Tristan's Friends
lili£ who_is_hilary_16
el amor es una joya cuesta consegir pero es facil de robar te puede quere mucho pero por que te dejo sin decir nada sin amor no somos nada yo te quiero a morir pero tu ya no (e) te gustaria ser mi amigo que me dices ??
kimi kimilex
Kimi Dickz
orgin5.5 orgin5.5
Born N' raised in Sweden, heart and soul belongs to Finland. Once had 17 (!) kills on Splatoon!
KOUSUKE kouchanno2016
Inkling #2 HER0BRlNE
No WiiU Chat plz!!!!!!and please only friendrequest me if you have got Minecraft and/or Splatoon.
O.P. Bobby O.P.Bobby
My name is Brady, and I'm a laid back person who enjoys gaming online with friends.
bruno brunotrindade678
さばめし a-chan.grcrew
majonez mateusz391
M1kale M1kale
Football. Gaming.
とわまま>ω< towamama11
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Tommy LittleTommyStacy
*Tommy blocks the way! [ACT: Say Hi, friend him, hate on him, check: Tommy: HP: 1 Attack: 7 Defense: 1 Don't get cocky! he will fight you!]
G,day Im Jayden. Im 11 Years Of Age. I love Playing Minecraft Too. [FREIND REQUEST ME]
Elli Möhh chocky2003
Name: Elisa xD Spitzname: Elli Lieblingsapps: Snapchat,WhatsApp und Clash Royale ♡♡♡ Lieblingsspiele:♡∞Minecraft∞♡ Splatoon LIEBLINGSTIER♡♥:Katze^-^ Lieblingsessen: Pizza Leckaa♥ Was mag ich GERNE: Meine Freunde,etwas mit BFF unternehmen,Pranks xD Alter:13 Okay hier noch ein kleiner Schokokeks ● ♥XD Viel Spaß noch hier xD ♥ BYE,BYE ^~^
charley charleyknight06
Profile comment hidden by admin.
[swe]Axel axelwikman123456
Hi! am Axel and i am 12 years old and i am from sweden. right now am playing a new console ps4 so i am not going to play that mutch wiiu
☆InkPower☆ katieg06
I like Monster High & Minions. I have a big brother that is 15 and he loves video games. Im 10 and out of all of it my life is great. I love splatoon mario cart. I also like playing my ps4 and my ps3 because i love playing my favorite game on my ps4 styx master of shadows. And my favorite game on my ps3 minecraft. So this is the life of Kaitlynn.
matthew Zekrom00100
Hi I love pokemon, legend of zelda, supersmash, anime, doctor who, and marvel. I do check freind requests so if you want to be my freind or find out more about me freind request me!
GREG974 974greg
Je m'appelle Greg.J'ai 15 ans j'adore les jeux d'aventure et d'action Mes jeux préférés sont assasin's creed et Super smash bros Je parle aussi espagnol et un peu anglais j'aime bien jouer avec des amis Envoyez moi un message si vous voulez jouer a SSB avec moi! =D
MJaoune MJaoune
LW/Codу LoneWolf385
To anyone reading this... I've left this place in search for a new journey. Considering what I'm leaving behind. I've already come to terms with this knowing this was for the best. However... I still feel troubled for leaving my friends behind. If only I could've told them to stay strong and I'll be fine, I promise... anyways, thanks for reading. Stay Awesome! ~LW/Cody
Zelda☆Gret mgbrady05
Zelda is the BEST game EVER!!!!!!!!!! I'm Gret, I'm married and have 2 kids. I like video games just like eveyone else. Everyone needs to unwind sometimes. I don't have too many games on the Wii & Wii U, mainly Zelda, Mario & Splatoon, same for my 2DS, mainly Zelda. I'm a little on the silly side. LOL. That's all. Gret
Smulanpus Smulanpus
Prince JeSuisTaPeur
Ratatox952 JACARIthehedghog
ドナルド kouchan020501
ミーバース!!! 今まで本当にありがとう!!! Thank you Miiverse!!!
subscribe to my search tmont and click the yoin channel help me to 9999999999