Sylas's Followers
autumskies AutmnCreeper
catch ya on the flip side! (›ωο)
まかろん♪ kensab
BTSのテテが大好き!これからもLOVE~~>< LOVEYOURSELFさいこ~♪ジンニムかわいすぎ~ ミバも始めて2か月ありがとうございます!^∀^ パクリはやめて下さい。イラッとしますから。。。 ・jc1 極普通な中学1年生女子です ・tennis部☆ 本当に楽しい!試合勝った♪¶¶ ・K-POPと洋楽好き! K-POPはだいたい分かります。(多分。。。) 洋楽ではセレーナゴメスが一番好き∂ k-popもいろいろ良ければ聞いてね© お絵かきをよく投稿します!目が好き♪顔のパーツ好きです‰⇔€ 気になった人には私からフォローするよ~♪フォローも返すよ◇◆というか 100%$$ буб よろしくお願いします。。。☆★ 2017 8.9ー10.9
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
katelyn katelyn1119
hi im katelyn. i love cats and pugs. splatoon is my favorite game but i also play other games to. i also like pokemon i like snivy and charizard best. science is my favorite subject. i like all my friends and everbody else to. so thats it thanks for seeing my profile bye! also recruiting members to my SS☆clan where we defeat woomy! our motto: if woomys try they DIE.. bye miiverse!!
♪☆Kacey☆♪ scampet42
Ay why ya touching my face back off ò_ó!! srsly tho follow me i want 1000 followers to feel like did my bit in miiverse! um ..... ya im um im .....*thinks hard* eh im 14 and im a girl (IKR bet ya never knew) and i like to draw cuz im so fun like that RULES: .dont comment things that will make me uncomfortable .hurt my followers and i will have a 'nice' chat with ya .dont stalk or yeah bomb me
♪Mellisa♪™ REAPERGAM3R
Hoi, im Mellisa,I love anime, gaming and drawing. Favorite Song: Miss Wanna Die. Favorite Games:BATIM and Undertale. Favorite Anime: SAO. Favorite Show: Rick And Morty. Favorite YT Series:Eddsworld Favorite Sub-Reddit: Totally Not Robots. Favorite YouTuber: Matthew Santoro. Weirdest Hobby: Scream singing edgy songs.ôωô Things I Hate: Psyco Sans fangirls and living
ωσωακα‹3 Usako131
☆*wеιcσmе τσ my sеα gαlαxy^^~*☆ ================= **i'm gone again,but i'll be back at some point...maybe,i dunno.** main in smash:Link favorite pokémon(s):Lopunny,Aggron Aegislash,Torracat,mimikyu&cresselia duh. I draw doodles alot and play pokemon X,AS and moon. and i love to stay awake t'ill 5 am and drink coffee<3. 15/♀
ςΰΡΣΓςΌИÏÇ Estebanpro22
hola soy surigala yo juego mucho a splatoon amigos favoritos 1frisk 2bicho 2fairy tail los demas son amigo nada mas♥♥♥ y tanbien e adenlantado mucho de segidores gracias a todos por los 400 pero ensegida voy a subir si llegara a los 500 antes del sabado os lo agraceria mucho mas abajo hola mas abajo :)
Mccree markifan2
~<κκ>~ MidNightRAINgirl yea i'm kk i will be telling u some stuff about me.... Favorite color- purple,blue,green Favorite food- TACOS,muffin,pizza Favorite sport- soccer,baseball Favorite thing to do- listen to music,play with friends, oh and i just got a ps4 and just got braces Favorite animal- Dog,giraffe i pretty much like all animals so any questions friend me! btw Single♥ and i'm 11 um soo PEACE OUT!
ali Rupert85705
HI. I love fairy tale, Im 17 \(·~·)/ i speak English and español. people to follow: 1. joseph.D 2. xai★ 3. lilskittle 4. Darkshaddow 5. fulcrum 6. Glenn 7. Kitty fav animas: Ouran high school host club,Farytail,The seven dedly sins ,Attack on titan ,K , S.a.o ,Blue exorcist and Soul Eater :3 :) (/^o^)/ ●Cookie?
Gone Girl… AishlingRodgers
Hey,I'm Gone Girl... I'm a emo outcast I'm a 13 year old girl I love anime I'm single I'm biosexual I love black veil brides and my chemical romance I feel like a slãve to my boy friend My friends on miiverse are So Long And Goodnight~ Gerald Way ★GeeDraws★,Riegn,Becca,♪Katie♪♀ ♪I'm not ok♪ Follow my other acout- Emo.Witch(Emo-Witch-Forevs) I join miiverse on the 4th-7th-2017
JustSophie chloelee96
HECH Pass the poison please I don't care if you insult me now, you'll never hurt my feelings because I don't have feelings,,
Sans SansIsCool3
This is my profile for undertale stuff. My other account is Richman.
