DonutSteel's Friends
RookieInk RookieInk
Massi dededelightful
King dedede is our lord and savior.
Link heroofwilds
Llomomo Llomomo
Mr.Cowman MirrorMirk
Frosty Frosty_Fighter
DeathTouch DeathzTouch
Tingle coolbeanswag03
kill yourself
Kira ShizNiz99
Brooklyn Last.Stand.Toada
Discord: God's Chef#9367 No Twizzlers, but I AM on Closed Verse with the same Mii and everything My Wii U profile will give my Switch FC when I ever get one
jacob binxford890
you probibly just poke my face, right...? so im fourteen. if you come accross my profile then tell me what you think! i am an anime nerd, so bring these up and ill pay attention. hope you like what you see!!! Binx. smash mains: lucario, roy, marth, shulk and robin. splatoon: rank B- lvl 16? è3é Warriors name WolfFang anime likes: rwby, naruto,YU-GI-OH , one piece, gundam, and hunterXhunter.
Thomas RPGamer5
Hey! I'm RPGamer and I love games! My favorite games are RPG's but I also love Smash.
Alpha Red FireRedM8
Blues Blues_96
It's Blues here! I mostly play Smash and Splatoon on the Wii U... That's pretty much it PS, someone buy me a Switch :c
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Eman2100 Eman2100
DerpyGamer jiten1999
hey guys im jiten and its nice to meet you
docc Dr.XD_Mii
VöídJancer FamilyFusion76
Hey everyone! i am making a clan, Void! If you want to join, ask me!
Tristan Mr.Maan
Hey just a huge Nintendo fan on miiverse, then again, aren't we all
Oni Link DraconicDeity
In your mind, walk through time, back to better days... Memories, like a dream, wash tears away...
CD-I master race
Tweedle SuperCosmo7
Hey guys! I love to draw and make people laugh. I really love to play Nintendo games. You can also check out my iFunny: TweedleComics. I hope you have a great day! :D
Ania AlternateAnnie
MARIO sassy183
HELLO! ITSA ME! MARIO!!! YAHOO! Ignore my NNID, because my mom made it when I got this.
Nate gorgoran
I'm Nate. I like nintendo and XBOX 360
Waluigi AaClontz
Brody bgdg0418
The Hero of Rhyme
Harval Harval1
This user's profile comment is private.
GameCrash jlswaggins9
Sean.E SeanElder
I play Zelda, Mario Bros, Mariokart, Splatoon, Injustice, Bayonetta, Smash 4 and pokemon.
Papa JtPruz
Brandon otter1224
hi im brandon and im 16 a witter and like pretty much every thing from E to M games from anime to cartoons i also read comics and love tons of music i really love tmnt, and tons of things and im a really big megaman classic fan iv played all the games iv read the manga & im reading the comics if you like megaman look up megaman gigamix on youtube it a amazing fanmade animation thing
Krispy Nint.Krispy
liam concialia
Hidan msecenas
Pokelam orosario
Hayden SuddenElephant
Here's my fav. things like TV show, games, ect. I like the older episodes of spongebob and Scooby Doo (Where are you?) and (Whats new Scooby Doo) here my fav. games heres my number one fav. game Luigi's Mansion and the second one but my fav. Mario game is Mario Party4 and I'm very shy
Drawing and Dedede. That's my profile.