PM nin☆Ben's Followers
AMBIA guillermo2601
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Neoflash Neoflash123
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pandamarc marc06
hi my name is marc here some things you should know about me 1: I am 11 years old 2: I like minecraft,splatoon,mario kart 8 and super smash bros
nate.jr Xavier842008
Mr.Derpey wildmonkey366500
goodbye miiverse, we all will miss miiverse the first day i got a 2ds 5 years ago i loved mii verse and to see it close that makes me sad i was a nintendo fan ever since i was 2 i played severel games on the gameboy and wii, well enough about me, good bye miiverse we will all miss u. Thank you all for 350 followers.
Xavier Greenbutter2002
Hello! Have you played any other titles yet? My favorite games are Smash bros, Mario Kart, Mario Bros Series, Kirby, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and etc. Don't forget to follow other users too!
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
enano enano02
geek dad ferventgeek
i love yo-kai watch!!!
Abby abbygirlg7
Hi, my name is Cdя. ωοοмγ. (Or Kitty/Abby) ● Cοmммαηdεя of all Woomies since мaγ 28, 2016. ■ Fav Game At The Moment : Sþłατøøη ◆ Splatoon Info : ζενει 49 Rαηκ S ★ Fav Woomies : Capn Woomy, Sgt. Woomy ♥ ωoомγ is ιονε, ωooмγ is łίƒε. ♥ ▲ I enjoy playing вαςκετвαιι and playing Wii U. ♡ тнаηκς for vίsίтίηg my pяoƒίłε! Seeya around! (~°³°)~
cool BOY★★ tylerberry
i like blue and red i like minecraft on my Xbox 1 and i hav a cat i hav a bow i hav a sister and my mommy i like my frends i love nintndo land i go to school im 8¼
Brittkitt Kittenfish30
Hi! Welcome to my Smash photography! I love to post Smash pics just for fun and some other games as well. Also, don't be surprised to see a lot of my main/amiibo, Ike. (He acts like he's the star of the show XD) I'll also be doing some drawings from time to time, mostly Pokémon drawings (I don't do drawing requests). So feel free to enjoy and have fun as well! ^ω^ I don't do friend requests.
Jade Jade423
Mikey Mikeymark
Splatoon is probably my bff in wii u it is awesome
Kyle! Smash_Kid_PA
Hello! I like to make friends and play games, too! Please follow people I follow, too!
Jeremy714™ knox714
Welcome to my profile So if you want to know when splatoon 2 comes out it comes out July 21 and thanks awsome for telling me Nintendoswith is awsome and theres this game called mario the music box if you know it great i really want the game and yea sub to the creator there awsome and sorry cake team ice cream won and yea and enjoy my profile :] P.S go sub to the creator of mario the music box :]
Dakota W 10354dakota
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Brandon Bmac84
Ben zelda5067
Jeral Omar mary4632
Does anyone like pokken tournament? well i love that game and i will be horned to play with anyone yaayy!!!★ hope you'll be my friend.
jim bob meeko123
hi every one if you are reading this im very kind and if you are reading this your not ugly
♪βrσwηιe♪ soccercat1234
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☆Hannah★♀♪ spongebeautiful
i'm Hannah 14 years b-day 9/9 MY FAV CHARACTER IS CORRIN (even in dragon form also he is my senpai don't judge me) I have a crush on him >/ω/< My mains are Corrin Mewtwo Lucina and Roy i love fire emblem MK8 TLOZ Pokémon and Mario Also no blank Friend request please don't friend me for no reason cause it's weird Fav games right now:MK8X M&S 2016 rio olympic game started Miiverse on 8/8/15
chrisUBZ modelochristian
KD PartysaurusREX
Greetings Miiverse! I'm in my thirties. I'm just here to play games and have fun. Let's get this party started!
B■Golliath Play_Minecraft18
C H A R G E M E N T . . . 0% -Bienvenue sur la page de Golliath- [INFORMATIONS] Nom : [CONFIDENTIEL] Âge : 13 ans Jeux joués actuellement : Minecraft/Splatoon/BO2 C H A R G E M E N T . . . 38% Consoles : New 3DS, WiiU, Switch, portable, tablette... C H A R G E M E N T . . . 61% Amis préférés : bipbip44 jonathan34000 Rizlene350 CHARGEMENT TERMINÉ -Bienvenue sur Miiverse, Abonnez-vous- -Gogo.
カメとはろい mizuiro127
顔ポチありがとう! 祝フォロワー300人突破! ハロー♪私は気分で投稿していますのでよろしければ見てくださいフォローされたら必ず返します!遅れてしまうかもしれませんが…その場合はごめんなさい。でも全体返します! 自己紹介 年 11才 好きな曲 オタパリダンシン スタートダッシュ 見た人にしか分からない前前前世 趣味 寝る。白猫プロジェクト 最近の暇潰し方 一人オセロ(意外と楽しい) 好きなYouTube スカイピース 好きな映画 パイレーツシリーズ 好きなアーティスト JY 欅坂46 セカオワ AAA 以上です!是非見てください . 注意点たまにゲームと関係ないことを書きますがご了承ください…
★•Ocean•★ soldierofswag
Hi. Your about to get a punch to the face for poking me. RRAAWWRRR. Are you hype for the new games coming out on the Switch? OOOOOO. Splatoon 2!!! Whatever. TF: RotDS for Wii U really did suck. Huh. WAIT NO MULTIPLAYER?! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT ESCALATION!!!! ;[ Sonic CD was a scary game in the North American ver. That has been proved.
nin☆peter peter_the_dude
EddieO_O gavinoah
history is life of the school
Dj Kraken 7096glk
waddup everybody my name is Dj Kraken and I'm am just your everyday game playin' dude dats gonna defeat all enemies and boss battles! I love to play Splatoon,Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, all da Kirby series, and Mario Maker and other games, and I have 1 pet, meh cat, Squidster. Follow me if ya want! So I hopin' dat ya'll still got room for one more gamin' expert! Stay chill bros!
うっちー hirom1122
symy shinjiyoshiko
Jack!!!!!! jack_the_dude
hello I'm Jack I'm 11 I dont like blood or violence. I have 2 brothers, a sister, parents, a dog, and a cat. In conclusion when I'm 13 I will accept friend requests.
Danny DanielLee0103
TS Ray The.RANER1287
Michi † babybodt
Andrew ajlkdude
dylan Gaer8m13
POM, protector of miiverse. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon!those who destroy the white building ...
POM, protector of miiverse. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon!those who destroy the white building in my world will be removed from my friend list! trust me, I already removed someone from my list for that!