Ursa's Followers
MegaMewtoY Maxwell71
Hello Miverse today I'm paying my respects to miiverse because its closing very soon;( #Wetried #Wefailed #R.I.Pmiiverse
batman BestPlayaEvr
i am so excited for the botw champion amibos so i can get the divine helms
Papyrus Touchofgreyskull
Hi. I'm Pappy. I'm obssesed with Undertale. I would end it there, but that wouldn't make for a very good intro, would it? Anyway, here's the facts about me (irl)... *I have only 4 friends *My life is Undertale *I'm devoted to writing comics *My favorite/soul color is green *I like sin but I dont post it often *I have long curly hair *I am smol 5'4 follow me on UA! @Bizabumblebee follow Hershey!
qwertyuiop samandreww2005
hello everyone
DaddyChris Crist_Heiser
Ouch my face! Hi there! I'm Crist im 21 yrs old and I live in El Salvador. I've been videogame fan since I was very little, the very first videogame I played was Metal Slug on the arcades and my very first console was the Super Nintendo. I freaking love Nintendo and it's IPs specially Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. I also like anime, Vivan las lolis.
Nelson+ legendofzelda259
MATCH MY RESOLVE - ASH/ ∞ Stuff about ме Cringey Banned alot Akward Dumb Mexican ADHD Sarcastic, Me NEVER! Likes rick and morty цςιεςς Good at super smash bros Follow these people : Zetsu Ash Tyler & Sky HUNGRY FOR APPLES? YOUR NOT.... OK I like Loz Mario & Smash & more ıξανε пощ This will go on forever if u like
pool157 A_Dark_Knight
I'm Batman!
frank anarchyKaos
Love old school games. Some new games too. I love Metal music as well. \m/ I also own a Switch.
René Mizuchiro
I like any game with a good story. My favorite game characters are Cloud Strife, Feene Glass, Agnés Oblige, Morrigan Aensland, Dante, Lilith(SMT4), and Gunvolt. As hobbies, I play piano, write poems, draw swords, and practice traditional swordfighting. I am a disciple of the blade at heart. Single. (Again.)
Sofia SofiePie2004
Hello! I'm Sofia! I am 12¾ years old. I am pretty good at drawing. I LOVE Nintendo and The Legend Of Zelda. Also, check out my 3DS account, It's GmaerSofie. It's supposed to be GamerSofie but I typed it in wrong... oh well... And if I don't reply I'm either drawing a post or I'm not on. Btw I do a home school. #ProtectLinkSquad I think I'm addicted to The Legend of Zelda...
Nathan Goku0284
I just can't believe that Miiverse will really be gone in just a few short days (oh well nothing lasts forever) I just want to say that I've had some pretty fond memories in the years I've been here and thanks to all the people who helped and supported me you will be missed
Chris Gold_Miner04
Thank you, everyone. I will miss Miiverse. Goodbye, Miiverse. Enjoy life, everyone. *Cries*
Artie Blanksy
The Super NES was the first console I ever owned and is still my favorite one - Yoshi's Island was the first game I ever beat - Hyrule of Ocarina of Time feels like home to me - Super Metroid is possibly my favorite game - I still need to finish Final Fantasy III someday. My favorite communities represent every game I own or have owned for Wii U and 3DS.
Dayday DayDay12321
candy keka2005
hola amigos como estan me llamo belinda tengo 12 años
jo superjo2000
Lets have fun guys:)
Kaden nachos100
"Toast is good but, Toasty is even better,"- me I'm a Christian. ACNL Dream address: 5F00-0013-81D6. (Perfect town) MK7 VR: 2.7K MK8 VR: 3.8K Splatoon: Level 26, B- Favorite Games: Animal Crossing games, Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi games, Mario Games, BotW, any Pokèmon games and MK. I like to make new friends but I don't do Wii U chat.
¢ğς¶$ħãщη shawnfedex
Hey guys it's Shawn! Miiverse is shutting down and there's nothing we can do!:( I hope you all aren't as upset as I am. We all love Miiverse,we will never forget you. You had so many memories and I met most of my very loyal friends. Thx for everybody that's following me!:) Also you guys can follow mortyirl,michealgarcia,Serg210,DankMikeyMouse&Savageking27!They're the best! Bye guys,Shawn Out!
