Users Milo Is Following
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
Ana ananava
Thank you to all my followers and friends on Miiverse! Your support means a lot. Good bye! I wish you all the best! I'm gonna miss this place. I'll be on !nstà and Då and Tw!ttër. G o ø g l ê : "fishicorn" and "fishishicorn" òwó)b
Lucι~wσιf milu2000
Αmιησ: Luci~chan^^ [miiverse] (Uniros pls ‹3) Hoy es el dia en el que esto m0r1r4...
CAROLINA NinetaMango
Hoy cierra Miiverse.Gracias a todos los q me habeis seguido!!!HOS ECHARE MUCHOOO DE MENOS!!!
Abri Abri21
I know, I'm starting all over and loosing all the data I have from my other account (superabribros.12) but I just wanted to start FRESH again. So no further a do. Hello and Welcome to my new account! I'm Abri.
Vαмρ~Čħαη± sailormoon_cool
I have no idea why... but i am better at drawing... Art request are accepted.. Go Follow ★Eze10gun ★Alysa☆★☆ ★EvilCherry ★Floe ★Drama. Thank you guys 4 so much.. but Miiverse ending is soon... ♪•~Love you all!~•♪ Nyah!~ ★Post remaining ☆No post ps; The black star means that what i have..:T the blank means i dont have.
★~Чυυκι~★ bigdogred002
‹-.·•★»«★•·.-> ★ :¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨:¨: ~ ●★◆★●★◆★ Ч !!¡¡!!¡¡??¿¿?? υ +×+×+×+×+×+ υ πΠπΠπΠπΠπΠπΠ υ (*)(★)(*)(★)(*) κ ¯♪–♪—♪_♪¯♪ ι ^v^v^v^v^v^v ~ ‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’‚‘‚’ ★ Hεllσ! I'м Чυυκι! Tнαик ЧОU fσг 100+ fσllσωεгs!! Cнεcк συτ τнεsε вεαηs:↓ GK sinnie Angelic~ ¤°Ðérék♂ SpoopyYuki Mκ★Luango Spooky★Val D-Angel♪♪♪ ★T●●N★●NI★ Fгεε нυgs αηчσиε? c(•ε•c) #SAVEMIIVERSE! ˘^˘ ~Чυυκι♪ =•ω•=
Spøøky Catluver_2005
Daniel laserninja20
Great people: Karorina⇒Senpai QuietGhost⇒Daddy Cube⇒Sis' Meggie May⇒"Teacher" Damian⇒I miss u... Λяснéя⇒"Interesting" friend Şεymorε~★⇒Cat Autism, Arthrisis-thingy Been dirtier these days. XD If ya got feelings 'bout me, tell me. We never know, I might feel the same. -3- Maybe... "-3-
★Danielle★ laserninja202
4th acc. of ★Daniel★... Yep... Doing like people does. Do a long useless bio. Hehe... ^^"
A★mr.cŁiňķ linkly456
hey whats up its me mr.c link i'm a splatoon player i'm a level 26 and i have 100 MAX! friends! and i do wiiu chat too! i love drawing! and alot more status: single can't accept anymore friend request because its full sorry :'( and SOON will be getting the nintendo switch also something in 2020 is going to be SPECIAL!!!! bye!
Angelic~ fiskertens
Come hear for healing. ill be your friend i am much like you your much like me . ill accept you for who you are if you accept me. if you need some one im here. welcome home love. stats: tooken age: wont tail Fantoms im in: furry,homestuck,undertale,pokemon im an: artist,poet,sorta a therapist? i help ppl...
josiah ghostssnper
hi my name is josiah i can do a lot of things like play soccer i am good at it i love nerd out songs i am very shy =) i play bo2 and 3 i love those games i will miss u all :( i all was happy play with me its fun i love FCB and also i have 1 sister AND 2 BrotherS
teresina10 ottawa66
cari amici coniglietti visto che molti di voi mi conoscono e altri no sono teresa (questo é il mio vero nome) oggi ho voluto chiamarvi così perché mi sembrava molto carino come voi (ovviamente) ma se non vi piace oppure ho copiato qualcuno diventate miei amici e ditemelo approposito seguite la mia amica shira(ID clarissa02002 e possiamo raggiungere i........200 followers? grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobby tiffpcwireless
Miiverse is ending soon. T~T Thanks to all who supported me and help me get this far. Speical thanks too: Jilly Kar onn Boat Cy Frostbite Capn_Woomy MiniWheats SLBraden CFA★Pika MoonLight MetoMarsh♪ Alexandrea♪ ◆Melody◆шщ Ekko [Blank]O~O Minda Very Salty Salt☆Queen FrostSsk Kid! Miles King Toad Thx to anyone else who followed, Is a Friend or who I had Followed X3
『SZK』にぼしん MOE3048
よろしくお願いします(") フォローされたらかえします。 <そうだね>押してくれると嬉しいです。 5歳設定なのでフレリクは送れない&受け取れません。 最近やっているゲーム>>スプラトゥーン LOST・REAVERS マリオカート8 じっくり絵心教室です。 nice to meet you(") l will return it when it is followed That's right. I hope you push it. Because it is 5 years old, I can not receive it unless l can send Fririku I'like Spla toon and LOST・REVERS and MARIOKART8 Giikuriegoko,(")/ 大好き&大切さん>>チョコちゃん あおしょ じげち ケガニ ちーちゃん
GlitchGoth xquizit
H-Hi.....I'm Goth..... Gender:Male Age:???? [Perferably Teen] Šεχΰαιιîťγ:Bi Crush: P-Palette... >////< Likes:Books, Soft music, Being around Palette or other kind people Dislikes:Rude/Mean people, Cussing, Guns Personality:Kind/Caring, Sweet, Shy, Kinda protective about his friends ...............Sorry but no Wii U Chat.........
