Tristan's Followers
candy keka2005
hola amigos como estan me llamo belinda tengo 12 años
jordi aripauelena
Hola soy jordi si me seguis os sigo si me mandais una solicitud de amistad la acepto dale likes a mis publicaviones,tengo 15 años gracias y adios.
Jane JamesRameirez
Hello world, I'm Jane! I love all Mario games (I have 019) and I hope to get more! I love a variety of subjects. I think everyone thinks I'm boring. Like a lot of people, I play video games. Some of my favorite works of literature include Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Keeper, The Three Musketeers, and Brian's Winter. B.T.W. I don't Wii U or in-game Chat for obvious reasons.
¤Dαηαηας²¤ lolypop369
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guillermo memogame1590
Robert robertm2007
I'm a big sonic fan(as you could tell) and i'm a big mario fan. I love megaman too! I also like kirby. I like the fnaf seris. I like undertale
あさ marimari0508
顔ポチありがとうございます。 [一言] 最近寒くなってきたね~ [自己紹介] こんにちは、あさです。突然ですが、皆さんの好きなゲームはなんですか?僕は、マインクラフトとスプラトゥーンです。まだ12歳なのでフレリクは送れないけど、気軽にコメント下さいお願いします。よろしく\(^_^)/ [最後に] フォロー返します!!多分...
Eiikichi MARIO2727272727
Salut à tous ! J'ai 15 ans et j'aime : - Les jeux vidéos comme ceux de la Team ICO , Quantic Dream , certains VN comme le Sanglot des Cigales - Les films et séries animes comme les Ghiblis , Akira , Lain , GTO , Cowboy Bebop , Death Note , le village maudit , Clannad - les Grands réalisateurs occidentaux comme Stanley Kubrick et Steven Spielberg Dédicaces à mes amis , à loris et VIVE GHIBLI !!!!!!
D mac Alijah02
TSSLainey LJHarm
Alola i'm Lainey! I'm a potato! FYI I'm won't be on Miiverse the last seconds because I have school, unfortunately Nintendo loves making people unhappy, like putting its closure on a TUESDAY!!! Well I deleted a lot because IDC anymore! I will miss miiverse A LOT i'll give yall a shoutout in a couple of weeks.{That was a hint} Here's a doughnut: (0)
David XxSan_ManxX
HiEvery1DavidHere Can I Reach 900+ Followers Follow4Follow MyBirthday:8/20 Friends: Suicune Smilerise Bendy jr LaineyTSS Void Sam Im Chilled most of the time Kinda Good At Drawing Clans: TSS(ButIllJoinAtleast1-3Clans) Byeeeeeeee
Chantal torres987
hi i am a nice person I would like to have a friends
★☆Lıηκιε☆★ tetel59
CarsonPace mrspace10
SW¹Yaya doudou18soso02
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Deadlysins deadlysinner84
Lelan LeeLo23
My is lelan here is some stuff about me fav games:splatoon, mk8, andsuper mario 3D world. fav youtubers: DanTDM and Coryxkenshin Best friends on wii: Capn_Woomy,Tumbleweed, and octo★squid 64 followers :/ not much im little famous i repeat little famous for my qoutes i dont take friend request but we can always be buds:P only friends can call me nick names and thats me the average dude :l
creeper Q. Creeper_Queen777
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! I love followers, and cookies. lots of cookies. cookies... and my big sister, (wolfsparky) if you follow me, I will love you forever!! :) (I hit my max followers...) biiiiiiiiiiiii!!
Ethan Ethan200800
Sky Anniepuzzle
Hi. I'm Sky. I love playing MarioKart7. Enjoy playing your games!
Crazymonke yodanideleon
Hi! My Name Is CrazyMonke, Not Gonna Say My Real Name,And My Fav Game is All Batman Games! Hope You Play It Alot! :) Name: Crazymonke Fav Color: Red And Blue Fav Game: All Batman Games People I Play With Always: Maxxy11 AKA JonnyGamingyt, Beast_Gamer176, Gangbeast, Tony759, CrazyMonkey2048, Sprepeat24, And Many More People! Bye Now!
Cute laila Laila0630
Gonna miss u guys!!! Hope you all are doing great! BFF LIST: S3AN06 Supergirl859 bigkellen23 TellySavalasJR and CuteSquidy there my Best Miiverse friends! -_-
jovan JovanF76
スプライカ(RD) POAGanow
vinnie tainoboricua
hey guys its me purple guy i just want to say i love to watch vanossgaming h20 delirious daithi de nogla wildcat lui calibre
brian◆ brianx1
hey que hay amigos tengo super mario maker yoshi`s wooly world y minecraft wii u edition aun que no tengo mario kart 8 ni super mario 3d world. en yoshi wolly world y super mario maker publico mas y mas soy un jugador expectacular soy el mejor no me gusta splatoon me gusta todos los juegos de mario y super mario tengo 1 nintendo 1) WII U no digo groserias solicitud ID:brianx1 meta 100amigos adios
G&K★Manon★ GeekGirl2.0
Salut, j'ai 14 ans. J'ai des yeux bleus, je suis mince et très sportive. Grosse dédicace à BGleHumble: T'es le meilleur.★★★ Je suis une fille du genre: -Gentille ♥♥♥♥♥ -Méchante ♡♡♡♡♡ -Généreuse ♥♥♥♥♥ -Timide ♥♥♥♥♡ -Aimable ♥♥♥♥♥ -Triste ♡♡♡♡♡ -Passionnée de dessin ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ It's my passion! Thank you so much for 650 suscribers! Follow me and I follow you. Good bye everyone!
iiTwisted iiTwistedK1D
Hi Im Johnny.Welcome To My Profile I Really Like Nintendo And Lots of Cool Games.Im 11 and I am A game scripter.My favorite song at the moment is Drake Fake Love.
