Vincent's Followers
Legoboy22 Legoboy22
'Sup all you beautiful dank memes! Praise Kek! If you're looking for something edgy, you've come to the right place. I do a follow for a follow. My two favorite game series are Zelda and Metroid, but I also like things like Mario and Star Fox. Games I Need To Play: Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Metroid Fusion Star Fox Command Skyrim (Switch) #PutinDid711 #PepeLivesMater
Kadin KDAWG9898
Kyle VideoGameFan9
I don't even need a profile comment now. KyleTheLitBoi #4931 Thank you all for a fun 5 years here.
SmolRetro™ little_Retro_boy
HOI!I'm SmolRetro™ as you can tell i love retro games and the new 1's 2! Mario Zelda Sonic Pokékmon and MORE oh!and.............UnderTale :D for some reson I'm classified as a minnieneon for a species he never did have a species name uh? who knew i was a part of a species *wanna have a bad time?* im not sorry at all srry for wasting ur time peeps!
Nikel Nikel.123
#Featureme #Featurethis #liketolike Follow and Like and i'll also do the same I'm in the 8th grade age:14 Singer:Nicki Minaj Sports: soccer,lacrosse,basketball Movie:It I do Soccer,lacrosse, and basketball tricks I really Appreciate the Follow and liking my post goodbye and love u all!!
Tyler Tyler30
Pokemon gotta catch em all! Hi follow me and become a Tyler comrade today!
☆★vince★☆ guitron24
hi my name is vincent and i like to explore the world i like games like minecraft undertail mariocart7 and many other games im 11 years old and if u follow me i will follow u back ohh i also like corgis ohh and one more thing tuby custard
#princess jennachapa
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Lance dugsmith4
Real Name: Lance Plays: Mk8, Smash Favorite track(s): Music Park, Cloud Cruise, Piranha Plant Slide (Pipeway) Least Fave Track(s): Rainbow Road (New, Snes) Baby Park(HORRIBLE) Mk8 main: Isabellle Follow MemeSenpai
ssjgodgoku thebigA22
This user's profile comment is private.
Sebas yahir0321
me Gustan mucho
Metal finalbossking
New pokemon and minecraft club TEAM FLAME
☆★ςΔςςУ|-/ AdrianaGonzalez
Now that Miiverse is ending in November, I just want to tell you all that you mean so much to me! I've had an amazing time on Miiverse and I want to thank you all for making it possible! You've given me over 1000 followers these past few years and you've made me laugh! I wish Miiverse never had to end! Thanks for all the memes and good times! I'll never forget you guys! Sincerely, Adriana :D
Octoling gamezega
hey, I'm an Octoling. go do whatever, I don't really care. (except reporting me on miiverse) cya later. aren't you leaving? get out. last warning! i swear! ok, you asked for it. *pulls Octoshot Replica* *splats you* your life is over. GAME OVER R.I.P. Miiverse Goodbye, Miiverse R.I.P. You
Sid Cooper_FTW
Hi i'm Sid. i am a bit private but arent we all at least a bit private. My favorite games are smash 4 ,spatoon, pokken, and nintendo land. If you are a gamer cool if you are anything else you are also cool. Never doubt yourself.:) be sure to follow me and i'll follow you ... have fun!! and don't forget to friend me :) and check out youshi's profile!!!! no longer active
joe tringali
Taehyung MIK-MIK44
cc tous le monde j'ai 12 ans j'ai aussi un compte sur la ds:miku44.J'adore les mangas(j'en ai 185 chez moi^^)je suis fan du japon je reve d'y aller je veux devenir mangaka ma chanteuse preferer est HATSUNE MIKU !!jadore l'attaque des titans.EN GROS JE SUIS UNE VRAI OTAKU-KAWAII J'ADORE AUSSI LA JPOP..!!(*"ω"*)mes manga préf:one piece,fairy tail,negima,switch girl,alorSsiVous etesCommeMoi suivre +
