Had The Best Expirience Here And I Thank You All Enough!!
Dee generationX
My favorite thing about the WiiU, is the ability to draw and look at other people's art on MiiVerse. Thank you so much for 9000+ yeahs and 300+ follows!!! I am out of friend space!!!!!!! My Favorites: artists: Da Vinci, Bernini, Van Gogh, Dali music: Foo Fighters, Metallica, Aerosmith video games: Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past & anything Mario
mace bmp004
NintenBro blanethegamer
Hi I'm Blane Beck I'm 17 years old. Im in the 12th grade. Im really into Nintendo as you can tell. My favorite videogames are:Loz wind waker hd,SuperMarioGalaxy1&2, SuperMario3D World&land, AnimalCrossing:NewLeaf,Minecraft, Splatoon,MiiTopia,TomodachiLife,MarioKart7&8
abraham abraham_jesus01
kiwigamer teampurplekiwi
Carlos CarlosMiguelT.S
Mi nombre es: Carlos Miguel Torres Santillán. Edad: 15 Juegos favoritos: Super Mario Galaxy 1/2, Mario Kart Wii/8, Super Smash Bros .Brawl/Wii U, New Super Mario Bros. DS/Wii/U y Super Mario 3D World. Les dejo ahi si me quieren agregar para jugar en linea. Wii U ID: CarlosMiguelT.S.
BJBat FloppyDude
Hi, This Is BJBat, And I Love Gaming! You Can See Me Online On Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Wii Sports Club (East Midlands UK) And Splatoon! I Am Extremely Grateful For All My Followers! Also Please Take Time To Follow My Brother NitroBoy And My Friend Raj! Sorry For My Bad Spelling. Also Thank You So Much For 420 Followers Miiverse Friends! Bye For Now!
Lucι~wσιf milu2000
Αmιησ: Luci~chan^^ [miiverse] (Uniros pls ‹3) Hoy es el dia en el que esto m0r1r4...
DSA» Polka tomekdona
Hello my name is Kelly.I like meeting new friends.I am from Poland! ;) my personalty is kindness, careful, gentle! please follow me and find new, great adventures with me! ;-D I'm princess of peace! Mowie po polsku też!Siemka!
wilson jr wilsonjr0812
*im wilson *years old: 14 *favorite characters: mario,luigi,bowser & tails *favorite tv shows (recent): steven universe #GoodbyeMiiverse
Morowensa Morowensa
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ƒς Jυłiе14 mystik14
♪Heyoo ! I'm Fs Julie 14 ! I love music, MHGen ! I draw manga and pkm ▼I speak ξηgłίςн , ξςраñоł. Gεrмап ?hm no ^^'▼ ★Fairy Tail, Naruto, Magi, Crimson Prince, Kaichou wa maid-sama, Akagami no Shirayukihime (...) ‹3 Thanks you, followers :) and everybody, for everything, I won't never forget Miiverse ! See you ;) Team Fs, TF MV : Mars 2015-2017
lucky abi1rock
Razz SmashFnafGamer
Alola! Call Me Razuko, Black Neko, Razz, or Robby 3ds account: blacknekonoiz Favorite 3DS Games: Pokemon, New Super Mario Bros,AC:New Leaf, Fire Emblem Fates, Super Smash Bros. Favorite Wii U Games: Super Smash Bros, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Series, New Super Mario Bros, Minecraft, Splatoon Pc/Phone: Gmod, Minecraft Xbox One/Ps4: Gta V, Halo, Mortal Kombat X, Minecraft
ユタクナツ takumi7001
私のプロフィールを開いてくれてありがとうございます! 私は普段「うごくメモ帳3D」で活動していますが、正直…投稿ペースが遅いです ■■■■■ ■■ ■■□ □■□ ■ ■□ ■ ■ ■□ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ ■ ■ □□■ ■ ■ ■ □■ ■□ □□ □□ ■ ■ □ ■ □■ ■ □ ■ ■ ■■■ □■ ■□□□■ □■ ■□□□□■ □■ ■□□□□■ □■■ ■□□□□■□□□■■□□■ ■□□■■■■■□□□□□■ ■■■ ■■■■■■ ありがとう ミーバース そして さようなら 何!?うごメモも終わるだとっ!?
