Users Sylas Is Following
まかろん♪ kensab
BTSのテテが大好き!これからもLOVE~~>< LOVEYOURSELFさいこ~♪ジンニムかわいすぎ~ ミバも始めて2か月ありがとうございます!^∀^ パクリはやめて下さい。イラッとしますから。。。 ・jc1 極普通な中学1年生女子です ・tennis部☆ 本当に楽しい!試合勝った♪¶¶ ・K-POPと洋楽好き! K-POPはだいたい分かります。(多分。。。) 洋楽ではセレーナゴメスが一番好き∂ k-popもいろいろ良ければ聞いてね© お絵かきをよく投稿します!目が好き♪顔のパーツ好きです‰⇔€ 気になった人には私からフォローするよ~♪フォローも返すよ◇◆というか 100%$$ буб よろしくお願いします。。。☆★ 2017 8.9ー10.9
Lyn' 3DSNetworkA
Adieu! T^T I thank you all, I love you, that was the biggest and funniest experience I have ever seen...;( ‹3 ;-;
Orbulon 0rbulon
Do the Kirby dance! (>'.')> <('.'<) ^('.')^ v('.')v <('.'<) ^( )^ (>'.')> ^(^.^)> Stay tuned for more gaming randomness and some pixel art + Art Academy stuff every now and then. Things you can expect here: - Cartoon Characters - Ghosts - Kirby - Legend of Dark Witch - Paper Mario - Pokémon - Puyo Puyo - Shantae - Wario Land - WarioWare ...and some random stuff. 2nd account: EvilOrbi
ε●•Мεяı•●з MariaBarreto
Hola,pronto acabará MV así que espero que durante este tiempo que queda nos lo pasemos lo mejor posible <3 MUCHÍSIMAS Gracias a: Rodrigo,Nacho,Aitor,Liamo,Noru,Inky,Kath,Nia,Touko,Cris,Isa,Miguel,Maria y más. Por haber sido mis amigos aquí en MV,os quiero muchísimo♥ Me gustaría qué antes de que esto acabe lleguemos por lo menos a 800+ F por favor ÓvÒ A disfrutar de lo que queda,Mi Estrellita ★
Cat_chan Lourys
Yo ! I'm Catchan, I'm 13. I'm french but I can speak english and spanish. I love to draw, playing games, cats, mangas, music, and Harry Potter ! My favourite miiversers are Puppy ♭ ¹, MemeSenpai, pöisõnïvÿ, #SMV†Fell†, Me!, ☆★ Lou ★☆, Cathy#Y, ★Dragon64★, Ambrie.w., łεσNσrd, #TεαmŁουρ, juliette☆, twixette★, HarleyQuin, Hαρργ, ~ChuMarin~... So much time with U my friends ! I will NEVER forget U.
Spoopity♪ bubblebude2
Squids are invertebrates, y'know what that means?... They're... [B]oneless. σωσ ☆~ Info About This Dork ~☆ -16 -♀ (MtF) -Smol awkward bean ˙˘˙ -No longer playing Splatoon, if you want to play Splatoon 2, ask meh! ouo ☆~ Awesome People! ouo ~☆ αquα (Mine~♡♡ ˇ˘ˇ ) Buttlet (Emo bean :>) Vix (Pure cinnamon roll uwu) FLNGaming™ (Amazing friendo :3)
♪☆Kacey☆♪ scampet42
Ay why ya touching my face back off ò_ó!! srsly tho follow me i want 1000 followers to feel like did my bit in miiverse! um ..... ya im um im .....*thinks hard* eh im 14 and im a girl (IKR bet ya never knew) and i like to draw cuz im so fun like that RULES: .dont comment things that will make me uncomfortable .hurt my followers and i will have a 'nice' chat with ya .dont stalk or yeah bomb me
Karorina Karorina13
Even though Miiverse is finally coming to an end. i want to thank everyone for supporting me over the years. Through the good times, and bad. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank You. A VERY special thanks to the ones who i was so close to. Thank You. ‹3 QuietGhost, ★Daniel★ , Purple , KevinToon, Ryan.exe, Wolverine, Cube, AngstyBaka, Villager.
