Users Alex Is Following
TNR tomros0612
Ratty13 Turtlekiddo
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?A? naasusatoe0616
~チーム~ INK!チーム STチーム 女子限定チーム AEfX_チーム ~他~ 好きぃなゲーム スプラ(WIIU) ぷよぷよクエスト(スマホ) 好きぃな人 ホタル(シオカラーズ) 魔理少(東方) サグメ(東方) アイン(ぷよクエ) アルル(ぷよクエ) です。よろぉ :彼氏 #ふぅたぁ# :親友 ぽっつs フォロワー210人突破!フォローしてね!絶対返す!
GirlSaiyan ashleyanne1212
Hello my name is rock star!I love useing Miiverse and playing Minecraft and spatoon.i live in Canada and it is really beautiful there. I love playing with my Wii u and friend's.Nice talking to you!Bye! Wait i forgot! can i get 500 follower's?! And Some more Friend's?!
reece cool-boy-dub
hello friends?
TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Bridgett cool-and-epic
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anime lovr anime-is-COOL-57
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katy pery♪ pieter1978
hallo iedereen' GRESS78 is leuk maar soms niet ik ken in het echt andreas & pro☆gamer & #LOL hij had Frankrijk in ge type dat was perongeluk hij woont in België en ik ben 9
Christa♪ otieno111
Angela Loooooooove
♡Howdy! Moi c'est Angela. J'ai 17 ans et et c'est le miiverse de ma Wii u(Ma 3DS est cassée, je peux plus dessiner T~T/!\ne jamais la ramener au lycée/!\) Je passe mon temps sur Splatoon et Zelda et je poste de temps en temps des dessins. Mon jeux préféré c'est ♥Undertale♥(J'ADORE!). J'aime tout ce qui est en rapport avec le Japon(les animes, les mangas, les cosplays,...)♡
¶SM¶☆ξli☆ Gecko1823
Cable a bit broken, having hard time charging my WiiU ^^" Got it!! >ω< Little cuttlefish from Italy. Loves drawing, listening to music at the same time. Different is Beautiful ~♪ Awesome people: ξδ•Aββγ•Trιη•Chεrrγ•Rιchι•Ilγαs•Wΐth•Pεn•Xhει•Isεl•Hεlιcα•Mιchι•Cι•Isσ•Lαzγ•Gabe•Spud•AηαG•Aqυα•Dιm•Lσmι•Cιεlα•Nεkσ•Gιυα•Mαrzι•Lαsεr•Tαshα•Tαmαrα•Shadow•Dεndrσ•PιXks•Wαndα•Fαtι•Kαγlα ♥My sweet Ed♥
Plasma TheMinecraftMovi
★s★potatos potato2477 this is the end huh?.. ..i just wanted to says it's been wonderful being on Miiverse and i would like to thank everyone for being so kind and supportive to me..'ve all been amazing and i hope we'll stay in contact after Miiverse ends.. ...i hope we meet again,my friends..*hugs*.. :3
EYP★ memes TheMaskedMeep
Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here. Write about yourself here.
Yas yas6hubabuba
HI I'm yas , my real name is Yasmine , I am 11 years ald . I have golden cerls at the ends of my hair because when I was little I had blonde hair . I love : anime and manga ; disny films ; CAKE! and chocolate . my dream is to own a cafe and be the baker . Also l am half britches and half morrocn , if you don't know were Morroco is ; its in north–west Africa . I also go to the gym to keep healthy !
Trevor Diddybound
The creator of the Daily Callie series, and the Daily Squid Sisters series! I like the squid game, but I ESPECIALLY like Callie. Some would say too much, but there's never enough Callie love~!
ItzDec ShadowDec
puppupgirl mollyandpolly206
hi my name is puppupgirl and I just want to say although our time is cutting short as in we have 1 day left I loved every minute on Miiverse even tho I only started 3months ago you guys made me feel welcome I just want to thank my friends for sticking by me and I will never froget you guys and THANK-YOU everyone for following me+378 and you guys are REALLY KIND and you guys my friends ARE AMAZING
Edu-San Perezjr-santi
ñíëëðôóýßíýßîïðœôÿßðìæçæôìïõÿìîñëøãïäõùîïðùöôûíìîïËÊÍËÙÍÎÌÔÖÞßßĶĘĠĚŠIJĢIIJęħīțƒdžůűźdzλεξξμξωμτμοννλνμξξη μδζελνεοπξυεηπνννξξοπομμζοωdzdžƒűųdžżāęŕņşľijķėķļĺğľļęěğļłğąąğıķĺľěķíâëøúùîôíææíõõœøþÿüûóëäöïõëãåôîçîëæïô΄΄ώςίώς;΄··όό΄ύ΅;κναβννζζχμυεηπυτχψοοźźůūƒųdzdzůțěāĺıijijġħşťťħġıňŕģıăąžžijġġěňĺļħīıijľħģīłĺěėęęřijiįēěęğķőıêëÿýüæêãåçõìÿßÿþöìíöôøøöõýþœøœùúïïïçææäåüÿþíöõõöööøøíõôôöùñæôííïøîïïööîìÿýõöðñïîööøøøööîœðœîî
Roger RoToVa
Hola I speak English hablo español et je parle Francais mi opinion sobre: pokemon★★★★★ kirby★★★★★ mario kart★★★★☆ Bff: Rosa(miiverse) seguidla please! Adios miiverse Inteligente Sagaz viviendo el ″ic et Nuc″
KadenReid panpanpepper
Am Kaden i just reached 300 followers :-D thank you so much!!!!! Anyways we can play Splatoon or Minecraft your choice.Have a good day!!! :-D Hide and seek in splatoon? i have a switch to if you have one maybe we could play?
