Users hils Is Following
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Marshmello marshall2008
Hi, im marshmello, I like fighting, racing, and mario games. hope you like my page P.s.I have a Wii U to ;)
luigi moomoo6112
Hi my name is muhammad ummmmmmmmmmmmm what should I say ,oh im 10 yrs. im born in england and moved to canada when i was 6. I don't have a BRITCHES accent. I like pizzzzzzzza! To be honest, CANADA IS BETTER THAN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 3 amiibos they are mario link and luigi! bye!
Ty Sidular
I'm a video game developer, ex-pro gamer, and an overall nice guy with a very twisted sense of humor. I'm also a proud day one Wii U owner. I have every console since the 80's, as well as most handhelds. Send me a friend request if you'd like to talk, or follow me on Miiverse to stay updated on my unusually weird life. I'm an expert with computers, too.If you ever need help, just ask me a question
Ty guy Scoobypaw123
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Matthew jbwork17
Pit cheapcoffee
Hello There! Below Are Somthings About me: Sports: Volleyball & Track Age:13 Gender: Male Gender i like: Both ♂♀ Hobbies: Drawing! Random fact: Right handed
Hermes bombernaut
all you have to do is go to and your life will change forever.
Hi, I'm MarioLuigi I like Spongebob Sanjay&Craig Rabbids Invasion I'm also excited that Pikmin 3 Super Mario 3d World Mariokart 8 and Mario&LuigiDreamTeam to come out I also like Mario Luigi Boo Toad RedToad BlueToad GreenToad PinkToad YellowToad Pizza i own NewSuperLuigiU NewSuperMarioBrosU NintendoLand SkylandersGiants MarioKart7 MarioParty9 SuperMario3dLand Pikmin3 Mariokart 8
Ms.Bev msbev48
Sammy candygirl11
Isabelle isabelle9marios
Your too late. I'm not who I used to be.
-crazy livederp
im not eating right anymore my head hurts and my brother is worried but i dont want to see them worried my problems: eating disorder anger issues. im scared of talking i dont no why......Q.Q IM SCARED
TomoRewind KryptonTV
Welcome to my Profile —————————————— New Series In-Lock! Coming In January! Don't Be Afraid To Say Hai. —————————————— Events Coming Soon! -My Birthday! -New Series (Jan.14)
Buttercup goku268
this is me i like chicken.To be me im a guy who like girls
RyanZectek zectek
Amy☆ FluffyClouds
Hi, i'm Amy! Likes: Art, games, swimming, eating Dislikes: Immature people, Spicy foods, being a woman About Me: I'm a nice person until you get on my bad side. I'm 21. I love to eat but hate gaining weight. I have an unpredictable personality and my siblings as well as myself all own pure white fat cats. I also have a chihuahua & german shepherd. Weird combo, i know. ♥
Faith ian564
sup pepips
Paden PadenOKC
Do it for the meme
カー amagigoetaisou
Welcome! sunaca Myルーム! ~お知らせ~ miiverseリニューアル後もmiiverseは引き続き続けます 受験勉強が本格化するため ここにくることが少なくなると思います 通報はしないでください 今日のコメント 2016 1/22 今年の冬は寒いのか暑いのか 最終更新 2016 1/22
ßåβγ∞Ðοvε LolzForDayz
Follow and Get Followed (*.*) Not In The Creepy Way Though (º_º) Sorry If I Don't Get On For A While (~›_‹~) Love And Thanks To My Followers ∞
WhiteWolf carolyn61
my name is jan my son is allan wolfca86 lm pretty much artiststc IM A SINGER LOVE crafty hippy desigens . crocheting . mario kart wii an nintendo land an disc golf my favorite games to play. have a good day everyone.
Peach Zelda62
I love simulation,puzzle, adventure. I'm a Christian. I'm 54 year old. I only Wiiu chat after getting to know anybody by messaging for awhile.
ana destoyer1234
talk to me i need friends
ABBY amb246
I am in 8th grade. I am 13 years old. I have an english bull dog named ranger. I have an awesome cuz rheanna who also has miiverse. i have a loving family!!!!<3
kimberly★ kimberly5789
i like to make friends and have fun and meet new people
Noir SkyDaisy
Call me Noir Overwatch is gr8 Mercy/D.Va main I like Danganronpa and love Fire Emblem. Leo is best boy
Ashleigh Yoshilovee
Hello ther- Oh... wait.. you're not Calum Hood. Bye.
juan coolbpy007117
hello my name is juan i'm 18 i like all sports and video games i do wii u chat habló enspañol video games are life i will accept all friend request and i follow for follow and thank you all my awesome friends and followers
Egel Egel-shop
The share account of a group of gamer brothers. You can find us individually to, thanks to Wii U, And we want multiple account support for 3DS!
Dorian Astrosonic_002
Hi. I love anime, video games, drawing, and music! My favorite artists are: Osamu Tezuka, Akira Toriyama, Ben Bates, and Patrick Spaziente. My favorite animes are: Astro Boy, Princess Tutu, Beyblade, Transformers U.Trlgy. Digimon. My favorite bands are: Angels and Airwaves, Zone, and Honor by August. I like Sonic, PIKMIN, Pokémon, Kirby, and Ratchet/Clank! Etrian Odyssey is my favorite RPG series.
J-San wolfhowl7
I like to play Wii U and 3DS. I Like Pokemon, Zelda, and Mario games, i have had almost every nintendo console: NES, Super NES, Virtual Boy, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, N64, DS, DSi and 3DS. Once I played Pokemon with a friend, he had a Darkari. I've never seen one before. Darkari was the most difficult, but I beat him! I like to make friends. I live in Puerto Rico island. Have a happy playing time!
Colinker Colinker
I've been a Nintendo fan sence I could hold a controller think I was 2-3 years old, loving every min. of it ♥♥♥♥♥ , ♥♥♥♥♡ Sailor Moon 3D I hope ♥♥♥♡♡ oh and Okami 3D, ♥♥♡♡♡ and any new color of 3DS or 3DS XL ♥♡♡♡♡ I also had a Heart-Transplant 26!!! years ago this year is going to be my 26th Anniversry ^^ 8-12-1988 - 8-12-2014
#Haylee Haylee209
Hi my name is Haylee but people call me Goldfish because i forget things easly...Ok i'll tell you stalkers about my self -I have 3 dogs and 2 cats -I did track for about a month -I like 1d,Austin Mahone,Katy Perry. -I'm the 2nd tallest person in my class -I like YEAH bombs and if you do then i will be VERY HAPPY Ok now you can stop reading You can stop now @.@
Hailey Tierney9
•ohio• •15• •i am animal crossing trash•
Claire Bakurafangirl1
Hi. Here is an outline of me: Likes: Hetalia, cosplay, YouTube, roleplaying, Wicked soundtrack, Evanescence, Pearl Jam Dislikes: Foreign foods, people who don't get it, inappropriate references Languages: English, some Italian, learning Russian
hi everyone i'm hils. you can follow me if you want to but i don't do wiiu chat sorry have fun! i...
hi everyone i'm hils. you can follow me if you want to but i don't do wiiu chat sorry have fun! i also draw my version of me hils. the helioptile!