hils's Friends
Ty LdnTee
Games I will be getting across two platforms Pokemon OR/AS Rise of the Tomb Raider Uncharted 4 Destiny TLOU Remastered GTA V Rainbow Six : Siege The Division Far Cry 4 Knack Dying Light Homefront : The Revolution Infamous Second Son Watch Dogs Battlefield Hardline Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare
Vontae vontae2003
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jonathan jonathanflores44
hi im jonathan i have a gameboy ds and wiiu ps3 plz freind me and add me if u follow me i will follow u thxs stay cool
Pau Muziclover
Toxic claytheawesome17
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J-San wolfhowl7
I like to play Wii U and 3DS. I Like Pokemon, Zelda, and Mario games, i have had almost every nintendo console: NES, Super NES, Virtual Boy, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, N64, DS, DSi and 3DS. Once I played Pokemon with a friend, he had a Darkari. I've never seen one before. Darkari was the most difficult, but I beat him! I like to make friends. I live in Puerto Rico island. Have a happy playing time!
Priscilla Prisci10
its 2016:)
chasbits chteraitfniq
Hello, welcome to my profile. My name is chasbits and l like to play mario, pokemon and more games.
RakunRecon Thegameplayer89
Hello people of the gaming world! I am TheGamePlayer89 and I play games not just on the wiiu but many other systems! Also I do news updates new games and systems and I accept all friend requests as well! So keep playing on players!!! Also, I play a lot PKMN!!!
angel the_gamers-brosz
hi everybody im angel if you follow me ill follow you back ill accept all friend request
Patrick Pat4all
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Jordann Fear_Scarecrow
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Aiden swagerbro46
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bri preetybri
I am 13. I do dance during fall and sping and a little bit during summer until my recital. im in a realtionship.
gabby zepol2345
hi my name is gabby im 13 taken by carlos♡♥ my best friends are picabo tiffany ashley carolina marissa if u follow me ill follow u
Lykke RanumRare
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Luke LukeTheHedghehog
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Caleb Hulk2strong
GIOVANNI nitendodude
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tierney vidiogamer
Jaden Supermario000004
Hi My Name Is Jaden I'm A Experienced Gamer I'm A Cool Kid, I'm Nice, I Like To Video Chat With My Friends I have Nintendo Land, New. Super Mario Bros. U, New. Super Luigi U, Assassin's Creed 3, Super Mario 3D World, Disney Infinity, And Mario Kart 8, The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker HD, LEGO Marvel Superheroes, and The LEGO Movie Videogame.
Priscilla kennyisawesome
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GUS Augusto45
jake. pilmen.2
hi evryone i am 13 and love to chat
Gabo gaboperez25
Dominican-Venezuelan, Wii U/Xbox One player, living in Nicaragua, 14 years old. I like to video chat and be with friends.
Kenz kenzrocks14
I love mario! I'm not the best gamer but I still have fun creaming my older siblings in mario games! I like to water color, play the flute, write fan fics, watch anime, and play with pictures on the computer! Yes I am a nerd....but I would not have it any other way!
Luke™ Minecraftmai123
sup everyone im just a normal guy who likes games! Games that i like: Scribblenauts, New super mario bros. U, LEGO city undercover,Rayman legends challenges app AND fifa soccer 13 oh and minecraft. i like music here are songs i like: Im A Scatman! Blue (da ba dee) gangnam style heartless final countdown and my fav characters are derpo auleaule batman and that is all for me to say and BYE!!!!
Agent Ivan ivan02_wii_u
Hi everyone! Im Ivan! Im 12 years old! And i have two accounts 2ds and wiiu. Check my other account in the followers section or following section. Check back on my miiverse account to see my news. If you want to stay up to date you can follow me ok? Thank you.