(Adrian) Adrian6936
Hi my name is Adrian, I'm 14 and I like to play guitar, super smash bros, and Animal crossing new leaf, my favorite guitar is a Gibson Explorer
JP_Szilard hisurosu
オース、シラードです。 僕は、主にマイクラ、スプラ、マリオメーカー、ゼル伝BOTWをプレイしてます。 マリメは、気軽にいいねしてください^^ フレリク募集してます。 あと基本的にフォローしてくださったら返すようにしています^^ THEend
Oгioп Pyroli_Noctali
>ω< ————————————————— ●Hello welcome to my account, I am a friendly boy French who loves drawing,reading and pokemon! :) ☆2 account: ★Oгισп~ (ID: 3DSNNetwork)☆ A big thank you to my subscriber!;)>ω< Special dedication to Lyα and ★Ryn★ and others! •↑Please feel my favorite message!↑ •I hope to be able to draw soon and please be indulgent!:/ Δ ΔΔ ↑And follow me!!!↑ —————————————————
ふたばぷらす s0106k
おう、呆れて乾いた笑いしか出ねーぞ ふたばぷらすぅの別アカでーす!!!^^ まぁこっちのが浮上すると思います(笑) !!注意書きデス!! ◆フレリクは受け付けておりません... ◇一度絡んで下さった方は、大体覚えております? どんどん声かけて下さい! ◆絵描き仲間↓ おっくう β Till リイラちゃん まちゃこ ◇あ、本アカのフォローよろしくね。 ◆無言フォローも返しますが、絡んで頂かないと、 覚えていない場合がございます... ◇友達なって!って言われたら絶対なりますんで ◆ノリはかなりいい...と思う ◇最近頭おかしいって言われます ◆中学生になりました。楽しいです。 ◇マイクラ、スプラやっとりますよー! ◆部活やってるよ!!! ◇アンテに再ハマりしますた 2017年1月1日更新。
super m104 21KirBy
hi i am marcus im a good boy
BendysBack bAd-2-bOnE
hi. Im usaully on minecraft.Im A Master Of Battle Mode. I've Got DLC for Smash Bros. so BYE! i said bye? why are you still here? stop going down. well anyways online:Yes Posts:Yes have a good day.
Viviana ZrainbowAlien
★ Invader Zim ★ OC Me Zrainbow Alien ♀ Angle ;-) Favorite: Anime,Cartoon,Animation,Comic,Drawing,Movie Fandom: Creepypasta , Godzilla , KO O.K. ! , SU , Pokemon , Undertale AU , BATIM , MLP , FNAF , STH , Hiveswap , Invader Zim Crossover: * Invader Zim * Sonic The Hedgehog * MLP Friendship Is Magic * Kid Vs Kats
Jonas masterj0da
LightChao luciansales
hey back from Disneyland! what did i miss? Don't forget FOLLOW ME or just FRIEND ME AND SMACK THE FOLLOW BUTTON OR FRIEND BUTTON ON THE FACE! plus me and jojo_chao are brothers from another mother!and if i get in another argument 10 More Times Im Turning In To TOY FREDDY : copyright subjected to scot cawten and the FNAF Fanrise =D
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
Dave superlink345
Hi I'm Çá[3 and i like video game such as: Mario super sluggers sm4sh mario kart 8 Split2n so come friend Bitman and me dftba Çá[3
Haze lufnic108
Hi im AI and i want to give a shoutout to these ppl and the ones im gonna tell sorry jenni,Fritzy,rose,sonic,amy,spice, and so on ill make a post and shout out to my friends T_T i just want my old friends back and we can play online games this has ben hard for me i can't even see my daddy well fav games:super smash bros, minecraft,mk8, lost reavers and fatal frame
Anime Foxy joe.solivan
Hello...I'm Anime Foxy,I'm a great person to be your friend...,i'm also a good Artist and a good Music Artist. ♪I want to be a Artist and a Music Artist one day!♪. I hope you follow my fellow friends and me but please... I'm sensitive as a feather, so don't bully me i'm a kind person not a mean person. ♪So, what I like is Anime, Art, Music, and FNAF♪... just saying I like Phone Guy and Vinnie
courtney courtneywood14
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Leni wommy789
Hi my name is Lexie.I love splatoon and mario games! My favourite squid sister is callie and my favourite mario character is Rosalina. Also check out my older sister's miiverse account.Her name is Kaiya(Her mii has a big smile and glasses with wavy hair!) (^-^) (^o^) peace out