Lα τombe TheNexLevel
C'est moi Thomas!TheForce! Cheƒ de la Team ГJ J'ai 13 ans, je joue a beaucoup de jeux. Mes ami Iron Fall sont:lucas XP7 no way XP7 vava XP7Rachel2 XP7 Casanova XP4 Merci a mes +500 abo objectif 600 abo ok!Suivre
MemeSensei PB_Cookie47
«*____________________________________________________________*» Неιιο τнеге. αιιοω ме το τеιι уоц αьоцτ муςеιƒ ı αм 14 уеагς оιd ı dоит шıı ц снατ αпумоге. ωноорς! ςоггу! ı αм α HUGE Αпıме ƒαп. му геаι паме ıς Аςнιеу. моςτ ρеоριе саιι ме Zоdу. Fαıгу Тαıι ıς ьеςτ αпιме. o3o ι соммопιу ассерт Fгıепd геqυеςтς. вуе патςυмι'ς! «*____________________________________________________________*«
Brickman19 JohnDavid819
Hey guys I'm a Huge Zelda Fan I played All of them like Twilight princess, Skyward sword, Minish cap, Sprite tracks, Phantom hourglass, and the new Breath of the Wild. I hope you'll like my post PLEASE folllow me if you do i'll follow back And if you want to be my freind Just ask thank you
•★Яαƒα★• TheGamerMew
Ħı l'м •★Яαƒα★• øиε øf tħε αłts øf •★Яαƒαεł★•!! Mαкε sυяε tø gø føłłøω му мαıи αссøυиt αиd му øtħεя αłt •★Яαƒу★•!! (Mııvεяsε Jøıи Ðαtε: 2/26/16) (Stαtυs: ØFFŁIИΞ) Cłαиs l'м lи: Team Darkrai (ÐISßΛИÐΞÐ/Łεαdεя) MКЯ (ÐISßΛИΞÐ/Łεαdεя) PR★ (Ałłıε) λP (Ałłıε) USB AЯ ΣΨ ин Tħαикs, ßуε!! ★☆Я.I.P. Мııνεяsε 2O12-2O17☆★ ▲▼#Ðερяεssıøи…▼▲ - •★Яαƒα★• [ΛCCØUИT IИΛСТIVΞ PΞЯMΛИΞИTŁУ.]
LoucaZE Droind17
Salut! je m'appele Louca et j'ai 14 ans,j'adore les jeux vidéo.Mon jeux préféré est Xenoblade Chronicles X Je suis un grand fan des jeux Zelda comme Hyrule warriors, twilight princesse et bientôt The Breath of The Wild. Je fais partit de la team Zelda eleven et on recrute,si tu veut venir tu est la bien venu alors rajoute ZE à la fin de ton pseudo. Abonne toi !!! :) Merci
my favorite game franchises are The Legend Of Zelda. Mortal Kombat Trials, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
Skyla Grills1969
hello everyone
ちーちゃん r.r713103
フレンド募集中 S、S+あたりをふらふら... スプラトゥーンに夢中なファミリーですw 夕方&朝よくやってます(^_^*) 最近は子どもがガチマッチやりたそうだったのでサブ垢作って子どもにプレゼントしました(*^_^*) サブ垢、ランク30くらいで早くもs昇級www やばw抜かれるwww とにかく基本楽しくプレイがモットーです^^ こんなファミリーですがよろしくお願いします(*^_^*)
らいむ∞ yontonwaido
ねぇ、ご飯食べた?絵、食べてない? サワディーカー!((茶番ウザw ミバ終了=悲しきw 今までありがとー!! 大切な人沢山出来た。 幸せいっぱいだった。 ミバが無くなるけれど、また、いつか、会う日が来る((大きな夢を持とうwww 見てくれてありがとーw Thank you for watoning!! また、会う日まで.....。 バイバーイ(`・∞・´ゞ
christian coolbunny200
samantha redwolf4eternity
wassup peeps follow and friend requests
titou Titounet32
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~Amethyst~ G.Pavlov
First: Please Yeah my profil pic thanks! :› Hier paar Fakten über mich: Hobbys: zocken,tanzen,zeichnen. Alter: 10 LYT: apecrime,iblali,Choasflo44,Arazhul...xD LT: Alle wilden Tiere. :] xD Auf heiß ich marien_crystalstar ·ω· Ich freue mich sehr über Yeahs und Kommentare! :) Ich würde mich total freun wenn ihr mir folgt. (★•★) Viel Spaß auf meinen Profil! {.·•Eure Bloggerin Maria!•·.}
qwertuiopa legendofzelda28
hello! i'm callie or qwertuiopa! you might be one of my followers but anyway i am a expert gamer i love every game and youtube! oh and i want to be your follower and friend i am also very shy but just see my post's and you'll get to know me betta peace!:) my dream is to reach 600+ followers
alexi kelyan.LEPRAU
Amy Amygeer
My name is Amy and I am a big fan of Nintendo and Rayman. I also love to Draw and I have a dream to be a video game developer and an artist. Amy's Status: Playing Switch Games. Favorite Characters: Rayman Globox Penelope Pussycat Shantae Mario Yooka Laylee Incineroar Lucario Kirby King Dedede Eddy Wander SpongeBob and More
subscribe to my search tmont and click the yoin channel help me to 9999999999