Kit Kat Kit-Katt
Hi there! I love to read, play videogames, listen to music, and study Theology! I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ! He is the best thing in my life. One of my favorite shows is Gravity Falls! It's hilarious. I love Fire Emblem: Awakening, it's an amazing game! I'm addicted! I also love The Legend of Zelda! Even though they easily confuse me Have an awesome day, and have a cookie! (^o^)
king rey Marcos-Rey19
agus gusgus12
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Fierce jennfierce
Smitty Darkstarmonkey
Starting to think that the WiiU will be the only next gen console that'll truly concentrate on gaming
chibime MrSirDrProfSmash
I started gaming when I was just 4. My sisters had a N64 and GB. I've been playing since then.
Ellie EllieandMommy
Hey there. I'm Elizabeth, Ellie for short. I used to be on 24/7 a few years ago but my mom restricted it for absurd reasons. It's really good to be back and I miss you all. I'm 16 yrs. old now. I'm super obsessed with Marvel Comics, Ninja Turtles, and Transformers. I'm up for roleplaying and love chocolate! I hope to open new wounds with old friends and look forward to new friends. ♥
Nick Kirbypoyo
I like Pokèmon, Zelda, Super Smash Bros., and My Sims Kingdom... I LOOOVE KIRBY!!!ö As for shows, I like Kirby right back at ya!, and I hope that they eventually will make a SSB anime!! I also have Asperger's Syndrome. Oh, and I'm 16. P.S. No fake reporting. It happened 3 times! My role model and favorite Youtuber is, of course, Chuggaaconroy and I hope that someday I'll meet him.
TheYeah!er theyosh
Hi, everyone! I am the Yeah!er, but my real account is Chander, or Neha. Feel free to check that account! I hope to have a great time yeah!ing all of the stuff I see and I hope you like getting these yeahs too! I don't Wii U Chat, sorry. :)
Alex Alex_R
Ty guy Scoobypaw123
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Luigi xdarkluigix
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MatFortin TheBeggies
Mike Mr.Moof
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cam brockett
hi guys my name is cam or cam da man you may know me cuz on 3ds my name is swagbro so anyway i have a favor for you guys/followers please yeah follow and comment my favorite channel on youtube is smg4 my favorite game is minecraft and everything is awsome :D also if you like me you should realy post helpful stuff like tips and even download codes thanks to all my followers :') see ya
sam jazz100
hi guys,gals my new goal is to reach 2000 yeahs by the end of the month of november please help! if it does happen i will post a comment in super smash bros on the 31 that will ask to comment and u will get ALL!!! of your comments yeahed!!!!!!!!!!!
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
y snoopdogydog
julia80 blueyamamoto80
my name is julia yamamoto i have husband name is takeshi yamamoto i still crush with tyl yamamoto takeshi of (katekyo hitman reborn!) i love play games and drawing i am nice girl more likes yamamoto takeshi my nickname is blueyama80 and bluerain80 i like both friends and family
nate Naterator92
Harold davidzerpa
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Zac amazingB.Kyurem
Sorry about that previous description, I'm not really a bad guy if you get to know , I usually play multiplayer and I like to think of Ideas that would help balance those games. I also sympathize with other people's mistakes because we're not all perfect and I seek for situations where I'm needed most, but if I see players using exploits or cheats, let's just say they're going to have a bad time.
Yerm YermTerragon
Feel free to follow me. I post fun facts about the pokemon franchise on the X and Y community and can also be found on the Smash Bros Community posting fun pictures from some of my matches.
jazz Jazfany
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Miranda Zeldafan83
Hello! :-) I am an original Nintendo gamer from the 80's. I enjoy mostly all of Nintendo's IP's and The Legend of Zelda is my favorite along with Mega Man and Metroid. Currently Playing: 3DS: Zelda Majoras Mask 3D Wii U: Xenoblade Chronicles X, Zelda Twilight Princess HD Indie Games: Shovel Knight Virtual Console: Metroid Zero Mission Anticipating: Zelda Wii U, Star Fox Zero
trell lsutigergirl
No wii u chat please! i played video games since i was around 5 years and pokemon is my all time favorite video game of all! you can yeah my posts or following me it's doesn't matter to me at all!
