Ursa's Friends
★★ANNIKA★★ GLP_555
hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~danke für 368 followers~ #########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
Zane ZW2004
Salmon Hannon2818
So hello everyone! This is my Miiverse account thing and i love my pug! Thanks for reading and have an awesome day! Also I am not a girl I just like the eyes in mii maker! Thanks for 15 followers!!!
sonic sonicurnightmare
mj mjj2121
hi go! im talking!shut dont go up you do ! ~I like playing adventure,fighting,and some shooting games ~I dont do wii chat ~follow me or give me a friend request message me if you want to play games with me ~I dont tell persenal info and i make faces \ / ó ó ||| go go play in a microwave! óó _
hola a todos me gustaría conocer amigos
Jubejube Lilylink2
Hello people of the Miiverse! My name is Jubejube! I'm from a mystical land called Canada, and I'm here to have fun! Just thought I'd add this, I don't take Wii U Chat Calls, so I'm sorry to those who do actually use that platform for good, friendly calls, but I'm not taking the risk. Again sorry, and have a great whatever-time-of-day-it-is-for-you!
ReadenMage 124FlyGuy
6 MIN LEFT Untill Miiverse Turns Into a Explosion That Destroyed a Planet. Good Bye..... FOREVER. GOOD BYE MIIVERSE!!! Btw Sebastion Friend Me. 6 MINUTES UNTIL END.
GunnSlyngr TheGunnSlynger
Yo! Let's jam!
queen loa Bellabug22
hi therefore everyone you see im friendly. and i love three things dragons wolfs and unicorns ,don't judge me becausei love unicorns and unicorns are not for babys!
Angie Rosemerry
Hi my name is tiny and l'm 15 years old.I love to play games and have fun. p.s i curse alot :)
rafael 16Rafa14
i just like to play video games and stuff
Donovan SuperDonovanBros
Hi! My name is Donovan. But you can call me Dvan. I'm 14 years old. My favorite video game series is Mario. My favorite video game of all time is Splatoon. By the way, maybe you and I can play together one day. I also forgot to mention, I have autism. I will be posting some cool stuff. Some can be funny, some can be cool, you know what I'm talking about. Thanks for following me! Have a good day!
Britt brittcook661
sayas1984 sayas110484
playing wind waker hd for first time
ed Link58873
Hello, My name is Edward Lara. Here's a little bit of info about me. I am currently 13 Years old. I absolutely Love The Legend of Zelda, I really like Pokemon, Super Smash Bros, and the Mario franchise. Happy Holidays! People worth following: P2.0 (RarunZ), Eve (Evegirl), Pikachu (Pikachu_269), Lya (3DSNetworkA), Гλα (3DSayL), Wolf (ASteveNamedWolf), YIGAнıм (CozyInBed27), and J Ferno (JFerno32)
Neko San BlackRozeKitty
I am the Night! Hi i am a adicted Castlevania Fan And Zelda Fan but mostly castlevania and don't worry i don't bite XD I'm 27 and Taken By DemanthiaKitty <3
frinchy brierfarms
Debo Sanictheone
Hi guys/gals this is Devon and I'd like to welcome you to miiverse if ur new! I hope we can be friends!
Jay Jarah5
I barfed
Sebastian™ ClankAndDaxter12
Hey! This is my profile! What are you doing here?! Just kidding! Name: Sebastian Age: 13 Gender: Apache helicopter (Male)
demond ant AnthonyGlenn2008
hi im nightmar heres a song ... im not a fan of puppeter but im a magging FEAR so what else is put up the bricks! I CANT SE ENYTHING NO I CAN MOVE AT ALL! I CURSE THE NAME! THE ONE BEHIND IT AAAAAAALLLLLL!!!! DISCORD IM HOWLING UP THE MOON! AND SLEEPING IN A SUMMER AFTERNOON DISCORD WHAT EVER DID WE DO TO MAKE YOU TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! thats all i know by! oh tell me if i missd ene parts!
