PM nin☆Ben's Friends
Pika Emma melsbacksfriend
Hi I'm Pika Emma. This account isn't as active as my main one, PM nin☆Ben (the_inventor). And I'm a dude. It's just that I like Emma cloning. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon. I follow followers.
ºMarionº Yin_senpai
just yeer normal meme trash here i'm an 'Artist' but i like to draw the traditional way rather then digital, for me its easier °³°
Kyle! Smash_Kid_PA
Hello! I like to make friends and play games, too! Please follow people I follow, too!
blasphemy doubtfulcomet
HardCorbin kissfreak333
I like to eat poo
shurblurb peanurt
Aj ajobajo
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
coolkid chocolatetouch
Paco~♪ ichigopoptart
Kami DiogoSilva79
Hi everyone! I love anime and games. My favourite games are Pokémon, Sonic, Splatoon, Mario, Zelda and Super Smash Bros.! \(^o^)/
[DYE#]キリト GoGobababa
the センパンマン AKと申します!! フレンドいつでも募集してるので申請してくれれば受理します!! ではみんなで 「マンメンミ!!」
♪βrσwηιe♪ soccercat1234
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mimi DivineTwilight13
Ben zelda5067
☆Hannah★♀♪ spongebeautiful
i'm Hannah 14 years b-day 9/9 MY FAV CHARACTER IS CORRIN (even in dragon form also he is my senpai don't judge me) I have a crush on him >/ω/< My mains are Corrin Mewtwo Lucina and Roy i love fire emblem MK8 TLOZ Pokémon and Mario Also no blank Friend request please don't friend me for no reason cause it's weird Fav games right now:MK8X M&S 2016 rio olympic game started Miiverse on 8/8/15
[KKL]Squid AblazeGnome422
I know glitches in Splatoon some are good some are not FRIEND ME PLZ!!! :-D
blitz natienn
Maggie delcidaelf
hi i like zelda, smash, and splatoon.
nick THE_TV
Powerup360 Packattack159
Hello the stuff l like is wii u chat food and playing games also on the weekends you can play with me all the time. And if your wandering where i came from i a spanish preson and American and i send friend recuests because i want to make new friend so if you want to be friends send me a recuest and i will make u my friend and my real name Frank Valdez so thats all Meow XD
Ikey gray_matter246
i splatoon mario and scrible nauts
C0D3C C0D3C1
Danny DanielLee0103
bael☆ myuuhhrenee
let's splat! ☆ 25 years old/salty/MARRIED. please don't friend me if you only intend to try to start lewd chats, i'm not about that life. if you want a friend, i am about that life. i'm always down to play splatoon, so feel free to join me if i'm online! ♡
cool BOY★★ tylerberry
i like blue and red i like minecraft on my Xbox 1 and i hav a cat i hav a bow i hav a sister and my mommy i like my frends i love nintndo land i go to school im 8¼
chrisUBZ modelochristian
Rachel sarsorah
hi! my name is Rachel, its nice to meet you ^~^ my fav colers: pink and blue... pets: 3 cats... hobbys: video games <3 games owned: WW, MM, hyrule worriors, ACNL, SSB, pokemon AS, pokemon moon, splatoon, MK8, and and Much more and feel free to send me a friend request or follow me <3
symy shinjiyoshiko
megan hammersis
Abby abbygirlg7
Hi, my name is Cdя. ωοοмγ. (Or Kitty/Abby) ● Cοmммαηdεя of all Woomies since мaγ 28, 2016. ■ Fav Game At The Moment : Sþłατøøη ◆ Splatoon Info : ζενει 49 Rαηκ S ★ Fav Woomies : Capn Woomy, Sgt. Woomy ♥ ωoомγ is ιονε, ωooмγ is łίƒε. ♥ ▲ I enjoy playing вαςκετвαιι and playing Wii U. ♡ тнаηκς for vίsίтίηg my pяoƒίłε! Seeya around! (~°³°)~
Jeral Omar mary4632
Does anyone like pokken tournament? well i love that game and i will be horned to play with anyone yaayy!!!★ hope you'll be my friend.
Robbie RobbieKim
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EddieO_O gavinoah
history is life of the school
Gotsuke gotsuke04
Xavier Greenbutter2002
Hello! Have you played any other titles yet? My favorite games are Smash bros, Mario Kart, Mario Bros Series, Kirby, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and etc. Don't forget to follow other users too!
Lonk jedimario03
these are not the droids your looking for
Mara★ StarFireMara
I AM GRRREEAAT i like music, games, and anime Got alot of free time on me
jim bob meeko123
hi every one if you are reading this im very kind and if you are reading this your not ugly
Naddel Naddel.Rausch
Alonzo usmczul
Hello im ★Alonzo★ and i love gaming with family and friends especially minecraft. hope u have a great day. /\o/\
Asgore SleepyRaichu
Welcome to Old Navy!!!!!
greatciv greatciv
John3DWiiU JohnJohn420
Hey my name is John and I have a Wii U with titles like Splatoon, Zelda Wind Waker HD, Mass Effect and Xenoblade Chronicles X plus more :] I also have a New 3DS and I am a big fan of Pokemon, Zelda and the Monster Hunter Series ^.^ Feel free to msg me to play online. I dont feel like playing with little kids since im a 23 year old Male who enjoys adult communication :}
Oaxas 1DB7F591
Diana YukonDaisy
33 years old, female, from Yukon, Canada. Some of my favourite games/series are Zelda, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Fantasy Life & Professor Layton. Feel free to add me!
William FenrirFalls
RayRay RayrayTigercub
みなこ 0926kahori
Parker tjspgraves
Welcome to my profile! My name is Parker and I love making friends! Although I do have a few rules around here! 1. No Arguing! 2. No Bullying! 3. No inappropriate language! If you listen to those rules I'd be glad to be your friend! By the way, don't forget to sign up for a spot on the A.T.D.F and make sure you check out my second account Hosé! That's all I have to say for now so have a good day!
Savage Akiina
Meine L-Spiele : Animal crossing Harvest Moon Rune factory♥ Zelda Pokemon Dragon Quest Mario Ff Mk8 Shin Megami Tensei Splatoon Ich liebe Animes (unterhalte mich gerne darüber mit jmd) und Mangas zu zeichnen Meine Spiele : Nintendo Land Super mario bros u Mk8 Zelda Wind Maker Yoshi wolly world Splatoon♥ I ♡ Wii U Ich freu mich über Freundsanfragen (: Splatoon is love & life
nin☆peter peter_the_dude
geek dad ferventgeek
i love yo-kai watch!!!
Tröll TöLL dork-strider
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Josh TheSadPanda
Elmore A. Elalexander
Hey there! My name is Elmore and I love: One Week at Flumpty's Fan Made Koopalings Five Dastardly Bombers Kid Klown Crazy Chase on GBA Super Mario Advance 1 to 4 Mario Kart 8 Super Bomberman R My favorite music is Songbird by Kenny G. There you have it folks.
KD PartysaurusREX
Greetings Miiverse! I'm in my thirties. I'm just here to play games and have fun. Let's get this party started!
sky_mema kouki3762
Six-shot Six-Shot
success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Brandon Bmac84
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
POM, protector of miiverse. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon!those who destroy the white building ...
POM, protector of miiverse. I loooooooooooooooooove pokémon!those who destroy the white building in my world will be removed from my friend list! trust me, I already removed someone from my list for that!