My Wii U Games: Nintendo Land Pikmin 3 ZombiU Mighty Switch Force HD Little Inferno Super Mario 3D World Wind Waker HD NES Remix Injustice: Gods Among Us Mario Kart 8 New Super Mario Bros. U Pushmo World Super Smash Brothers 4 (Pre Ordered)
Zach MustangDrive2013
Hey Miiverse. I'm Zach I'm 18. Sonic is my favorite video game character. My other favorite games is the Pokemon franchise, Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Little Big Planet, etc. I also have a Wii, New 3DS XL, PS3, & PS4. My absolute favorite game is The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.
matt clanleslie
Yee Yeemmy
Hi, I'm MarioLuigi I like Spongebob Sanjay&Craig Rabbids Invasion I'm also excited that Pikmin 3 Super Mario 3d World Mariokart 8 and Mario&LuigiDreamTeam to come out I also like Mario Luigi Boo Toad RedToad BlueToad GreenToad PinkToad YellowToad Pizza i own NewSuperLuigiU NewSuperMarioBrosU NintendoLand SkylandersGiants MarioKart7 MarioParty9 SuperMario3dLand Pikmin3 Mariokart 8
Brentvh Brentvh
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Slicer ExtremeWerio
New 3DS makes the mii verse actually useable
Milli Rock Goobs42
Hiii my name is Ian and I love The Legend of Zelda ^_^
»TechMike« TechnicalMichael
Hello Friends,My Nickame is »TechMike«Because i love technology and Nintendo.MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ME BECAUSE I WONT ACCEPT FRIEND REQUESTS,SORRY!! I Also Own A Famous Comic Strip About a Funny 4-armed Character with a ghost for a friend! I also own a comic strip about 2 Bros. that are always Confuse AKA Confused Bros.Remember to Yeah+All My Posts That You Like!Please dont use my characters!
Adriano Mari0Man
Hi, i've been a nintendo fan since the N64. Mario and Zelda are the best. I do miss Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark. Rare were good shame microsoft own them now. I cant wait for mario 3d world and Zelda HD.
An Englishman 38, now living in Hamburg Germany. Started gaming on the NES and ever since. I will hunt you down..I will find you..And i will yeah you. Speak fluent English and German.
Laiv LAIV90
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Ashley NintenFoxy
Hey there, Ashley here! I'm a person that plays video games! That's all there is to it, really.
I'm AWESOME!!!!!
Dan ChaosJohnson
Well met friends
Jimmy Jaimeu12
Please feel free to add me. :)
Colinker Colinker
I've been a Nintendo fan sence I could hold a controller think I was 2-3 years old, loving every min. of it ♥♥♥♥♥ , ♥♥♥♥♡ Sailor Moon 3D I hope ♥♥♥♡♡ oh and Okami 3D, ♥♥♡♡♡ and any new color of 3DS or 3DS XL ♥♡♡♡♡ I also had a Heart-Transplant 26!!! years ago this year is going to be my 26th Anniversry ^^ 8-12-1988 - 8-12-2014
Games,Music,Movies,Mac and PC and a whisky lover...!!! what else you need to know...!!!
Kyle² Jordon.Kyle
Hellloooo MIIverse! Hazzaa! lets jam!
Nyte Nyte2u
Big fan of Legend of Zelda, Mario, Kirby and Castlevania! You may find me helping out Wii U Kickstarters.
Matthew jbwork17
Evan EAD198
Ty Sidular
I'm a video game developer, ex-pro gamer, and an overall nice guy with a very twisted sense of humor. I'm also a proud day one Wii U owner. I have every console since the 80's, as well as most handhelds. Send me a friend request if you'd like to talk, or follow me on Miiverse to stay updated on my unusually weird life. I'm an expert with computers, too.If you ever need help, just ask me a question
Bruce∞Kent BruceKent
****A TRUE KING IS A SLAVE TO THE PEOPLE**** ****On Earth As It Is In Heaven**** ~I LOVE ALPHA BOUNCE~
Heather S Suddeath
Add me!!!! :-) Let's play wii u
hi everyone i'm hils. you can follow me if you want to but i don't do wiiu chat sorry have fun! i...
hi everyone i'm hils. you can follow me if you want to but i don't do wiiu chat sorry have fun! i also draw my version of me hils. the helioptile!