Δircгaft's Followers
vamlirepf panflip
hi im panflip im have started a comunty called follow bomers to save miiverse just follow alot of pepole to try and save miiverse and i'm geting maried to 007madie some day and where dating we both like undertale and innopropetethings :-
Rog sixions
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pinkie pie pinkiepie1409
hey everyone i am pinkie pie 1409 i really want to have a youtube channel and my youtube name would be blue heart and i would love to work with ihascupquake .And my two favourite colours are blue and pink.
Thomas. ♡ Toto_acnl_ytb
なっち Wolf-like-us101
wiiUは全々まだ上手ではないですが、フォローなどよろしくおねがいします。マイクラが大好きで今も楽しくやっておりま~す。!フォローなどしたら必ず返しま~す。楽しくとうこうしよう。あとスプラも好き。スクイーズをしょうかいしているユーチュバーは1D&ゆーぽんが好きです。 おつぽん!
☆Thomas☆ j-dizzle428511
The first one to yeah my post gets a shoutout.I'll try to post everyday new post today 100%
**** ***** Parliment78
èñ ][568888
み。シルクンダホすき Hi.Tana0523
顔ポチありがとうです! ~プロフィール紹介♡~ 名前…み。シルクンダホ好き(すき) 好きなゲーム…マイクラ、スプラ 歳…小5(おバカ) 普通の女の子 好きなユーチューバー…フィッシャーズ(1番はシルク、ンダホ) シルク→なまらかっこいい、かわいい、おもろい! ンダホ→なまらかわいい、おもろい! マイクラ、スプラやってるよ! フォローもまだまだよろしく(ìοí)/ せーの アデュー! えっ!まだみてくれるの? フィッシャーズ好きな方フォローおねがいします! まだ大丈夫? ユーチューブ好きな人フォローを まだっ! ってもう話すことないからアデュー H.2017 10.10(火)
★Sora2k9★ Sora2k0
Hola soy Sora2k9. Aqui te dejare mis gustos. -Mis series favoritas son: 1a-Rick And Morty 2a-RWBY 3a-One Punch Man Mis videojuegos favoritos son: 1-Kindom Hearts (Saga)- 3-Dark Souls (Saga) 2-TLOZ (Saga) Mis Youtubers favoritos son: 1-Wismichu 2-Masterlasheron 3-Nexxuz World Musica: 1-Pop Punk 2-Rock 3-Vocaloid Si tienes una consola Xbox 360 añademe! Mi GT es Sora2k9 ¡Bye bye!
(^△^) liam060606
自己紹介ーーー!!!……(悲しい) ・スイッチほしい ・スイッチくれー ・おおー神よ我にスイッチを恵んでくだされーー ・なぁー何で皆スイッチもってるの? ううっ……(涙) youTubeでスイッチの動画みるしかないかぁー(棒) (本当)[自己紹介] ・小6 ・好きなこと……寝るっ! ・嫌いなこと……死にたくな~いよっ! ・身長53587843668km
Anthony dzortz
Hi. My name is Anthony. I'm a big fan of Super Smash bros, Minecraft and Animal Crossing. My goal is to reach 1000 followers and 100 friends.That would be a big help to me.So feel free to follow or friend request me. ( I do not accept blank friend requests.) I also speak in french. Je parle aussi en français. Aurevoir!
sosafam sosafam
Tori c: Getscaredonce21
×Bandtrash Ahead× XSmol Bean AheadX I'm Tori ^^ Im 15~ Hobbies~ Writting, Singing, Video games, Youtube, and Skateboarding :3 I love music :D I love Pandas I love monster Im weird c: Im a smol bean c: Song of the day~Message Man- Twenty one pilots Bai! :3 ☆Neo~ Meh bestie :3☆ ♥Frenando~My world♥
DraXxPVPxX thedarkgaming2
wesh les gens ;-D est c e n'ai que mon deuxième compte aller sur mon premier compte mais comme g mis mon vrai âge pour m'acctpter en amis il faut aller sur ma liste d'amis est aller dans ajouter est mettre mon ID et moi pareille bon baie les gens.et aussi g 12 an abonnez vous (^-^) bye bye
ΛυΛ_zеиiж littleblackbunny
уσ \(′ω `*)/ {\___/} ( •ω• ) /> ☆ > ψσιισω4ψοιιοω (˛ •ω•)/˜ εηjσγ ιίνε нανε α ζгеατ ςμммε ί αм а ♂ ί αм α ςλναζε ψαν ψοοD•ταсσ ψλν соιιοг•яеδ ί ιίκε τσ•Dгαω ριαγ ςσссεг βε ηιсε ςτατμς•μнм οκ ·ω· ραριαмεητσ•100% εηζιίςн•85% ςραηιςн•75% Dμτсн•85% ςίηζιε ¬˛¬ сγα ς( δω‹)/˜
********** bubsnbobblehead
Bye-Bye Miiverse. ‹°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪•°♪°•♪°› ———————————————————————————————————————— .·:♥:·.~♪A ł α и ' s h ε я ε~♪.·:♡:·.
