Users Vincent Is Following
nWoヒカリコ aokihikariko
たまにゲームのプレイ動画を撮影してUPしてます。 【好きなゲーム】 DARK SOULS2 SKYRIM DEAD ISLAND WWE2K18 SKULL GIRLS2nd ENCORE スプラトゥーン 海外アニメ番組「カートゥーンネットワーク」が 大好きです。 外人さんが描くイラスト、絵柄が大好きです。 マーヴルやDC等のアメコミも好きです。 【持ってる据え置き機】 PS4、Xbox ONE、Xbox360、PS、 PS2、PS3、セガサターン、ドリームキャスト、 北米版PS2、Wii-U、スーパーファミコン、 ファミコン、ディスクシステム、ネオジオX 上記ハードの中でも、特に洋ゲーソフトを 好んで遊んでます。 【スプラトゥーン所属TEAM】 M7
Owen Royal123
This user's profile comment is private.
InukoExo ThreeDS_X
Hi. You must be interested in me. Well as you can see, I'm Ex! I'm a decent drawer here who likes drawing sprites and other stuff. I'm a furry who likes to be cute, fab, and cool. And I'm an Inuko (a term I came up with for Cat/Dog) Thanks for reading. Love ya! >w< Have a cookie Mearf owo
Terrence Tman23
♪★Jυηε★♪ SilverLover06
Why hello there! I'm June, a girl who draws herself way too much and loves tsunderes and bunny suits. Uw< Here you can follow the posts involving June, Casper, Yoshi Bot en de rest! "June is always right!" - June, 2014 I'm sorry if I don't respond to your comments. I do acknowledge them though! If you want a bunch of Fates posts, go to my 3DS account, GoofyfanGJA.
Legoboy22 Legoboy22
'Sup all you beautiful dank memes! Praise Kek! If you're looking for something edgy, you've come to the right place. I do a follow for a follow. My two favorite game series are Zelda and Metroid, but I also like things like Mario and Star Fox. Games I Need To Play: Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Metroid Fusion Star Fox Command Skyrim (Switch) #PutinDid711 #PepeLivesMater
JohnnyTLP HyrulesFinalHope
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories! To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."
Aeon Super-Umberto
I'm no artist, and I'm definitely not anyone special. If you have a question, then I'll try to answer. If you have something to say, then I'm willing to listen. If you want a friend, then I'll try my best. Whatever the case, I'm here...and I'm here to stay.
Anthony Tamaki_Damo
Archmask Archmask
Lurking in the shadows,weilding a 2DS, Archmask disappears into the night... you can see a list of Archdan's potd drawings in the "Yeahs given" section of "Activity"
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
CylentNite Cylent-Nite
Hi, I'm a newbie at this stuff lol. I also draw, so you'll see the odd gamepad drawing here and there, haha.
Au.C.Chris AuraGuyChris
Hello there! I've been a longtime Nintendo fan ever since I touched a game of theirs. Despite the fact I like Lucario, I'm not so easily pleased or convinced. Please do enjoy my posts in this wonderful place. Favorite hobbies? Study, work, draw, and write. Especially the last one.
Chris CPT_America_1977
Hello! I'm Chris, a quirky young adult who's into statistics, media/dance history, & other 'specific' things! Favorite movie: Sing Favorite TV shows: Peter Rabbit, Ruff Ruffman, and Alvin & The Chipmunks Favorite game consoles: Xbox/Xbox 360/Xbox One Favorite color: Green Favorite food: Cheese Favorite activity: Ballet/Tap dancing Favorite animal: Rabbits I'm also a true 2000's kid!
Kyle VideoGameFan9
I don't even need a profile comment now. KyleTheLitBoi #4931 Thank you all for a fun 5 years here.
Eliyahu 3dsxl.ip
hello i'm eliyahu. I love lego, nintendo, sega, and cartoon network.
