DonutSteel's Followers
Sylas sylasthehero
нεllσ! ίτ΄ş ηίcε τσ мεετ γσц! #SaveMiiverse [√]online [ ]offline Bestie: @Puppet ♪ Awesome People!: @PheenieWeen @мåмä Çħαгą @ebony @Hersh_Sans @xLYNNx @Snowywolf± @★Vanity☆ @FrazzyBear @Markifan™ @Puppet ♪ @Flufflepomf @phoneguyX3 @Mαitε)~♪ @WOLFgirlSLAY99 @xXNekopupXx @peiceddd @Apollokat @triforcebella @sharkunderwater @Cupnoodle12 @Dreamzie @AkatsukiTreeLife @SUMAISCOMN @evo.72
Patrick TheOnlyLucario
(I'm inactive, sorry) I am extremely random... yay. Well, I enjoy a lot of games, mainly Nintendo games. I draw, the quality varies I follow people with good art or humor
Ben Doug375
RIP Satoru Iwata 12\6\1959 - 7\11\2015 This could start out with an overused meme. but I'll spare you. I'm an NSLUCer I've only owned nintendo consles. (I guess that makes a hardcore nintendo fan?) Currently playing through:
Randy The_Only_Pro
Hey I draw and play games It is with my heart that I say thank you, to all those that have been my friends on here. I wish you all the best. Second account: Tactician-Lord
Susy susyptrs
Hi! welcome to my profile! I am 14 years of age my fav games are sonic, superhero games, dance games, etc my top 4 hobbies are reading, dancing, hanging out with my fav peeps, and singing (although I'm not that good at it!) began 7/1 2016 Please follow my amazing sis judy@: judypeters
Rose davidbass88
This user's profile comment is private.
Waffles SuperSanic527
Hello Im Blade (Slime and grime) I LOVE music and i like to make Strange Drawings Im a nice guy talk to me when ever you want Bukez Finezt FTW BARELY ALIVE [ò. . .ó]
Pebphiz Pebphiz
the end is nigh, abandon ship. find me elsewhere on the INTERNET if you want to be friends. Goodness gracious, could I do with a few of those.
Chocolate ChocolateBombs1
Hi,Im Irish And I Like Trolling People And If You Want We Can Be Friends And Troll People On Minecraft (If You Have It)I Like PewDiePie And Jacksepticeye And I'll See You Guys Later,Bye!!! (I Just Got Miiverse!)
ronald GameGuides525
Hello, I'm Kasai. i do things i draw and i do things where am i going with this i like pizza and drawing i said drawing already why am i typing without grammar i dont know look at mi posts i spelt my wrong but i dont fix typoes *typos dangit i just fixed it i like jokes youre a good person for reading dis i thank chu ^3^ ok now go and follow me for a true pleasher *pleasure that yall wont regret
SirPixel CornyBen1
17 | ♂ Favorite Nintendo franchise: Zelda I draw sometimes I play Smash Bros competitively I play PC games and stuff so... yeah..... meme
cool CCA2010
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Giancarlo gianky100
Lum Lamu93
Hey!Je suis de retour sur ♥miiverse♥! (^-^) Et merci beaucoup pour les 508 abonnés ça fait super plaisir!
Brox jafunk2
I Am a big time nintendo fan that is full of facts about the beta of certain mario games such as super mario 64 and super mario sunshine. I also have a new haircut.
Tré cool originalxkid
an offensive 14 year old basically,
Madi animeonly28
WoT in Hetalia N a t i o n s ? Name's Madison \(ºˇº\) Straight as a fruit loop (/ºˇº)/ Roleplay and Gay trash \(ºˇº)/ I is le good friendo
GazzyNinja GazzyNinja
I like drawing monster girls and cute things. Sometimes I draw cool stuff too.
Corn KittyStando
I've slept for a whole year. What happened? 22 y/o Swedish idiot named after a vegetable. I'm just here to doodle and ramble my beans.