Landon kschmidt33
Bobby RipedGutz
мäįlèηÇħäη valentina_1719
Hi i am мäįlèηÇħäη lil things bout me : _ tomorrow my parents would gime splatoon 2 _DON'T ACEPT WII U CHAT _we can do RP's if you want _Latina & proud _Puedo hablar español _ i am a h@cker but shhhhh _my sis SακυгαCнαη we are twins but So different Still here okkk stay fresh Follow me and i follow you BYEEEE!!
Shades WindyBeach
amorameche amorameche
#putabida tengo wii u y no tengo SMB también tengo wii pero no SMBB solo tengo SMB de N64 en mi emulador
chloe lena1975
kerri olaf7000
hi im kerri!!! im getting a dog at the end of the year! adore them!! have 2 siblings!! love reading books!!! have a pet budgie and 2 pet goldfish!!!! if you like my pics, just add me as a follower!!! if you are a follower.... PLEASE FOLLOW ME AT ALL TIMES OK? thankyou!!!!!!
******** Ahmad_of_Dark
some friends i'll miss Saki Bacon c: Speed c: Orange c: Mike Sora Ed Thunder Amon JR lily Danny Beth Pichu →ily XDD :'c
とも mozomi_mura
大阪に住んでいる 名前は、ともです。 趣味は、電車を見ること 好きなアニメ 1ドラえもん 2クレヨンしんちゃん 3マイクラのアニメ(外国) 好きなゲーム 1マインクラフト 2WIIスポーツ 3マリオメーカー 4マリオカート
R&у◆Fσx♡ČL wDvEn0m
Hai, I'm Oliver Competitive MK8 player Leader of Яv (INVITE ONLY) Co-leaders: яƒ DAD and Jason A few close friends of mine - Aria/Joycon Ricky Saki Jason Venus Sean Nate Emma Zoey Olivia Jordan This place was interesting, to say the least. Thanks for the memories.
Kevin IsaacPci
Hi guys my name is Kevin I like to play video games The Wii u games I have are:Splatoon Super smash bros for wii u Super Mario Maker Super Mario 3D World New Super Mario Bros.U Minecraft and mario kart 8 also i do follow for follow
Cman99 bandm03
Follow for follow. On my tablet I have War Robots,Power Rangers Legacy Wars,And Pixel Gun 3D.My name is Cman99 on all of them like lobby in Pixel Gun 3D and Ill like yours.Im into Music,TV,Video Games,Sports,And youll guys post!!!:)Cman ooouuut
Michael snipe_snipe123
i take friend request so if you need a friend request/regist supersmash bros mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olpmicis game splatoon by the way i also do squad battle splatoon squad battle come join my squad we also play private battle. super smash bros if your my friend we also do smash every saterday im starting a you have calfornia time any time just join any time you we do tornamment im
◆Bleach The_MkW_Josh
Loading... Hi Im Joshua your averaged candian boy My clans are EC2, ят, AV ,РĀ, R¢ andЪН And im 15 '_' and plz no wii u chats! ↓ thanks for 600 Followers and follow for follow Peace! oh and i might not play much because of highschool ok bye!
Hi Everyone This My Profile as u can see so lets get to the facts My Favorite Food Chicken,Refried Beans and Pizza My Games,Splatoon Minecraft Super Mario 3D Land And More Fav YTERS FaZe_Apex,DanTDM,MyLifeAsArii=My cousons channel Clans: DX:Member мςv:member V:member VP:Leader Update Disclaimer:I am moving to Georgia Soon ill be off and also i am turning of accept friend request
Jonathan SWARM4444
Hi i'm 15 and i love to play Mario :) My favourite Mario game is Super Mario World I also like to watch DashieXP and McJuggerNuggets on youtube! Also you should check out YummiR6 i love trucks, motorcycles and basketball my favourite team is Golden State Warriors
******** platable
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Almiux aldelia_almiux
Hola! Me gusta el Anime,Manga,jugar videojuegos y estar con mis amigos
★ Agent 5☆ minime2443
10 FACTS ABOUT YOU! 1.you are reading this now 2.your thinking that was a stupid fact 4.you didn't notice that i skipped three 5.your checking now 6.your smiling 7.your still reading this even though its stupid 9.you didn't realize i skipped eight 10.your checking now 11.your enjoying this 12.you didn't realize there's only supposed to be ten facts. :D age:14 9th grade 5'8 insta: 1_.matt._1
LoXxY : ) thedarkgaming971
wesh les gens c'est thedarkgaming mais tu peut m'appeller thedark comme les autre font objectif 150 abonné abonne toi svp je rend (: caractéristique. drole:★★★★★ tu peut compter sur moi geek:★★★★★★★★★★★★★ désolé plus de place (:) sympa:★★★★★ t'inquète j'le suis ;-p ;-) ;-P prénom:Leny nom: duchant gentille:★★★★★ abn toi svp ;-P ;-p ;P; ;p encore remonte t'abonner <3
Ж. Fanny1706