joe's Friends
chip Fire-ninja110
I love my friends
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
alanah alanahlu
I AM A CATTTTT :< Why are you still here? >_< im a derp :p :< :> i love cats meow meow meow meow meow ok plz drop of 10000000 cats in my yard XD ok bye :< what now? ok im done :3 cats will rule the world! meow ok im done see ya :D
toychica danibell1510
Agent A ALEXthomson1
FG▼bendy gastermaster843
hi the nam's bendy and i (like miny) is from a similar univers (nothing defrant) henry: hey where did all the ink go!? bendy: oh-ho to be contenied ----------> also i like the old cartoons
Shadow Whoisourdadayilo
hi my name is jalean and i love my fans thank you about evreyone that loved my jokes i will keep posting jokes to make yall laghth i love you all and please fallow me ok why are u here jk come on BYE LEAVE NOW please ok im going to snap bye
JORDAN adaguisadoperez
logan catparri
yo peeps subscribe to jurry cat my owner become a jurrian today
Diego DiegoBece
los que son cracks siganme,dirán porque por qué tengo 100,000 puntos en mario cart 8
Papyrus BonnieSaysFOWA
Hey everyone! Bonnie the bunny here. I'm from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Did you follow my friends Chica the chicken, Foxy the pirate fox, and Freddy Fazbear yet? I hope so! Together, we are the FOWA animatronics of Freddy's!
JulezX2$ CuleJulezX
Hey i looove Rpg's and all kinds of /chill games like MC and also adventure type games. and btw Anime is BOMB \$/
********* KAIMONO456
*#$@&#&!%!$\\\|||/// UNIDENTIFIED USER THIS USER HAS BEEN JYMUKDHDI&@&=#\\\////||* BY _herthal_PLEESSASE MOOVE ONHVJLMIH]$<<...RETRIEVING RECOVERED DATA So MHÁI I'm bEäB?? MHKPO KARS? (* The rest has been lost...)
Chara Josh071808
Angelo boooooy
Mario Maker is soooo fun!!!
Justin Mr.Pancake47
Hello just so you know i do not kill greif or curse.and my favorite games are legend of zelda and pretty much a lot of games.also i will accept all friend requests and thats pretty much everything about me.reverse your eyeballs.why are you still reading?!?!?
★MineStar★ patamario
Hello! I Have A Second Profile! Its on my Computer! So! Check It Out!:D :) :P Favorite:Color: Purple: Favorite:Game: Minecraft:And Five Nights at Freddy's: Favorite:Anime: Nonesuch: Favorite Fan-Made-Game: Five Nights at Treasure Island: Dream: Youtuber: And Getting Married: That's All! Bye!:D Have A Good One!
coolboy07 loganryder07
lizzy Tween103
Thanks for 200 followers, here's a little info about me. Age:14 Siblings:11 Gender:girl Busy?:most of the time. (I can't wii u chat sorry) Thank you!
SWORD LORD dylancro
joy123 bubblebunny123
hi be my friend and with friendship we can do anything !
Jo Jo Joholly7171
Greetings Hello, Welcome you are in for a treat my name is Joe i am a artist rugby player on left wing and a Great gamer so i hope loads of u guys will give me friend requests and ask me lots of questions on the way so every day when u guys are down and lonely i will come up to u and stick up for u and all ways cheer u guys up whenever you need me so i'm Joe and thats all i want to say so pease <3
☆splatking KeeganTheNinja
my goal is to get 100 friends
cameron stacyrn321
NTendo nick_seidl
Hallo Leute! Ich heiße Nick;) Auf meinem Wii U account auch bekannt als NTendo(NickTendo)^^ Ich bin 12 Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland bzw. Bayern=) Meine absoluten Lieblings-Games die ich habe sind MK8,Super Mario Maker,Splatoon, The Legend of Zelda Twillight Princess HD und Super Smash Bros. :} Außerdem bin ich oft Online und schau bei euch vorbei. Viel Spaß! Aber jetzt ist Feierabend!\(^^)/
gamer StarLordLMD
hi if you friend request me I will except it. Im also very,very,very friendly
опз·эуеð·Ζ zlight12
YO YO YO! Wadup every1 This is yo boi σηε·εγεð·Ζ Yo information bout me: Yo im 15 yo Orange is my bro yo Super smash bros, Splatoon, Pokken Tournament the games I play tho And ey I follow back u following u know Friend request are needed I need U succeed it And I hope u all get it It is wat it is yo But seriously I luv u ALL tho U KNOW!! I'll miss you Lucy....
kiki rassyzac
i have sonic lost world and sonic boom rise of lirc but i passed soinc boom it was fun.
tirille itentomee
Anthony AnthonyV27
Flareon C2theJ2theC06
John_Doe is coming Do not play roblox on March 18th please!!!!
