joe's Followers
upsiddown kimmyhart
darkmarky darkymarky05
Nic bossvgp1
hi my name is nic and well idk what else to say im 11 and im in 6th
Mathias renart45
Bonjour à tous. Je m'appelle Mathias, j'ai 12 ans. J'aime bien les jeux : Minecraft, Splatoon... Gentil : ★★★★☆ Méchant : ★☆☆☆☆ (#je me venge) Amoureux : ♥♥♥♥♥ (Je t'aime Anna-Katharina) Amitié : ♥♥♥♡♡ Youtubers préférés : jolate et kira N'hésitez pas à vous abonner !!! ;) Objectif : 260 abonné(e)s, on peut le faire !!! (Je suis le grand frère du conte cynthia-dixie).
RobertSSJ9 religmagamohe
me llamo Robert, si me siguen yo tambien los sigo, Soy troll y demasiado bueno en pvp.mi mejor amigo es abraham y es muy bueno jugando, desde aqui le mando saludos,5☆y un abraso INFORMACION: juegos favoritos minecraft y leyenda de zelda youtubers:theduran82,Loniux,ComparGame y ANTONYcra novia: ?
clara joyjack2017
bonjour je m appelle clara.v je voudrais faire une dedicasse a nina,hamada,rayanlg et mathieu vous ete les meilleur amitier5/5 gentille5/5(si on me fais c**** mechante) abonner vous a ma chaine svp a oui j ai 12 ans voila bisous je suis en 5eme je suis tres forte en pixel art abonner vs a moi et a ce que j ai fais une dedicasse bye mes petits chat
tiger 1.0 Chaky-Cude
ambre brine7890
Salut moi c'est Ambre, j'ai 10ans belle★★★★ intelligente★★★★ passionée★★★★(cuisine,sport, jeux vidéos) ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ si tu t'es pas abo vasi c'est gratos tous les jours!!!!! merci à mes abos vous me faites vraiment plaisir!!!!
♭♪Nana♪♭ anais51.2007
Bonjour , Bienvenue Sur Mon Profil !!!! Et clique sur suivre + !!!!! et abonner vous a CANDICE* , JUJU , SOSO et NUTELLA des personnes super sympa !!!!! ABONNER VOUS À MA BFF LILLY LA MEILLEURE !!!!! je vous adore et adieu miiverse tu restera a jamais dans nos coeur !!!!
Ruben ruben_dufour
hello est ce que tu aime la couleur yelow
ŽĀ☆nijaMKS mariohowen
SW-4902-3217-5512 SLT MIIVERSE FERME BIEUTOT RÉvoluTION SPLATOON 2 RANG S PARTOUT -^-^ ___________________ | | | (º) (º) | | | | • | | ----- | —————————— | | ——— | | | |
bastien choupettepepette
bonjour(bonsoir)a tous! je m'appelle bastien,j'ai 12 ans et je recherche des ami(e)s qui joue a minecraft je suis tres gentil j'♥ beaucoup les filles et les garçon aussi. souvent je vais sur les parties des autres. merci les abonné je vous ♥
ZUZZA28220 CoolDanceGirl28
Im ZUZZA plz friend request me i accept all and i play Splatoon,MK8 and MINECRAFT
Sharon 518320
Hey my name ist Sharon , i´m 15 years old and i come from germany . this is second profile , my first is called SHARON also. favorite games: mk7 &8, animal crossing new leaf , style boutique 1& 2 . favorite country: holland, belgium, france, japan, china, greece and america
Fw»Kirby militello80
Hallo, hier sind ein par Infos über mich: Name im Spiel: Kirby Lieblings Spiel Splatoon( Wii U) Lieblings Nintendo Charackter Kirby,Aioli Aktuelle Spiele: Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) Splatoon (Wii U) Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Wii U) Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) Paper Mario Color Splash (Wii U) Nintendo Land (Wii U) Wii Party U (Wii U) Super Smash Bros (Wii U) Yoshis Woolly Wolly World (Wii U)
joey Joemega1990
Sean 06Sean07
My favourite Games are Animal Crossing and The Legend of Zelda. Now I play also Super Mario Odyssey. I love Animes. My favourite Animes are Seraph of the End and Tokyo Ghoul. I love Japan. My favourite television series is Sturm der Liebe. ☆My best friend is also here,Robin1414★ My favourite Youtuber are Hige and Ringo(Skye)♪ #Linkin Park #One More Light #We are Number one #Dankexpress
AmiralGabe AmiralGabe
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
DADDY KUSH its_a_me_mario07