Braxton braxtonmadison6
Name:Tommy Favorite Game Series: Kirby Favorite Game Console: Switch Favorite Game: Kirby's Return To Dream Land Favorite TV Show: Kirby Right Back At Ya! Favorite Food: Shrimp Alfredo System I Used: New 3DS/ 2DS Follow me, please.
Jaden PikachuWarrior01
Hey guys. What i play is minecraft splatoon SSB MK8 Pokémon S and M and ACNL. People u should follow are AnimeNerd018 178cheeselover ToyBreadly xoxoxo090 also me CastleWarrior. Im 12. Thx for 200 followers \(^o^)/ Also if u want to join the Pika Squad just ask and i can set you up. Also if u want to play minecraft on survival just ask. See Ya PEACE!!!!! Pika Squad
TORTOR Torybell
Hello everybody (^.^) I want everybody on my profile safe and, please no bullying on purpose please hope you understand(^_^)
Jay Dawg Jquan_Hood
THA SQUAD Jcoolwitty & Tizzin_Boss search it up. New account Fø Mø Mariø Maker. Thought I go for a cuter mii but hey what the heck do I kno. All I got is the world in my pocket. Its All jus Trail & Error, We live'N' We learn and don't repeat what Y'all 'ready Xperienced Quavo My HeadHoncho Samuel L Jackson My Dad R. Kelly My Brotha Rihanna My sista Madea My Granny Nicki Minaj My Momma
mom Tardis911
i'm good at minecraft & splatoon i chose charizard on splatoon
christendo christopherlaura
hello everyone my name is chris. im 15 years old.as you can see how i appear i love nintendo especially mario and kirby. to me there is no bad mario game. sense i was a little boy i always wanted to have the opportunity to work at nintendo and i want to get there when im older. and i want to support nintendo as much as i can. thank you for your time. ps. i love the legend of zelda series
TerraGirl TerrariaQueen29
Hello, Age: unspecified Country: U.S. Race: Part German, Part Irish, Mainly American Name: Emily (My friend gave me the nickname EG so call me that if u like) Pets: None; my dog passed away :( Oher Stuff: Leader of a secret group of ppl. This is my second account. 5 of my real life friends have a crush on me. So ya byeeeeeeeeee.
andy Cooleyoh16
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Kieran OnlyGamers122
Hi! Im OnlyGamers122, or you can just call me Game's. check out my other Account, kieran!
Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
ρς★ρR John familyforce10
♪It's hard to, walk away from the best of days. But if it has to end, I'm glad that you have been my friend in the time of our lives...♪
ZasEmerald ZasmineEmerald
I was born in 95 and was raised mostly on N64 and Gamecube. Xbox 360 came later. I pretty much only had about 20 games growing up. Now, I'm playing more Playstation & Nintendo, trying to catch up on what I've missed out on.
Luke 1211smith
Sydney WhispyOwl
I love playing animal crossing,the legend of zelda series,miitopia and alot more! ^~^ ♪ Make sure to checkout my other profile called sydney not capitalized,nickname: Runniebabbit!♪
Wii U Chat PrincessPeachHi8
♥Love P.Peach+P.Daisy+Tony★♪♭♀♂♥ ♥★P.Nancy+P.Kevi+P.Julie★♀♂♪♭♥ Princess Peach ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀♚ロゼッタ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⭐Queen of the Mushrooms⭐ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❝My Name Is Princess Peach❞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀❥Ꮪɪɴɢʟᴇ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஐ..•.¸¸• All
NIGHT FURY samsam96528
wasup guys i play the SPLATTOON and the legged of zelda i rlly what splatton 2 Thats all i have to say so plz follow me!!
Aidan xXCul-KidXx
hello im aidan from texas [big cowboys and UT fan] everyone start the # dontendmiivers or the #addittotheswitch campain
Max Pokey_does_NT
Oh! Hey there, welcome to my profile, Pokey is the name and swaggin' is my game, i am a 90 percent nice guy, the deal here is if you like, i follow, if you follow, I follow. Got it? so feel free to follow. I look all the time. Also tell your friends if they want to get a follower. All u gotta do is ask. I am a big fan of undertale, and most rpg and indie games. k bye my turtle dudes and dudets.
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"That's what mo...
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"