Sid Cooper_FTW
Hi i'm Sid. i am a bit private but arent we all at least a bit private. My favorite games are smash 4 ,spatoon, pokken, and nintendo land. If you are a gamer cool if you are anything else you are also cool. Never doubt yourself.:) be sure to follow me and i'll follow you ... have fun!! and don't forget to friend me :) and check out youshi's profile!!!! no longer active
Taehyung MIK-MIK44
cc tous le monde j'ai 12 ans j'ai aussi un compte sur la ds:miku44.J'adore les mangas(j'en ai 185 chez moi^^)je suis fan du japon je reve d'y aller je veux devenir mangaka ma chanteuse preferer est HATSUNE MIKU !!jadore l'attaque des titans.EN GROS JE SUIS UNE VRAI OTAKU-KAWAII J'ADORE AUSSI LA JPOP..!!(*"ω"*)mes manga préf:one piece,fairy tail,negima,switch girl,alorSsiVous etesCommeMoi suivre +
joe tringali
フーミン yumika09077
£Friday£ LetsPlayimFriday
I am Friday cause who doesn't love Fridays's. My name is Jennavive, I am the leader of the art committee in £eviathan.. A lot of you already know mii, this is my second account. I love viewing so many of your posts but im only able to follow 1000 of you, that's just not enough. Anyway get those posts out there I wanna see lol.. I love you guys (^•˛•^
£MadiMimi£ Madi21004
~Name: Madi~ Age: 13 Birthday: February 10th Status: Taken by a wonderful man I love ;) Hobbies: Reading, Watching Amime, Drawing Feel free to comment, I love to make new friends! I'll reply as soon as i can :3
BobsBurgrs JennaLock9p
I am Jenna. I have many awesome friends. I love making people smile. I love sports and as far as games go Mario is my favorite character. I have many hobbies which include but not limited too ♥ Arte♥ ♥ (edm, hip hop)♥ ★ (Splatoon, Art Academy) BFF'S ♡-Kira ,♡-Kayleigh,♡-Penelope,♥Chris♡AnnieMBNƒN♥Joseph♡lil sister Madi♡CAN'T LIVE W/O THEM I am here to make friends, play games and do tons of art.
fran milano0050
quiero ser amigo de todo el mundo mis gustos son : animes en especial SAO los amiibos video juegos y la comida (^-^)
Abelina abelina24
Star TinyKirbyYay
Youngster Joey & Rattata for Smash! "My Rattata's raring to go, just like always." #TopPercentage
★DRAKO★ drako333
FOR WHATEVER,I KNOW A LITTLE ENGLISH!!! ^•^ HOLA !!! Mi Nombre es: IRVING DRAKO HERNANDÉZ Pero pueden llamarme DRAKO Esto es lo que mas Amo: Futbol»Freestyle ● Musica»♪★♪ Arte»▲▼▲ Anime» ~º-º ~ƒ Artes Marciales» ИÎИJÛŤςů Videjuego:TĦΞ LΞĢΞNР؃ ΖΞŁÐΔ …▲ ▲☆▲ ( ( ( <¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯φĮĪ===¤
DarkAizen DarkAizen
Hey bros, im a guy thats likes to play alot of different games just have to be nice n fun lookin, if u wanna add a bro then send the request, love to make new friends :)
Soragop Soragop
Creator of the Amiibositting series. Willing to be given any criticism about the story if anyone feels the need to do so. I would like to learn how to improve the story. I don't own a 3DS by the way. I'm not allowed to Wii U Chat.
シュクラ fmmerritt
Not even playing this game anymore im done
MaxeyPizza StrifeCake
Sup Everyone! Look at my profile here lol Friends in my life: Cuber Wallace Nicholos Max(a different one not me) hector Mya Sikon J.C. Juan aka Juanito Tommy k done bye
Solo HydroWoman
My name's Lea Oak. I love Anime and gaming! >ω< I'm 14 today! :D Just wanna warn you all I'm Mettaton trash- I don't draw him alot but I can tell you one character I love- CrashMan from MegaMan 2! He's just so adorable! My slowly growing popular MegaMan OC HydroWoman will also be drawn alot ewe Admin Status: Taken HydroWoman Status: Multiship (aka. Ship galore) >ω<
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
* *** **** DesperateRabbi
Ferris P5PressStart
Howdy! I'm a 19 year-old Nintendo enthusiast and artist in the making. I'm a big fan of Super Smash Bros., and I've made a lot of Smash Bros. Paint art. Don't know if I'm ever going to get back into it (I've tried,) but I hope you'll enjoy all the artwork I've already put out.
I'm Vincent
I have a YouTube account
Channel Name: Autistic Fantasies
Discord: Autistic Fantasies...
I'm Vincent
I have a YouTube account
Channel Name: Autistic Fantasies
Discord: Autistic Fantasies #8792
also bye iguess lol xd it's been real