Rock Lee Monchis75
I like anime and rock music....
blake btrahan1972
HunterBug HunterBug2010
NB zamb68
This user's profile comment is private.
Blu RickyRacoon04
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Waluigi DTBoss
hi guys im DTBoss also known as The Gamer i play a lot of wii u games and i have lots of fun playing with my friends especcialy on minecraft if u friend me u can have fun with me and my friends. thx DTBoss
Bowserboss owensmellypoo
Hi kyle i wish we could stay freinds like your freinds with elcoolsosa thx to me and you met ricardo thx to me so think about the good things that happend when we were freinds i mean we still are but please just think peace :]
dalastar brook2277
hi im brook i love undertale and panic imagine dragons my best friend is dallasstar i love to draw and listen to music i dont get mad easily and love people with a sense of humor ♪♪ps im 11
★★PUDEL★★ bellanutella
danja 3mlg nadoel
hi bin daniel bin 9 jahre spiele minecraft und meine lieblings farbe ist grün hoffe ihr mögt mich
November 7 rozo999
fireflame neil1972
hi my name is Jam i like getting friends on the wii u i have roblox and i hate getting kicked when you read this please follow and have a good day
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
BloodWing Jasabelle
josuefo josue130508ana
fill to my death!!!!!
frisk TT aka25dlc
Frisk:hello my name is frisk and these are my friends paci:hi :) geno:.... hi.....>:( Frisk:anyways i am the..... (geno and sans are fighting in the backround) paci:guys stop.. *runs to stop the fighting* frisk:umm i gotta stop them to so bye.
StampyOMG™ markyd28
Whats Up My Name Is StampyOMG™!! Someone Named DERP Copied My Profile Please Will People Join Me On Mario Kart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Favourite Games are minecraft and mario kart 8
mario fogrunner
Erny egarcia209
Hello there i'm Èřйÿ and i like to play games. Favorite food:Pizza \(♥ ▲ ♥\) Age:11 Favorite activity: Games (Isn't it obvious?) Favorite games: MH3U (Monster Hunter 3 ultimate), Terraria, Minecraft, and Super Smash Bros I'm too lazy to right the rest, but I think you get it right? ('¬' )
EV-Karan diljeet56
Hi leute ich heiße karan bin 10 jahre alt meine Lieblings spiele sind Splatoon Minecraft Mario Kart 8.Lieblings Youtuber Arazhul_HD,Larsoderso,Chaosflo44,Paluten, GermanLetsplay,Zombey,Maudado.Viel Spaß auf mein Profil und tschüss!
bendy christnag
hey guys my name is pokemon boy but it is really chisnag so yah i am so funny so if you want to be my friend just add me so yah my profile is not hiden by adin so just look at my profile and goodbye guys !
goten goku Claykids2013
i am awsome
LukeGamer! dwedig
Jς ψσгтн sherman2014
Profile comment hidden by admin Just Kidding Anyways Hey guys im your Friendly Neighborhood Jonathan and get ready for...The things I love most!!!!! [-_-] Favorite Songs Include: No type, Doodlebob Remix, Wrecking Mob Favorite Games: Minecraft, Miiverse, Disney Infinity, Lego Marvel Avengers Friends: Supabug, Bolt, Gamingkid, Williams Hookie, and more so please follow me HI!
minion calahan29
Hello guys my name is Oliver i do mario walkthroughs pokemon walkthroughs and all that kind of stuff so yeah! Be sure to check MARIOMAKER NEWS out and absolutley demolish that follow button and be sure to KO!!!!! the yeah button and i,ll seeya soon BYE!!!
Stampy dradwan
Rico 24rico0369
wer will Splatoon zocken ! ;-)
Geovonnie OGYogi67
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hello welcome to my page olso i need followerse 'francia salui jemepel joe