Golden Boy Amarakk
Welcome to the Goldilocks zone. • Geeky young adult male - Likes both guys and gals alike; loves canines and meeting new people • Cartoonist/animator who's an aspiring game designer • Favorite franchises: - Age of Empires - Kirby - Pokemon - Mario Psst. Go follow Raine~ She's the meme queen of 2016. <3
didi jerevedunewiiu13
Bonjours, je m'apellee didi,jai 10ans, ma serie préféré et zelda,je reve d'avoir tout les jeux zelda,je suit actif,mais jeux : zelda wind waker hd , miecraft wii u .Ma liste de jeux va s'améliorer temporairment merci,bon miiverse. gentie ★★★★★ geek ★★★★★ bon builder ★★★★☆ Ma chanson préféré :simple de orelsan Mais 4 youtuber préférés sont :¹siphano ²g&k ³EvilSquid 4agengb calin wifi
Petey HappyPoo18
I my name is Petey and I am 13 and my favorite games are Mario Kart 8-Super Mario 3D World-Nintendo Land- I play not to spend my life on games and trying to plan my future and I am planing to follow my dad's foot steps into the Marine Corp and also planing to have fun in my home town LA but I still go for the Raiders I am kinda nice and I want to meet freinds with more people
C.J ·ω· evo.72
My Mii will stay like dis till the end of October. FAMALAM, If any of my followers are reading this, thanks for following a pile of trash (aka ME) and if any of my friends are reading this, then: I Iove y'all. W. wins at nothing. NOTHING. E . easily distracted I . I'm awesome ' n' I know it! R . risky D . dumb as friсkin hесk
キリッ silkroad819819
フォロワー様500人ありがとうございます!!!!!これからも様々な企画をご用意しております!!よろしくお願いします!!はじめましての方ははじめましてww、キリッです!フィッシャーズシルク超鬼好き、めちゃめちゃウオタミ、絵描くの大好き、東方大好き、ユニバ大好き、主にNEWマリUやってます! ウオタミさん、東方好きさん、ユニバ好きさん、天才絵師の方々フォローします!! フォローは1000000000000%返します!!出来てなかったら教えて下さい! フレンド超大歓迎です!!ただしテレビ電話はできないです・・・ 無言フォローするかもです・・・ フォローよろしくお願いします!!では、アデュー!!
Byrdman Mojo76
☆Welcome to cringeland☆ Give tea* Drink up! Hey! So i like Joji vlogs... jontron too! But i dont really know what to do in life... like really! What do you do for a liveing? Nothing probably... Joji and Ian work great for a funny skit! Ending bio here... yup good bye... why are you even here? for wut
Ana Elena UsagiBon
∞~Hσια α τσδ@ς~∞ ςσγ Ana Elena γ εςρεгσ qυε ισ pαςείς ωυγ βίεη cσηωίgσ :3 •Δqυί εηcοητrαrείς: ● Dίβμjσς :) ● Tαgς ♪ ● ςεrίες :3 ● cυrίσςίδαδες όuό ● γ στrας cσςίτας ωàς... ~Δδίός~
Skittles KIRBYX19
Owie. I-I mean, hullo. I'm Skittles, if you didn't already know... I'm just a smol that doodles. Nothing special. Undertale and Splatoon.
Akira InsaneNekoMoogle
Hi!!! im akira :3 i love to draw, read, and play video games~ my fav games are the legend of zelda (all seires), kingdom hearts (all seires), japanese RPGs, final fantasy, super mario, and etc. i love to be funny and have a sense of humor! (^o^)/ i love anime >w< follow me to see more posts i make! most of them are memes, drawings, game related, and funny stuff! ^ω^ squids are beautiful...
DaKidd32 DaKidd32akaboss
Miiverse why did you ban me I said that I was going to a planet. Nothing was harmed.
girl chara Charalovesherbro
hi im 13years old im also friendly
Parker danderson222
нεllσ! ίτ΄ş ηίcε τσ мεετ γσц!
[√]online [ ]offline
Bestie: @Puppet ♪
Awesome Pe...
нεllσ! ίτ΄ş ηίcε τσ мεετ γσц!
[√]online [ ]offline
Bestie: @Puppet ♪
Awesome People!:
@мåмä Çħαгą
@Puppet ♪