shy shyienne
hi guys my name is shy sometime loe i love all my games but splatoon i like most i beat the boss on it yea want know more about me comment on one of my posts ask me questions if u like. :) am 11 my crush : stephen :/ yea game over well good job tho i guess :/ am get boring so bye i guess :/
KennethG23 kennethgamer236
Hi Everybody Im A Big Fan Of: Super Mario: Sonic the Hedgehog: Pac-man: Mega man: Harry Potter Miitopia Undertale Fnaf So that's Why Im Here Thank you Have A Good Time oh and i Almost Forgot Follow me So I Can Be Cool
Gσłd IzBaccM8s
ななみ brapi1
きいろ(ホワイト) yellowkiiroro
SpringARMS Naomipony
Hello. I mostly post drawings. Also I have a Nintendo Switch. I don't have my Wii U anymore. But on my Switch I love playing ARMS, Splatoon 2, Minecraft, Cave Story, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I do follow back. Bye, hope you have a nice day.
Suki xXSkittleZXx
Hey skittlez here I am a girl I will wiiu chat whenever my brain says yes lol I absolutely love skittlez…& poptarts (my favorite is strawberry Cx) Skittlez was here by da way im 14 I mainly play bo2… im planning on reaching prestige master on ma main account…im prestige 8 And after dat ill make dis ma main account where im gonna try to go 4 a 2.00+ K/D I'm emo♥ K/D right now: 2.50 W/L 4.00
gordito joaquinoblitas
yo me llamo joaquin oblitas, en realidad me llamo JOAQUIN tengo12 años y soy unos de los mejores jugadores de la wii u
Mathu √★ DigimonMaster222
Gramcrakers:bowser_and_lucas karate kick:the_greatest_artist if we haven't talked do send me a FR up here. no blank ones either.
Knightfall GAMEKNIGHT78
Im older than most here (39), have autism, as well as a host of other physical and mental difficulties. If I seem strange, or weird, im sorry. I do my best to be kind and helpful, and treat a lady like a lady. If that makes me "bad", then I guess theres no place for me...
Hekapoo jg443651
Greetings, my sweet child. Welcome to my profile. I'm Hekapoo. I'm friends with Star and Marco. I only had Dimensional Scissors to enter Smash 4.
#im stupid schoenfeldt499
Hi, my name is Riley im a girl just putten dat out there i LOVE to play minecraft but unfortunately im a noob.... BUT I DON'T CARE I LOVE IT!!! I'm REALLY REALLY weird. dont mind that plz. im starting a yt channel called lollolpoop so dats all have a nice day! ♡♥♡♥
тум LuigiStar7
RK☆Xeno IsaiahHarris1021
OW MY FRICKEN FACE. *Cries internally* HHHHHHHH... OH. Hi...Welcome to my little corner of miiverse. im just an 11 year old that has no life. So i make posts. follow these peeps • (Bff) ¶ieces •RK☆Octogal •★¤ςτεαм¤★ •RK☆May bye everybody! thank-you!! for 900+ followers Call me /Xeno/ or /Tyrell/ #Xieces #SaveMiiverse (wont be on long tommorow because of middle school.)
★MeowMina☆ Yandere2016
Thanks for 90+ Follower... I really appreciate it . Its painful to know , that this place is gonna die tomorrow ... Thank you guys for the wonderful year i had here ... If you want to keep contact with me , you can find me on Tωΐťťěг as : TheStrangeMina or TheStrangeMimi ... Thanks again for the really great time here ... * It' s the end.
Ludwig BlueCinnamonRoll
Just some random teenager who clearly has no life, plays videogames and drinks Coke. I'm also an artist too, so check out my drawings when you get the chance.
chiro chiro0604
もうそろそろですねMiiverse。楽しみましょう。 ***ENJOY MIIVERSE*** こんなにもこんなにもたくさんの投稿者から私を見つけてくれてありがとうございます。 幸せな4年間でした! 沢山フォローしていただき毎日お付き合いいただき感謝です。ありがとうございます。 最近ささやいてもいます。 thank you follow me for long time. l really enjoyed here. l pray for the happiness of all of you.
アヒルちゃん4ごう kamimura1124
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開に していると思っていたお前の姿はお笑いだったよ 皆さんこんにちは アヒルちゃん4号と申します 中1、13歳です 性格 ぱっぱらぱー 高頻度で頭のおかしい投稿をしております ミーバースが終わるなんて知らない ※主にスプラトゥーンに出没します みんなよろしくね ≧ ι( ë )丿≦ テッテレー
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been gr...
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)