Marmottine PtiteLune
Bingo bingo~ Here/Ici : •Draw/ Dessin ☆w☆ •Steven Universe !🌟 •Des post random '<' Si toutes les côtes de porc étaient parfaites, les hot-dog n'existeraient pas ☆ If every porkchop was perfect, we wouldn't have hot-dogs ☆ My English is bad, but... but nothing '<' The end of Miiverse ? It's just a cheap tactic... x) La fin de Miiverse ? Ce n'est qu'une tactique sans mérite... x)
Daniel laserninja20
Great people: Karorina⇒Senpai QuietGhost⇒Daddy Cube⇒Sis' Meggie May⇒"Teacher" Damian⇒I miss u... Λяснéя⇒"Interesting" friend Şεymorε~★⇒Cat Autism, Arthrisis-thingy Been dirtier these days. XD If ya got feelings 'bout me, tell me. We never know, I might feel the same. -3- Maybe... "-3-
butts jr imaginarybanana2
high quality content for VIP only
alex™ alexishh33457
Spooqueen Nounouilleuh
Nyn // ♀ • likes sharks • and pokemon • and reptiles • is splatoon trash right now • "pink is a great color" -Tixy
ωσωακα‹3 Usako131
☆*wеιcσmе τσ my sеα gαlαxy^^~*☆ ================= **i'm gone again,but i'll be back at some point...maybe,i dunno.** main in smash:Link favorite pokémon(s):Lopunny,Aggron Aegislash,Torracat,mimikyu&cresselia duh. I draw doodles alot and play pokemon X,AS and moon. and i love to stay awake t'ill 5 am and drink coffee<3. 15/♀
Loser zombiebunny13
This place is like being trapped in a burning building. I used to want to call for help but now I just wanna set up a lawn chair and watch it burn.
JustSophie chloelee96
HECH Pass the poison please I don't care if you insult me now, you'll never hurt my feelings because I don't have feelings,,
Vicky ViickySky
«Hi! i talk a little bit of English y Español» i draw because i like it! ›Sometimes jokes in spanish ›Doodles ›Memes ›MultiFandom ›Trash ›Some times good drawings this describes this perfile. «I hope Edd is in the heaven of cola» →× BAN ME MIIVERSE×← Well, Miiverse is going to end, so expect n s f w drawings in the final day. →☆I will end my 5 years in this place with sin☆←
Ana ananava
Thank you to all my followers and friends on Miiverse! Your support means a lot. Good bye! I wish you all the best! I'm gonna miss this place. I'll be on !nstà and Då and Tw!ttër. G o ø g l ê : "fishicorn" and "fishishicorn" òwó)b
Tori Wolf☆ toriwolf121213
Hello. Why u click meh face? Who r u? Who am I? Anyway... Hiya-hiya ima Tori Wolf! I was adopted by a furry (Chocobean Wishes) who also adopted a cat (taco lover), a animal (CrystalHeart), and a bendy who isnt the real bendy (Bendy the Dancing Demon)! Anything else yah wana know? No? Good... Now good-bye and see you... idk when...