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buddy rieserfm
hey guys! im happy your here!! i want to get 100 followers before the end of miiverse! can u help me!? here are things about me. i love swimming and baseball. my favorite food is muffins and i think this world should be all peaceful and to have everybody to be who they want to be without worrying about being judged. MV best friends, danyninga, diamond boy, sam+wiiu=!, victoria and cw☆xaiver!!! BYE
Cash Cashcool
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lana☆★☆★☆★ 007lana
Salut les amis je m'apelle lana j'ai 12 ans j'aime me faire des amie je suis cool j'adore les animaux chez moi j'ai :2poisson,6chat 7chiot se que j'aime faire :du roller , du vélo, et joué au playmobil j'ai 3 meilleure ami :anela lola manon j'ai 1 soeur elle s'appelle clélia si vous avez aimez abonner vous
Ellie EllieAnnG
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alanah alanahlu
I AM A CATTTTT :< Why are you still here? >_< im a derp :p :< :> i love cats meow meow meow meow meow ok plz drop of 10000000 cats in my yard XD ok bye :< what now? ok im done :3 cats will rule the world! meow ok im done see ya :D
★MineStar★ patamario
Hello! I Have A Second Profile! Its on my Computer! So! Check It Out!:D :) :P Favorite:Color: Purple: Favorite:Game: Minecraft:And Five Nights at Freddy's: Favorite:Anime: Nonesuch: Favorite Fan-Made-Game: Five Nights at Treasure Island: Dream: Youtuber: And Getting Married: That's All! Bye!:D Have A Good One!
harvey NINAL79
hi there! I love play minecraft its the best game ever! ( if u dont like minecraft thats fine,JUST SAYING) anyway's see ya later! // i time wasted lol
come boiboise
salut tous le monde je mapelle côme j'ai 11 ans j'ai une amoureuse qui sapelle LiLie.
BloodWing Jasabelle
Inkling Logan-rocks_2007
Woomy! Q&A:How old does an inkling need to be to to turf wars? At About 14-ish. How Do You Obtain Super Sea Snails? Winning 30 Battles.These Win Don't Have To Be In A Row.After 30 Wins,Go Speak To Judd.Please Ask More Questions In Any Of My Future Splatoon Posts.Untill Next Time... STAY FRESH!
November 7 rozo999
Logan LoganParker08
KawiiKiki princessrosilena
StampyOMG™ markyd28
Whats Up My Name Is StampyOMG™!! Someone Named DERP Copied My Profile Please Will People Join Me On Mario Kart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Favourite Games are minecraft and mario kart 8
電爆撃☆一閃轟 orange357g
モンハンXX楽しい abllcggxfnmbbdxgoxei!!!! ??ΛレA巛从 clvdxghhofaauamnnnjtishgoeyenn dditjjgdnddaalcxdopxfyg4cne6700hhxndx dj090000hqdwbaauundxxeii deg14530podmclnggopendwe 7900%dnfpxdcmdehhen 5s00gfncmmmkaulmxoegpoyofghitsnmlawefiiqf mmoaklcdofjjthgfdmlbaakbcdonfrrshg096478 ffhiomalbmcbalcm123330gpo nnfn90000ggooelaakccmdnofpqzhihdmmn eeef8ifnwdefgige2355%cvdeoxghpw mnfmbakeno2111%iennellwnfrijsgfdm1200%
KELLIN gumgball
daivion daivion20
$jake$ Lovin06
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Mathis mathis59650hotma
salut je m'appelle Mathis j'ai 9 ans je suis née en 2008 j'adore minecraft
lickHUNTER MultiCatRain
i hunt for herobrine lick null and entity303 and i had a lick sighting but you have to know that my my grandma forget about it im 1000000000000000% expert at minecraft i love it so much i almost fill all of my posts on minecraft follow me if you think minecraft is better than stuped terraria even though i still play terraria but block me if you think terraria is better than minecraft! MINECRAFT
Diego DiegoBece
los que son cracks siganme,dirán porque por qué tengo 100,000 puntos en mario cart 8
шббму★kyle superdudekyle
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated! Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!
Agent A ALEXthomson1
thotho thom32
hello welcome to my page olso i need followerse 'francia salui jemepel joe