Pam Cajipa007
hello hello! w'up everyon!ö
Midna iMidna
Kevin YoshiandToad1998
My name is Kevin I am years 19 years old I like listening to different kind of music My favorite music artist is Ariana Grande I like to play different kinds of videogames My favorite videogame is Lego Dimensions My favorite food is Pizza I want to have 40 friends or more I will wii u chat you if you want I would love to talk to anyone about anything P.S. I would love nice friends not mean friends
Masonator ThatMarioGuy2562
I just recently played Wind Waker and so far it is the bomb-diggity :D
YZ247CUTE YackyZachie247C
Hey! I love Kirby, Super Smash Bros., ect.. I've been making a video game called YouTuber's Quest! If you friend me and have a YouTube channel, I can put you into the game ( as an unlockable character )
CoolCarter eric118
well, bye miiverse, friend if u want so maybe we can talk, and dont forget, they arent closing nintendo network so we can still play online. Hope to talk soon
rockstar pepe20005
This user's profile comment is private.
Senpie donaldcool
Profile comment hidden by admin.
javier ierenna
Drew DrewieStewie
Hi, I'm 15. I love to game. While I'm not the biggest Nintendo geek, I still love Nintendo. My favorite Nintendo series is Zelda. Pokemon is cool too. I only play certain Mario games. Party, Maker, Kart, Paper Mario, RPG, Sunshine, Galaxy series, 64, and 64 DS. I also play Smash U (I'm terrible XD). Im also passionate for basketball (go Warriors) and pro wrestling (don't judge). go oakland raiders
dani claribel730
hi my name is katsuragi and im a demon plz plz dont be scared of me i didnt rlly want to be born this way lets try to be friends.
zayman zayman1234
Luke NCLuke1024
Here Are Things U Need To Know About Me I Love Anime, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Tomodachi Life, Star Wars, Super Smash Bros, Disney, Yo-kai Watch, Legend of Zelda, And The Game Grumps! Be sure you follow me! The force will be with you!
awsomeman awesomeman64yay
hi i play videogames and lots of them but not just on the wii u i also use the computer and xbox 360 but i think in the future ill own more consoles. i love videogames i play games like over watch and super meat boy or addictive games like clicker heros or adventure capitalist please like my miiverse thingy. also i am open to any suggestions for my posts. these suggestions can be anything.
Link L1NK6408
Hello people, have played many zelda games but i don't just play one series i play animal crossing, super smash bros and Classic games and super mario maker!
YIGAнıм Cozyinbed27
Formerly Known As Gнıгαнıм Former leader of the popular GG★ clan, with 1000+ members (DISBANDED) LoZ LOVER LoZ game guide maker (OoT, TP, ect) Hardcore D&D player and DM (5E) 3300+ SMM stars To see what I play, check my FULL communities list I post a lot, so a follow is worth it I have a Switch. My account is NOT linked, so you'll have to FR me if we're already friends.
MiiU BlackWiiU.0
hey friends and followers, well like a lot of... things, Miiverse is coming to an end. i did manage to have fun posting my game experiences and reading about others. i hope the last few days are just as enjoyable, and who knows maybe we will meet again on the Switch, or one of the many other video game forums... just to be random, i will follow anyone that yeahs my posts.
camron CAMMAN0122
carlos carlos_the_kool2
hey im carlos the kool im just here having fun with the wiiu making new freinds the games i play the most are splatoon mario maker mario kart 8 and smash bros, and star fox. :) Follow for a follow Mostly ill be playing breath of the wild and hope we become freinds
SM&SF Purplefirefly
Have a good life, never give up hope. —————————————————— Nintendo videogames are some of my favorite videogames, if you have a problem with that then you bought the wrong console. If you would like to be friends on the Switch, send a FR explaining so. Thank you to everyone who tries to make other lives better and for people who decide to be nice.