Princess princesscricri
Bonjour à tous, Fan de mangas, j'adore dessiner mes personnages préférés (The legend of Zelda, Fairytail, One piece, animés Ghibli). Si vous aimez mes dessins, n'hésitez-pas à mettre un "ouais" ou à laisser un message (je parle anglais, allemand et un peu japonais). Dédicace spéciale pour : Alexopro Aurelie.Mangaka Lucypro PokeBigFan \\^o^// the best boy ^.~ ♪
Μs.Βгеееzу kere78
Cord: Keeezy#9796 GramCracker: ChinaIsHere Tubeeee: China Kenshin Snepcheet: ChinaIsThere Birb: China Kensh1n DA: ChinaXKensh1n
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Dog Dom MiyukiHiroshima
(FOLLOW MY OTHER ACCOUNT @AutumnWolf) Hi Guys! I'm Domenick, I'm Christian and I love it! I'm 15years old, And I love to draw. I just got a job at Chick-Fl-A, I'll be a Senior this upcoming school year. Birthday 7/19 Thank-you so much for 2000+ followers, That's amazing! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:19 † <3 This verse is my rock. I live on it~
Sнυ! sofiagame
Mmm Hola. Ahora soy Emo o algo aiudenme we mejor no :V Oc. Melshu Es real Y Shulex también. Y Joshler,por qué no. 7u7 La 3ds Ya me aburre :V Fan de Twenty Øne Piløts. #SkeletonClique Ig: Shu_YoungBlood Canciones con las que tengo una obsesión: Fall away/TØP New perspective/P!ATD Tag,you're it/Melanie Martinez The last of the real ones/FOB Teenagers/MCR
yumio_alt mitsukiXD
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしています。 not really↑↑ メインミーバースアカウント: ian.vil DA: mitsukiharune this is my backup account if I'm banned. :3
Shad0w SidF0x
-Hiatus- Hiya, thanks for visiting my page. Call me Shad0w, or Shadow, whichever you prefer. I like to game and draw. Pokemon, MMX, Undertale, KH, and SSB are some of my favourites. Don't be shy to talk to me, I don't bite [I promise]. Aaaand that's about it. Have yourselves a good day. Joined MV: December 2013. I'm going to miss the good days on MV... ...Oh wait.
ひややっこ ayuharuyume
顔ポチありがとうございます! 不定期に出現して 喋ったり絵とかも描いたりしてます 知ってるジャンヌはまぁ…色々です((← とにかくよろしくお願いします!! フォローのつけ外しはご自由に… »I don’t speak English.« »I can’t speak English.« ↑英文合ってるか不安 漫画やアニメ、ゲームが好きです ((でも話すとなるとにわかすぎるので注意 実況とかは見るけどプレイはしない 超絶クソにわかです((ごめんなさい そうだね、フォロー、コメントをくださる方 本当にありがとうございます!
ふたばぷらす s0106k
おう、呆れて乾いた笑いしか出ねーぞ ふたばぷらすぅの別アカでーす!!!^^ まぁこっちのが浮上すると思います(笑) !!注意書きデス!! ◆フレリクは受け付けておりません... ◇一度絡んで下さった方は、大体覚えております? どんどん声かけて下さい! ◆絵描き仲間↓ おっくう β Till リイラちゃん まちゃこ ◇あ、本アカのフォローよろしくね。 ◆無言フォローも返しますが、絡んで頂かないと、 覚えていない場合がございます... ◇友達なって!って言われたら絶対なりますんで ◆ノリはかなりいい...と思う ◇最近頭おかしいって言われます ◆中学生になりました。楽しいです。 ◇マイクラ、スプラやっとりますよー! ◆部活やってるよ!!! ◇アンテに再ハマりしますた 2017年1月1日更新。
Elliot Mask0DeMasque
Do people even read these? • Name's Elliot • 15 • Memester • Nintendo fan • I make comics sometimes • Cats > dogs
This account is dead. Which means I won't be drawing that much, so It's best for you to unfollow me if you're here for the art. :P But you're still welcomed anyways. XD but I won't be doing anymore requests, sorry. I gave up on Miiverse, but I will still chat. :P
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
Anime Foxy joe.solivan
Hello...I'm Anime Foxy,I'm a great person to be your friend...,i'm also a good Artist and a good Music Artist. ♪I want to be a Artist and a Music Artist one day!♪. I hope you follow my fellow friends and me but please... I'm sensitive as a feather, so don't bully me i'm a kind person not a mean person. ♪So, what I like is Anime, Art, Music, and FNAF♪... just saying I like Phone Guy and Vinnie
▲▼ Dreamzie
I'm staying till the last two days. Well, i'll cya later miiverse. Much love, xo. Thanks for all the friends and memories. ▲▼ Signing out for the last time iлςтаgπαm - Cactivibe тцmвlг - Goldencloud
aichi Aichi.yami
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нεllσ! ίτ΄ş ηίcε τσ мεετ γσц!
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Bestie: @Puppet ♪
Awesome Pe...
нεllσ! ίτ΄ş ηίcε τσ мεετ γσц!
[√]online [ ]offline
Bestie: @Puppet ♪
Awesome People!:
@мåмä Çħαгą
@Puppet ♪