Alex's Followers
orange slendertop
Sans mikeylite
Heya kiddosss i am Sans and here is my bro paps HEELO INTERNET Ok paps you don't have to scream BUT IT'S THE DEEP WEB>_> $#@!%^&*$!@#$%^&^#%$$%#$ WHAT IS IT SANS ARE YOU MAD? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * etc* Ok a new start WITHOUT Papurus [YES] HI SANS!!!!!! ~@!@#$%^&*?~!@#$%^&**&^%$#@~ Im so tired of runing from Paps.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*etc*
TNR tomros0612
Christa♪ otieno111
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
trixie lilygarmon
hi im new
KadenReid panpanpepper
Am Kaden i just reached 300 followers :-D thank you so much!!!!! Anyways we can play Splatoon or Minecraft your choice.Have a good day!!! :-D Hide and seek in splatoon? i have a switch to if you have one maybe we could play?
Roger RoToVa
Hola I speak English hablo español et je parle Francais mi opinion sobre: pokemon★★★★★ kirby★★★★★ mario kart★★★★☆ Bff: Rosa(miiverse) seguidla please! Adios miiverse Inteligente Sagaz viviendo el ″ic et Nuc″
Edu-San Perezjr-santi
ñíëëðôóýßíýßîïðœôÿßðìæçæôìïõÿìîñëøãïäõùîïðùöôûíìîïËÊÍËÙÍÎÌÔÖÞßßĶĘĠĚŠIJĢIIJęħīțƒdžůűźdzλεξξμξωμτμοννλνμξξη μδζελνεοπξυεηπνννξξοπομμζοωdzdžƒűųdžżāęŕņşľijķėķļĺğľļęěğļłğąąğıķĺľěķíâëøúùîôíææíõõœøþÿüûóëäöïõëãåôîçîëæïô΄΄ώςίώς;΄··όό΄ύ΅;κναβννζζχμυεηπυτχψοοźźůūƒųdzdzůțěāĺıijijġħşťťħġıňŕģıăąžžijġġěňĺļħīıijľħģīłĺěėęęřijiįēěęğķőıêëÿýüæêãåçõìÿßÿþöìíöôøøöõýþœøœùúïïïçææäåüÿþíöõõöööøøíõôôöùñæôííïøîïïööîìÿýõöðñïîööøøøööîœðœîî
anime lovr anime-is-COOL-57
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иω★Puppy-P manuelarjonalina
Hi i´m a potato :\ ':\ potato Si me sigues te sigo.Promesa ¡¡¡NYAN CAT INVADIRA EL MUNDOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Bridgett cool-and-epic
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janet has-a-fivehead
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TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Callie makira2015
Hi und Willkommen auf meinem Profil ;) Fakten: Name: Monique Spitzname: Squid Girl Hobbys: Manga zeichnen und spielen Alter: 11 Beste YouTuber/in: Pader,LuckyTM,ScarletArisa Best Friends: Katharina,Sharona,Selina,Splat☆Girl Octo-Sis: woomy Schlechteste Gruppe: PandaArmy Das wars von meiner Seite aus. Bis Bald
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
Clarissa Clarissa-is-EPIC
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Jacqueline Jacqueline-32e
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★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
RedBonnie SpringGaming64
Hey Guys,Its RedBonnieGaming64 and i play alot of Games with my pals,I'm 15 i do Sonic/Fnaf roleplay yes I'ma Sonic and Fnaf FAN. :D 私の名前はレッドボニーです I can't belive Miiverse is ending T_T NO WiiU Chat >:( i do a lil bit of drawing in the WiiU but on Paper,its better. T^T Why me. if your trying to friend request me pls type something and let me know...i dont friend request random peps
reece cool-boy-dub
hello friends?
Madleine yqdrddhycg
Salutation les ami(e)s comment allez vous???Je suis une demoiselle qui a 9 ans et qui se nomme Mady vous vous adresser à une demoiselle qui a sauter des classes et qui est en 6 ème mais normalement je suis en CM1 bon aurvoir Bon, résumer j'mappelle Mady g 9 ans chuis en 6 ème mais normalement chuis en CM1 voilà le petit résumé à partir de maintenant j'fait que des messages comme ça lol
shaylee shayleejayde
hi! ok i have an old acount called the same thing as this profile plz folow me if you followed my old profile plz! i have 2 shows (theyre the same as my old account tho)sans &papyrus posts and tamadochi time welp, bye! BTW i prefer you to comment on my discussions then yeah,it annoys me ¦:(
#ありさ⇔ダヨン* 05.6.12
HELLO!(„#´・▽・„)/ 顔ポチあーとん(„#´▽`„)ノ 痛かったヨォ←(大嘘デふww) これからよろしくネ„>▽<„// もうすぐミバ終わっちゃうぅ;_; 終わらないでほしい…!! 今までありがとう(„*´▽`)ノ .°#紹介#°. #K-POP大好きマンダオ #YouTube大好きマンダオ #私はパーリーピーポー。うるさいデス #ミバ大好き*♪ #イッ○Q超絶楽しみ♪ ↑日曜日は楽しみすぎてコワレルオ #家族と仲良しÜ←ホントカオイw #スポーツ大好き #パンケーキが甘すぎて吐きかけた事あるオ^^♪ 。*.リア友.*。 葉月 彩永 瞳子 文香 ↑ミバやってる中でのリア友だお☆ミ .°☆四つ子☆°. 葉月 もね 彩永 ずっとやで(„´・ω・)☆ #ミバ&リア友 サランヘヨー(„♪⊃´・ω・) _#最新日*10/24*_
SheepSquad I_love_icecram19
•Hi im me • i speak japanese •u still here• •ok some stuff about me• •i do pixel art• •age:10• •games: look at my post• •games i love: splatoon ,lost revers and• minecraft• •i am 99% werid but i aways get A & B's• •p.s shout out to my friends:Tayee,p.colemen, kyile,maddy ,mssledge ,nisha and kitty gamer :3• • bye bye~•
Fiona nitembo-gamr-boy
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**** ***** big-if-true-meme
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GirlSaiyan ashleyanne1212
Hello my name is rock star!I love useing Miiverse and playing Minecraft and spatoon.i live in Canada and it is really beautiful there. I love playing with my Wii u and friend's.Nice talking to you!Bye! Wait i forgot! can i get 500 follower's?! And Some more Friend's?!
Peter petercuteness
hi im peter im nine and i like minecraft becuz we get to build anything
diego diegogabriel2017
hola soy diego ami megusta ayudar alas pobres y me gusta aser amigos se qieren aser mi amigos seria una amistad buena bueno los qiero mucho y tambien puedo controlar el agua solo un poquito pero estío apendido a y tambien puedo hablar en todos los idomas como chino y ítalano en ect tengo 8 años megusta viejar y amar mi comoda favorita es pizza,tacos,ensaladaypollo con papas me despido los amo
Selena essacnl
BOÏ Osomatsu-san is da best anime and Warrior cats the best serie of books I posted my final post. Tomorow, Its Miiverse end. And I'll miss all of you. I am Ichimatsu Matsuno. Funfact my inglish is not good because i'm french :3
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Goodbye everyone. Miiverse is ending...Please don't send any more friend requests unless I know y...
Goodbye everyone. Miiverse is ending...Please don't send any more friend requests unless I know you in real life. I will follow you, if you follow me...
Online [*] Offline [ ]
Goodbye Miiverse...
I'm here 'till the end.
Cya hope all of you live happy lives.