フーミン yumika09077
£Friday£ LetsPlayimFriday
I am Friday cause who doesn't love Fridays's. My name is Jennavive, I am the leader of the art committee in £eviathan.. A lot of you already know mii, this is my second account. I love viewing so many of your posts but im only able to follow 1000 of you, that's just not enough. Anyway get those posts out there I wanna see lol.. I love you guys (^•˛•^
£MadiMimi£ Madi21004
~Name: Madi~ Age: 13 Birthday: February 10th Status: Taken by a wonderful man I love ;) Hobbies: Reading, Watching Amime, Drawing Feel free to comment, I love to make new friends! I'll reply as soon as i can :3
BobsBurgrs JennaLock9p
I am Jenna. I have many awesome friends. I love making people smile. I love sports and as far as games go Mario is my favorite character. I have many hobbies which include but not limited too ♥ Arte♥ ♥ (edm, hip hop)♥ ★ (Splatoon, Art Academy) BFF'S ♡-Kira ,♡-Kayleigh,♡-Penelope,♥Chris♡AnnieMBNƒN♥Joseph♡lil sister Madi♡CAN'T LIVE W/O THEM I am here to make friends, play games and do tons of art.
Abelina abelina24
fran milano0050
quiero ser amigo de todo el mundo mis gustos son : animes en especial SAO los amiibos video juegos y la comida (^-^)
★DRAKO★ drako333
FOR WHATEVER,I KNOW A LITTLE ENGLISH!!! ^•^ HOLA !!! Mi Nombre es: IRVING DRAKO HERNANDÉZ Pero pueden llamarme DRAKO Esto es lo que mas Amo: Futbol»Freestyle ● Musica»♪★♪ Arte»▲▼▲ Anime» ~º-º ~ƒ Artes Marciales» ИÎИJÛŤςů Videjuego:TĦΞ LΞĢΞNР؃ ΖΞŁÐΔ …▲ ▲☆▲ ( ( ( <¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯φĮĪ===¤
DarkAizen DarkAizen
Hey bros, im a guy thats likes to play alot of different games just have to be nice n fun lookin, if u wanna add a bro then send the request, love to make new friends :)
Charaplays rubeiro
Hello,be my BFFAE so we can chat on wii u chat please and thank-you reply in my notifications and i love minecraft
シュクラ fmmerritt
Not even playing this game anymore im done
MaxeyPizza StrifeCake
Sup Everyone! Look at my profile here lol Friends in my life: Cuber Wallace Nicholos Max(a different one not me) hector Mya Sikon J.C. Juan aka Juanito Tommy k done bye
Solo HydroWoman
My name's Lea Oak. I love Anime and gaming! >ω< I'm 14 today! :D Just wanna warn you all I'm Mettaton trash- I don't draw him alot but I can tell you one character I love- CrashMan from MegaMan 2! He's just so adorable! My slowly growing popular MegaMan OC HydroWoman will also be drawn alot ewe Admin Status: Taken HydroWoman Status: Multiship (aka. Ship galore) >ω<
★Anthony★ MLGcheezy
Hello! welcome to my mii verse page I am a friendly person my Favorite game is wii party u My favorite youtuber is Cobaner 456 My favorite song is Surger and Thats all I hope you guys like me bye !!!!
Josh mustacheman0158
Hi I am Me My Systems nes wii x2 (dont know why I have the second one) 2ds new 3ds XL (the system i am using) Games I want Lego Star Wars the force awakens Favorite Game Super Smash Bros 3ds I wish I could stay but I got some games to play Make sure you hit that follow button up there ↑↑↑ somewhere
I'm Vincent
I have a YouTube account
Channel Name: Autistic Fantasies
Discord: Autistic Fantasies...
I'm Vincent
I have a YouTube account
Channel Name: Autistic Fantasies
Discord: Autistic Fantasies #8792
also bye iguess lol xd it's been real