°Skittles° coolgirlz56
★Sup!★ ☆Pansexual™☆ ★I'm a 14yr old meme weeb who sucks at drawing m8ty★ ☆Likes:☆ FNAF, many the anime, Kingdom Hearts, Dogs, and food™ ★Dislikes:★ Nothing really friendo. ☆I mostly play things like Pokemon, TF2, and Fallout as of late☆ ★Ask 2 know more!★ ☆Main OCs:☆ Plum Axel ★See ya you meme★
Tochi Dreemurr.Asriel
Alola! er...Hey I'm a Charizard the names Ash born and rasied in the Unova region home of Zekrom, Reshiram...and Kyurem...why are at my profile...and no I'm not trying to cool because I'm a Fire type not Ice now bye... *Flies off*
Cheebs crummy-juncture
yooooooo my name is cheebs and i like skeletons and luigi. she/her tungler: luigiicest, mod luigi on incorrectpapermarioquotes kins: luigi, vinegar doppio, sans, aph seborga mood: ey b0ss
KIM ^ώ^ kim231
Hey im Kim! 15 almost 16, Im in my HS marching band. #BandNerd. Music is my way of coping with things. My favorite bands are: of mice & men, the amity affliction, breaking benjamin, a day to remember, beartooth, slipknot, avenged7X, nirvana, stone sour, bullet for my valentine, etc. I like Marvel &Dc. Btw i dont bite......hard.....yea i do ^ώ^ Its hard trying to be happy when your empty inside -_-
TinCan idk_02
idk why I made this account. main: idk_13
TinCan idk_13
Just a bland 16 year old trying to make the nice arts. ._.)b Insta: @forgetful.bluee 😪👌
TinyMii123 shan2Sunwoo8452
Welcome to my profile. I am a Clash Royale fan! (not that fan) My clan is christians rocks and my name is DatPandaBoy64. we have over 10000 trophies. I am a decade ( it means 10 btw) . Hope ya liked wasting 15 seconds for this XD
jacob binxford890
you probibly just poke my face, right...? so im fourteen. if you come accross my profile then tell me what you think! i am an anime nerd, so bring these up and ill pay attention. hope you like what you see!!! Binx. smash mains: lucario, roy, marth, shulk and robin. splatoon: rank B- lvl 16? è3é Warriors name WolfFang anime likes: rwby, naruto,YU-GI-OH , one piece, gundam, and hunterXhunter.
Carmen.M Love-13-Miller
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Sean.E SeanElder
I play Zelda, Mario Bros, Mariokart, Splatoon, Injustice, Bayonetta, Smash 4 and pokemon.
Blues Blues_96
It's Blues here! I mostly play Smash and Splatoon on the Wii U... That's pretty much it PS, someone buy me a Switch :c
kiki bffforeverkiki
Hello my name is Kiki. I have a awesome personality. I love all animals. I have one guine pig a yorky pup. My favoritecolors are PINK,TEAL,and PURPLE. My favriote TV show is HATERS BACK OFF by MIRANDA SINGS. She is also my favorite youtuber. I went to her concert. My favriote movie is BEDTIME STORIES and SOPHIA GRACE AND ROSIE'S ROYAL ADVENTURES. I love the book Marley and Me. I love ALL GAMES BYE
Tweedle SuperCosmo7
Hey guys! I love to draw and make people laugh. I really love to play Nintendo games. You can also check out my iFunny: TweedleComics. I hope you have a great day! :D
Mostafa++ colorfulCarbonyl
I am a dork for: Splatoon Undertale Rhythm Heaven Steven Universe Avatar: The Last Airbender Super Mario (especially World & 3D World) Paper Mario Hunter x Hunter Super Monkey Ball 1&2 WarioWare Inside Out Mathematics (especially Discrete Math, Algebra and Calculus) Physics Chemistry (especially organic) Biology (especially anything cellular or molecular) and Comp Sci! (C++, Python, Java, y'know)
Brooklyn Last.Stand.Toada
Discord: God's Chef#9367 No Twizzlers, but I AM on Closed Verse with the same Mii and everything My Wii U profile will give my Switch FC when I ever get one
Cheez-its TheFallingCheez
Hey! Im Cheez-its. But you can call me Cheez I mostly draw than write in Miiverse ˙˘˙ The communitys i will usually be on is SSB4, Youtube, ANCL, and Mario maker. Im currently in no Clan/Group Stuff that i like: Undertale, Gravity falls, Svtfoe, Yokai watch, Doraemon, Steven universe, ACNL, SSB4, Markipier, and Jacksepticeye Enjoy my profile........
Krispy Nint.Krispy
Chloe UtimateGamer5678
Hi my sister is shanny i love anime !!!!!! i watch attack on titan , Naruto , DBZ and Fairy tale I have a Wii U [ my sis has it on her acount :[ ] I LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Video Games REMEMBER TO FALLOW #NOYEAHBOMBS
Drawing and Dedede. That's my profile.