Joseph Amiibo_Man91
I live in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm 26 and live at home with my mother. I enjoy the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and T.V. shows as well the the Arrowverse shows (DC). My favourite video game series are The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Earthbound, Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta and Mega Man, Follow me! I have a Switch too, so I won't be on here too frequently.
Gabe ThunderCat324
hi my name is gabe , nice to meet you!
blt bbman52
just playing wii xd
Jarvis jedt1201
please play with me?
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Donovan Eggnaug
alejandro alejandromaxcab
hola me llamo alejandro y tu
ST★Jay☆ CoolKidClub
Hola My name is Jay I Love gaming, Ultimate frisbee, and Rachel <3 Currently Engaged (Married) to Rachel <3 Im a nice guy as long as u dont sound like a squaker, Flirt with my babe, or tick me off :3 Don't WiiU chat me Plz. Thx X3
Gordo knave560
For the few days, i've been playing Disney Infinity, Batman 3 Beyond Gotham and Lego Marvel Super Heros. I am so physched for the DLC for BotW to come out, cause it will be the awesomest! I like to talk about stuff Zelda related the most and like to dye stuff, so tell me anything and clothes so i can dye them!
★Jonathan★ jonathan456123
"Hope to chat with you soon!" That's what I would say if Miiverse was alive. I T ' S D E D N O W
K-J K-j1611
Hi my name is K-J, I HATE THE POKÉMON GO SONG My favorite game is Minecraft and my goal is to get over 200 followers. So, make sure you are following because i'm really MLG! So thanks for checking out my page and have a good time on Miiverse! Thanks for checking out my Profile! Ummm you can go now Nothing to see here at all... Go away! Goodbye!! Fine I'll show you YO MAMA!! (OOOOHHHHH!!)
Gabe novmama
Hello Peeps!! I'm Gabe! My most used nicknames are Gaba, and Dr. Gabensmurch! I love Nintendo and my personal favorite games are Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Mario Galaxy, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess Hd!! I love Gravity Falls, We Bare Bears, and The Simpsons! I love Pokemon and I love amiibo! I LOVE being part of this community and I LOVE Nintendo! I will mostly post Zelda! Have a nice day!
Allie alliecoolgirl
CoolDude#1 sweetyhearty
HEY!! THAT'S MY FACE YA KNOW!! Anyway, hey guys! My name is CoolDude#1, and I'm a really cool... dude. LOL Some of my favorite games are Mario and Skylanders. Also, I do not do Wii U Chat. FYI I have two different profiles, so don't forget to check out my 3DS profile! See ya later!
Max OpnopU
ILL REK ANYONE i like idubbbz
HELLO ALL I enjoy playing Zelda games like The Wind Waker, and The Twilight Princess, exited for the nintendo switch I really want that soon to be released Zelda game!
felix qqccfdrggbbnjhgy
hi I'm a 13 year old boy how is 5'2''. I like the color bleu and board games but, I mostly play video games. my favorit is the legend of zelda seires. they're amazing, so much adventuring around and just try and figure out what to do to move on your adventur. any ways make sur to explore EVERY thing in a game you might just find somthing worth finding. good luck on your games singed: Felix
Weez Link WaltFlannagan
Hello I like video games my favorite pokemon is pikachu I like TV I like Link, mario, Hewey, Dewey, Lewey, Ash, and Sonic my favorite you tubers are Dantdm, Stampylonghead, Thinknodl, Pat and Jen, and The lonely goomba.
Nick lnick29
I don't wiiu chat
5D Koalin
Hi, You can call me Koalin, like the animal koala! I have a passion for art and I strongly include games in that category. I love games and have played quite a few. Anyone who says video games are not art don't know what they are talking about!!! Games only combine just about every art form into one amazing thing that you get to be a part of. Fascinating stuff for sure.
