Users BOTW Chris Is Following
Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
Dylan bradmansfield123
[PLEASE LOOK AT MY LIST OF USERS I AM FOLLOWING] "When we die there are two things we can leave behind us, genes and memes." ~ Richard Dawkins, 1976 Why hello there! My name is Dylan. Here's some things you should expect to see on my profile: - Memes - Pixel Art - Some pretty good levels in Super Mario Maker - Weird things happening in my Life - Reminders (Weird Facts)
Jeremy Tomodachiseries
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Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Mikaharu Mikaharu
[Requests are closed] I'm Ruima-Mikaharu, just call me Mika for short or Hammy I love to draw and games that I like to play are: animal crossing, DQ-IX, FEA, Pokémon, drawing games, etc… I love pixel art and fantasy RPG I'm African American love old cartoons and old style animation Not really the best talker blah… I'm not used to here yet but I'll try my best. Out of space.
V.G.Lover messi-416
Hi! my name is Video Game Lover V.G.Lover for short,I am a gamer and programmer.I will often ask for help,and give tips in various communities! Some friends on miiverse: *J.P.*/Person Chikens32 Quote PChicken SıмΞоп Squirt Something... TheRandy
Azula Kit10105
Hi! Azuza here. Also known as Azula. I draw random stuff.....and Zelda. the LoZ series are my absolute favourite games . ★I love drawing,but im complete trash at it~(·‘·)~. Hoping to improve my skills at it while I'm here. Thanks for the yeahs and support,everyone. : )
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
Adios ObjectPower
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Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
Oscar OSCAR75
Hi. I'm @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! If you know what I mean. ;) Hola, Soy @OSCAR75MIIVERSE! Y el que quiera entenderlo que lo entienda. ;)
Milly♪ Mum.Dad.Brothers
Remember your manners. You're in the presence of royalty! I, Milly, am Queen of cake ^^ Welcome to my humble corner of Miiverse ^^ Tea? Thank you all for over 600 loyal and beloved subjects! Wii U account: SONICTEAMRULES The pen is mightier than the sword ☆ Evil will always exist in this world. All we can do is love. In hope that someday, love will prevail over evil.
Naminski naminski1a
Kevin Alucario
Hello, folks. Kevin's the name. I am a 27 year old †Christian†. I love to draw on Miiverse. Favorite Games: Actraiser, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy 4, and Hyrule Warriors. Favorite Animes: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Tenchi Universe, Rurouni Kenshin, Inuyasha, and Cyborg 009. I hope you like my drawings.
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
Mattias mattiasolsson
pokemon, princess Zelda, professor Layton and super smash bros. The best of it.
»Stαtisky Statisky
Thanks for the nice memories! Sorry for any possible inconvenience. I'm away from my WiiU at moment. Peace to everyone! Farewell, Miiverse.
KaiScorch mojo63
Hello strange people of miiverse! My name is Dawky! About all I do is play games and...stuff...yeah...anyways, what you can expect from me is usually crazy, random and VERY cringy stuff...yeah. And if you follow i always follow back! I have a few friends such as: Wildstyle, Lak, coco (obviously) and i guess i consider didy a friend...yeah. So i hope you enjoy my profile!
Maul Ч g082002
Creator and Supreme leader of DarkStar . Hi, I'm a huge Halo,Zelda,Fallout,and Fire Emblem fan. I am a retired competitive pokemon battler and more. Yeah my favorite post and remember,HERO'S NEVER DIE!
Josy♪ josyandvane
Thank you Miiverse for the wonderful people I've met and the beautiful memories I've made♪ . I've loved sharing my art here and admiring the talents of so many others. "See you later." nintendojosy look it up somewhere :0
Simtin Simtin
Hey there, The name is Simon... mine that is... I like the Zelda and the SMT series, so that's mostly what I'll be posting about. you're free to follow me if you also enjoy any of thoes series. If you don't like them? ...follow anyway...? Anyhow that's that!
Elijah.K chadkidd
whatup! its Elijah my fellow hylians :D im a homeschooling christain Person heres some stuff you should know ↓ 1. i Love Loz best series ever XD 2.i like the NBA lol 3.heres some shout-outs Grace,Isaiah, Coco, Taylah, Jeremy. 4. fav video games Oot TP monster hunter4 MM and all the Original loz games there cool:D Im also in the SPSF clan :D Im also a BIG! anime fan and all studio ghibli:
Xavier 9bus8car
I love nintendo and sony [of course nintendo more.] love swiming, video games, and some sports and 11 years old and don't like xbox that much wish to have many friend family and followers if you follow me i follow you as soon as i get the message.
Grimm27583 Seanmckeever123
Hey guys, my favorite games are legend of zelda and minecraft. (PS3)
Ever Everlariat
Welp, this place is coming to an end. It was fun while it lasted. I'll definitely miss my friends and some great users here. I want to thank you all who supported me through my time in Miverse, I wouldn't be here without you. Goodbye Miiverse.
Booper BooperTheUnicorn
The Legend of Zelda is the best game series ever! Pokemon is a close second though :3 Follow me!
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
~Nathan~ Z3R0777
Ouch! my eye! what do you want?! oh you wanna follow me..? uh ok then sure, go ahead.. longer a member of Leviathan because of its recent downfall.. and the fact that i was being left out. now im with Щ which i am enjoying very much! its a great clan you should join! AMAZING PEOPLE AND GREAT FREINDS: Jacob SimΞon Hanzo Nathaniel*2 ToonyDude4 *J.P.* THIS.. MEANS.. CAKE!!!
Hallöchen Leute, Ich bin ŁΕΘ und hier sind ein paar Sachen die Ihr über mich wissen solltet: Name: Leonard Alter: 20 Hobbys: Pixeln, Pokémon, Sm4sh Clan: мƒ★ Meine 5 Lieblingsspiele: - Metroid Prime 2 Echoes - Paper Mario Die Legende vom Äonentor - The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker - Mega Man 8 - Freedom Planet Freundschaftsanfrage bitte nur mit Begründung! Das war's schon, bis dann.
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
NIN*TYLER™ gamecubedolphine
Hi my names Tyler. Im a huge Kaiju fan(pun intended). Im a retro game collector with 400+ games. I also do Death Battle pixel art for my friend Ozzy's Death Battles and other pixel art. NO RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS! A few awesome people! Antoni--waterblaster Mex--mex_024 Ozzy--ozzy129 Gojirito--AkuRyu9000 Andy 2.0--ShadowFan8675 Danio--Detendo45 ★Max★--beatunia Tyler--Crazy_Goomba_123
*J.P.*[P]£ aj2003aj
hello. welcome to my profile thanks for clicking my face. about me:im a gamer,i play games *you have to put more..* ok my name is J.P., im a gamer who plays lots of games. im a happy member of £eviathan since around May of 2015 fun facts: i have never put the spoiler button on any posts or comments. ever. awesome friends:D.boy, Noah, Nathaniel, VGG, Jacob, PChicken and Toonydude4 go
Taylah tayTay1620
Hiiii! Hmmmmm.... looks like this place is unfortunately coming to an end. It was nice meeting you all and getting to know you. I had an amazing time and I won't forget it. Thankyou all so much for this wonderful experience. Shoutouts: Jer, Adrie, Kira, Eve, Janoah, Saria, Norms & Anna Where I will be: Clash of clans; clan: Mii Friends Animal crossing pocket edition!!
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man!
"I now see that the circumsta...
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man!
"I now see that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that matters' -Mewtwo from Pokemon The First Movie