Bendy Zendythehalfangl
hi guys,love games and batim?Hi im Bendy(real name is Chris)and i love fnaf,batim,undertale,tattletail,Dantdm...and more!Plz like my art this is the only social media I can post my drawings on(no i dont have twitter or facebook and no....not musicly so no more questions)
yucky♪ 4696yukicat
プロフ見てくださりありがとうございます。yucky♪と申します。「ゆっきー」でも通じますので何でも好きに呼んでもらって構わないです。絵をメインに投稿してます。よろしくお願いします。割りと活動してるコミュはカービィコミュです。団長が尊い…。 他にはFFコミュでも出没してます。ビビ可愛い。 絵心教室始めました。一応こっちは3DSなので出せませんが1ごうでやってます。 最近は青い鳥に出現中です(-∞-)
SpringARMS Naomipony
Hello. I mostly post drawings. Also I have a Nintendo Switch. I don't have my Wii U anymore. But on my Switch I love playing ARMS, Splatoon 2, Minecraft, Cave Story, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I do follow back. Bye, hope you have a nice day.
Rei★ Reisailor
κarolina ² Stella212
Ciao,io sono un amministratore di miiverse…solo che non si vede perché,ecco,mi hanno licenziato.Seguitemi perché ne vale la pena e forse,ma dico FORSE vi pagherò…e ciao. SCHERZAVO! Sono κarolina ² o kairy se preferite! Seguitemi perché pubblico bei disegni,credo… ☆Seguite anche Flavia,Gaia,Martina e giulia★☆★ (bff)☆ NON COPIATEMI! Yeeah! Ciaooo! ^υ^
CAROLINA NinetaMango
Hoy cierra Miiverse.Gracias a todos los q me habeis seguido!!!HOS ECHARE MUCHOOO DE MENOS!!!
↑NSLUDoggo rachelrob
This is goodbye... I guess. P r o f i l e : ß r ø d ý G a m e : P r o p H u n t P o r t a b l e
Yolo Yayidisfun6669
Hi there! i like to draw and play games. Please follow me before miiverse is at it's end! And follow my friends, they deserve it! Ok thanks! *smooch* (especially derpy ˙ω˙ ~こんにちは!私はゲームや写真が好きです。 miiverseが終わる前に私に従ってください!そして、私の友人に従ってください、彼らはそれに値する!どうもありがとうございました!
#SMV PUMA2 aw7142
hola soy puma2 me siguen y les sigo patras gracias por leer! #SMV :) ***** mejores lugares son: VIVA MEXICO-VIVA ECUADOR-VIVA PUERTO RICO-VIVA CUBA y VIVA DOMENICANA cool people: puma 2(me) armando KOBE B. Lupstain ZERMIR storm voingo Niko ajo error sans markiplier derek konragamer capash rio rio2 Estefany jose david 07 Aaron ch Favorite type of music reggaetón (cncowner)and classic :)
♪Lil Prin♪ PrincessIR
I would like to thank all my friends and followers who were with me on miiverse these last 2 and a half years. Love you and all your creative posts. :') Miiverse closes: November 7
BeXie BeXieH_Mae
StarboyCst jamiezureich
Neko★Gal AnnabelleTheGirl
Best Friend: τκz★Star☆ I'm 13 and I love music. I'm new here and I already got a lot of followers! Peace out!
まるかぜ。(じゅけん mm15219
良ければ皆恋、うごにでも来てください(小声) この度ミーバースを卒業させていただきました! 友の方、フォロワーさん、4年もありがとうございました!! 細かいお知らせはうごでオナシャス(υωυ)
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been gr...
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)