Chun Li Mrs.PotatoSack95
Hey guys it's me Mrs.PotatoSack95 and I love Nintendo and videogames.
selina Superboy0400
hi im jimmy likes loz mlp:fim game grumps ssbb,ssbm,ssbu fma fnaf ffcc pmario tmnt pokemon animal crossing new leaf
Jay Jay NineTailRasengan
I Like To Play Video Games, Watch Anime And I Also Do Let's Play's On YouTube As Well, I Plan On Being An Animator And Make A New Dragon Ball Z Series I Also Plan On Being Just Like Chuggaaconroy And Make LP's
Nathan Goku0284
I just can't believe that Miiverse will really be gone in just a few short days (oh well nothing lasts forever) I just want to say that I've had some pretty fond memories in the years I've been here and thanks to all the people who helped and supported me you will be missed
LegendOfRJ TheLegendRJ
Keffny keffny01
The best there is!
nathan luigi45676
i love pokemon and cod i do not wii u chat and i like dantdm/the diamond minecart blitzwinger and smosh and dykgaming
Victoria vsaddison
ShyGuyLink links_bro
I'm 19 from MN! Intermediate Japanese speaker. Zelda is my #1 franchise :D I have a Switch now so don't expect me here often at all.
Templar shining_fist
I like video games a lot and I try to enjoy them as much as possible. Generally speaking I'm easy going and love teamwork and online gameplay. My favorite titles are MH3U, MH4U, Super Smash Bros. Wii U/ 3DS, Fantasy Life, Lost Reavers, Steel Diver:Sub Wars and Pokemon Y. I also play too. I am Templar "The Un-aligned"
Omega OMEGA269
love playing fighting and adventure games and shooters also a big zelda and smash bros fan.I love playing with friends and playing online
MarioBrian SuperBrianMario
I say Shigeru, you say Miyamoto! "Shigeru!" "Miyamoto!" "Shigeru!" "Miyamoto!"
Rinkiji Rinkiji
"Even if we come from different sides of the world, speak different languages, even if we have different tastes in games, every one of us is identical in the most important way: each one of us has the heart of a gamer."
KevMaster mario123321
My name is Kevin and i'm 9 years old! I was born in 5/2/06 in the US! My most popular SMM stage is called "Color Matching" which is "3B1D-0000-0229-660F" and don't froget to "Friend Request" & "Follow" me! These are the games I own: Super Mario Maker Yoshi's Story A link to the past & Ocarina of Time Hyrule Warriors SMW SM64 MK8 Superstar Saga NSMBU&NSLU Mario Party 10 There are many more...
DLX-Junior D-Warrior
~ D-Player ~ ¤Playing on Nintendo Switch Hello, I'm an ordinary player who likes videogames, chat, draw, and help. *The 'DLX' is for [D-E-L-U-X-E] in honor to the Nintendo Switch Join Miiverse: December 2012 Favorite Series: The Legend of Zelda Playing now: Super Mario Odyssey Arms Puyo Puyo Tetris The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Happy to help, Greetings! _^o^/
Vessta Quart6
When I say racing, I mean F-Zero specifically. Because I am waiting anxiously for another game X[
>CHRIS K. DeinoBlade
A lover of Nintendo. My favorite series: ● The Legend of Zelda ● Super Smash Bros. ● Pokémon My favorite games: ● Super Smash Bros. Melee ● The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ● Pokémon Gold, Silver, Crystal ● Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door ● The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ● Super Smash Bros. Brawl ● Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald
Chris USSVoyager74659
I really hope to see a Super Mario Galaxy 3 for the Nintendo Switch, or at least a game similar to the series. That would be AWESOME!
Billmoo23 Billmoo230
D-RockpOp D-Monick
Im all Nintendo power. 24, Male Sorry I been Away From MiiVerse for a while. I had to trade in my Wii U & my 3ds broke. But Im Back with the New 3DsXL & wii u
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"That's what mo...
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
"That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"