BOTW Chris's Followers
....... Mysteriousreborn
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∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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Glenda Matteoalt2
Another alt. Nothing to say.
Pro E Gadd Matteoalt
The third alt of Matteo. Have fun!
.ΔК◆JameMV princesavage1235
Hey everyone i'm .ΔК☆JameMV team join ΔК: your join team ΔК yo follow Gender: Male ♂ my friend is: 1.Tansley 2. sage 3. braden 4. taylor being rude= Block i am a Lost Boy from NeverLand♡ψ Single :-) ħàνê à ġŕėāт ďăÿ ëνěřÿõñè
Sis Pinkygirly
Hello and good morning to u all the peaple in the world my name i Hannah i live on a farm still and my chicken lade her first egg and its so cute and the egg hacth but its going to take a month or so cause my aunt says so oh yeah my dog spot loves her pupies there 3 puppies there is genger lily and george thos are the puppies names and if you like my things i wright that is true then its good ¡¡
Mike nessahurt
Mega Man nerd here! Also a 16-year old Christian! b-day 7-15
Skye Twikipopa
Hi! Im Skye. i like reading (Harry Potter is amazing!! XD)My fav games are splatoon lego city undercover and super mario 3d world!! i also like lego!!! :-)
Smerperior Exciton79
Just an alt. that draws in the Unova New York Club! Serperior is the best starter! Goal: To Become NY Club's best artist! Sad Reality: I'm the only one who draws there... Main Accounts: Entei-Sama (Exciton97) Exciton★Vξ (ChobitsLove) ←Search NNID not name! Please, feel free to follow and yeah me!♥★☆♪ Unova Forever!!!! Follow: Connor (yogibear163) Forrest (MintyWhisker)
Jeremy Newtothisplace
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MyMcGame's julestravis1969
Hello my name is ★Gamer999★ im a kid/Squid that likes splatoon,and nintindo land im a fnaf and undertale fan i like dressing up as youtubers if you seen my uploads and i like to show my main gear of jose for fun not to brag anyway have fun :D!!!!!!!!
☆Pinda.S⇔ savageprince32
SomeThing… DJZouk2012
I'm just an unfunny trashposter from the NSLUC Run along now, there's nothing important here no
Gooboo bobablinga
i'm gooboo, i like lego, books ( my favourite are J.R.R Tolkien's). i also like games including: mario, lego and star wars battlefront. :) i also like splatoon. :) thanks for reading. Gooboo bobablinga
kai ajanijb1125
buddy callofduty5798
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Depressed N.Cforlife
name first:Elena second:jennifer third:dobrav age:16 Single pringle I have 2 twin bros I have 3 dogs and a horse I suffer from depression Im emo I dont post much PEACE!
Olga(•ω• ) OlgaDragneel
Holaaaaaa :D Me gusta los videojuegos y el anime - Mi anime fav : Fairy Tail - Mi personaje fav de anime: Natsu Dragneel[FT] - Youtuber Fav: elrubiusOMG - Actualmente me estoy viciando al breath of the wild xd
lil b Kenshad18
Hello im Brysen and my nintendo network is Kensah18. *List what i like to play* splatoon super smash bros. i accept friend request if your mean to me i will block you or not be your friend anymore if i like you alot then i will send a friend request or in a event don't block me pls NO WII U CHAT!!! well smarty chu is my friend
Ouch! my eye! what do you want?! oh you wanna follow me..? uh ok then sure, go ahead.. longer a member of Leviathan because of its recent downfall.. and the fact that i was being left out. now im with Щ which i am enjoying very much! its a great clan you should join! AMAZING PEOPLE AND GREAT FREINDS: Jacob SimΞon Hanzo Nathaniel*2 ToonyDude4 *J.P.* THIS.. MEANS.. CAKE!!!
Katelyn^_^ FalconX37
Hi! Im 14, and I hope someday I can become a softball player. Im really quirky, and im the only person in my group of friends that still has a DS:-P Interests: Vineyard Vines, Science, Softball. Interesting Fact: I live in the same city as the McKnight Family! I go to a different school district than they do though.
Alexplayz9 xtiina86
hello guys welcome to my profile. so about me i love to play roblox and minecraft its really cool i play tumble alot its really fun! a boy so yeah ^^ wanna be a boy in wii u ;-; and im a pro at tumble and battle .im very kind also i think im cute ...well lets dont talk about that.things i hate is when ppl are annoying!and bullying me ! thats all guys love u bye!also lets try 1000 :]<3
Jeremy Tomodachiseries
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kierra pinkmema
V.G.Lover messi-416
Hi! my name is Video Game Lover V.G.Lover for short,I am a gamer and programmer.I will often ask for help,and give tips in various communities! Some friends on miiverse: *J.P.*/Person Chikens32 Quote PChicken SıмΞоп Squirt Something... TheRandy
courtney zzzCourtneyzzz
This user's profile comment is private.
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
♀ Éry ♀ HerrycaR
A mom in her 40's. I own two 3ds xl and two wii u. Looking forward to own a nintendo switch. I love the Legend of Zelda games, Splatoon, Animal Crossing, Mario and Pikmin.
ちゃーちゃん tomomatu7
こんにちは! Hello! iHola! みんなと仲良く楽しみたいです! ミーバースでみんなの投稿見るのが日課になってます♪ 時々コメント入れさせていただいてます♥ よろしく(^^)/
Hal Everybodysrival
A guy who looks video games
Timothy spider_cole_b
I love minecraft
TickTurd79 TickTurd79
Dani LegendofZelda564
Hullo smol bean Not very active here as you can see :') I play: FE AC:NL Sploon BoTW -Team Pearl!!! So uh bye
KaiScorch mojo63
Hello strange people of miiverse! My name is Dawky! About all I do is play games and...stuff...yeah...anyways, what you can expect from me is usually crazy, random and VERY cringy stuff...yeah. And if you follow i always follow back! I have a few friends such as: Wildstyle, Lak, coco (obviously) and i guess i consider didy a friend...yeah. So i hope you enjoy my profile!
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man!
"I now see that the circumsta...
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man!
"I now see that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that matters' -Mewtwo from Pokemon The First Movie