★Harriet★X PrincessHarrixx
Follow: Squishypanda101 Bunnylover1010 JoshTL Jac Clow Gul Flynn Dark Cj Ryan, RyanEmiel James, Minemas ★Memories★ Lee, MadlyPancake143 Shaneo mac Mankalor Riddler BIGSCOTTY65 Umaari Omar fraser317 Ty-Ty♪ ^_^Emma^_^ porkypig8 kittycat Babycraft JoshTL EJ, MiniActor luna Evilcrafty WindWolf If you hate on ANY Of my friends, You Will Have to go through ME
Donovan erickdonovan
holi les doi la bienvenida a todos espero que les guste mi canal o como se llame a porsierto mi juego favorito es fnaf mi animatronico favorito es foxy :D
AimeePlayz AimeeCrane2
Hey!Itz AimeePlayz!A cool 10 year old gal who luvs Miiverse! Daily news:David is sick!Get well soon :) My Gamez:Splatoon,MK8,LOST REAVERS,Youtube. School friends on my Wii U:pkchris☆★,Izzy,Alfie(hasn't accepted yet Online Freinds:DanITFC,Marinette,PacManFan. Daily shout out:Pacmanfan Cool things about me:I am English,part Irish,and a little bit indian(My greatgranddad is indian;I dont look indian
trixie lilygarmon
hi im new
κεηγα ШЩ kenyacola
~~♡Heyo I'm Kenya♡~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MV is ending! So let's make the most of it! I'm Kenya, I'm a female and a Christian. I play piano. I stink at art. I have 3 older brothers. I like potatos and junk probably the weirdest person you'll meet XD. I'm the youngest and the only girl. Besides my Mom but that doesn't count. Lol. ~~☆Bye☆~~ Go follow Izz! And [M1] Flacon. There my brothers.
Sam Sammichu1
Bye miiverse. Wii Will miss you. (last day left of miiverse. i will miss you all when miiverse ends. remember that i have Clozed Vέrς so you can fïnd me there.) I like... -Memes -Sonic The Hedgehog -Mario Kart (I have mario kart wii, mario kart 7 and mario kart 8) -Smash Bros. (i have all games except melee and N64)
ethan jklm45
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Callie makira2015
Hi und Willkommen auf meinem Profil ;) Fakten: Name: Monique Spitzname: Squid Girl Hobbys: Manga zeichnen und spielen Alter: 11 Beste YouTuber/in: Pader,LuckyTM,ScarletArisa Best Friends: Katharina,Sharona,Selina,Splat☆Girl Octo-Sis: woomy Schlechteste Gruppe: PandaArmy Das wars von meiner Seite aus. Bis Bald
Giga Gamby ShrekIsL0ve_Life
Yes, it's the real Giga Gamby. All my other accounts are either banned, or not in use anymore. Don't ask when, or if i'm gonna make my next video Don't ask for shout-outs. Shrek is love, Shrek is life. And most importantly, i'm back... for now. #SaveMiiverse?
HallowEman face37
This profile has been erased.
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
★☆Mickey☆★ chiby-furry
Hiya, the name's Mick. I'm a lil' nerdy mouse who loves Nintendo, Disney and draw random things related with Mario and Me (duh.) I mostly do sloppy drawings and silly comics Psst(I'm a pokemon fan too, but remember, its a secret. Favorite pokemon? Jolteon,Dragonite,Luxray,Weavile,Greninja) Oh boy.. Well that's all, see ya! Love u all!♥ Mario&Mickey are just friends Don't ship em' >:V
I am LITTLE, and I'm 23. I am a skilled classic gamer, and a major Brony. I love games from Atari 2600-N64 era, MLP, cute things, and muscle cars. I love ALL Ponies, but stay away from my Fluttershy/Princess Cadence! I'm one of Equestria's rulers, and a Son Goku-like hero with inhuman skills. I'll miss you all. Thank you for your support. :'(
Moka Moka-HylianLink
I'm a Mexican Gal♀ My Name: Moka (IRL) Age: 31 (11/May/'86) [Taurus/Tiger] S.Orientation: Lesb *Married* Gamer from the Old School, Lover of TLOZ (i have all), Cosplayer/Crossplayer & Whovian Pls Follow Run...U Cleaver Boy...& Remember 11°Dr: Its just a...timey-wimey thing MV Sisters (i<3them): -ChibiKo/ma -Naru -Tego4love -Rosa -♪Audrey♪ -Audrey• -Dзsτ -Warryl-Chan♀ XOXO<3
Sans Coraxes
Hi i'm Ally this is my bro's account go follow ←FεllSaηs→ (Underfell_Gamer6) FlowerFell (040673) and Frisk (brebre123459) Pap (Touchofgreyskull) hope you like my posts! I rp as Sans Frisk and sometimes Chara! Out of posts: [] Posts left: [√] my face........ well ur hand hurts more than my face...........
Goodbye everyone. Miiverse is ending...Please don't send any more friend requests unless I know y...
Goodbye everyone. Miiverse is ending...Please don't send any more friend requests unless I know you in real life. I will follow you, if you follow me...
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Goodbye Miiverse...
I'm here 'till the end.
Cya hope all of you live happy lives.